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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2011
Reaction score
, , USA
how much kale do you give your rabbits (ranging the 7lb range? ) also how often?

i just bought kale for my mini lop/ mini rex 7lb rabbit and i want to know how much i can give him and how often.

thank you!!!!!!!
not sure but just wanted to say im amazed your bun likes it lol. I bought mine some and despite the fact i thought it smelled like BO they refused to go near it and was trying to get away like it was going to bite them!!
HA!!!!lol. my bunny will eat any greens. every night when i feed him pellets, he scarfed it done so fast i actually think he choked on it. he was acting weird but now he's fine :)
I wouldn't make kale a big part of a rabbit's diet. It shows up on many lists as a feed-occasionally veggie though some people feed it more often than that.

I suggest eating the part the rabbits don't get by steaming it & adding a vinaigrette.

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