Just wondering

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Active Member
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Ferndale, Florida, USA
I was just wondering when I can start feeding my baby bunny greens? I've had Lawney for just over 1 week. She is I'm guessing a few months old. Still very young but old enough to be away from Momma. (The feed store she came from doesn't know how old)

I'd love to start giving her some dark leafy greens and other healthy treats. Is alfalfa hay OK to give now? How good are those store bought rabbit treats?
You can start dark leafy greens at 3 months, slowly. Introduce one veggie at a time.

Bunnies can have alfalfa hay up to 6 months of age. After 6 months old they can haveit in small amounts as a treat up to a year old.

No store treats. They are bad for bunnies. Sorry. People are still gonna give them to their bunnies in small quanities but i would stay away. NO fruits eithers. Too sugary. No craisins.
stina3246 wrote:
I was just wondering when I can start feeding my baby bunny greens? I've had Lawney for just over 1 week. She is I'm guessing a few months old. Still very young but old enough to be away from Momma. (The feed store she came from doesn't know how old)

I'd love to start giving her some dark leafy greens and other healthy treats. Is alfalfa hay OK to give now? How good are those store bought rabbit treats?
personally i donot like alfalfa,,due to gi stasis/it is not a fiber like timothy-orchard grass,,please check websites like house of rabbit society,.and adopt a rabbit ,..they are very informative on getting started with rabbits/lots to know ,,sincerely james waller:biggrin2:
Peolle on here generally say that alfalfa has is good for the young, the growing and the old. It can be fed alongside unlimited Timothy Hay.

In terms of the greens, if you have only had her a week, then chances are she may be as young as 9 weeks old (or even younger if the breeder sold her too young). To be on the safe side I would probably suggest not feeding any greens for maybe another month or two.

When you do, start with the dark leafy ones, and just a teeny tiny bit (like a mouthful or two), and watch for 24 hours to see if it has any effect (excess cecals, diarrhoea, no poos, lethargy, etc). Remember to only introduce one type of food at once. Then the next day, if no problems on day one, increase the amount slightly, and repeat the whole process again. If you do see any problems you will obviously need to deal with that in terms of her health, but also you will know not to feed that again.

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