Just Sending An Email About Fostering (question)

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Clare, , Ireland
Well my Mam just brought this up earlier, she was talking to someone fundraising in a shopping centre for an animal shelter, and she really wants to help by fostering from one (not that particular one as it is a few hours away) but a more local one we have found. She is willing to do small animals (though they never get any) and puppies and kittens, we can't really do the bigger dogs and cats, because we don't have an enclosed garden, and I know most rescues are very strict about that.

Does anyone know the general criteria that reputable rescues have for fosterers?
It will vary rescue to rescue, so I would suggest calling and having a chat with them. Also, have a think about what kind of fostering you'd like to do, like if they are full, or if an animal has additional needs, long term, or short term, things like that.
:) a secure garden is a must with dogs - expecially puppies:p another issue may be whether someone is home during the day - would the animal be 'home alone' for any length of time. other animals or children would also be considered. good luck with this! you certainly are taking the right approach.:)
Ya my Mam is unemployed. I thought the garden would be ok with puppies? Our puppy never went outside it. We live in the countryside on a half acre :)
In the link below is the procedure that our Humane Society follows forour fosters.


You must pass a security check. Aconstable will come out to your home for an inspection. They will go over with you what and wherea good place to house the animal. They will give you some ideas and suggestions on what to do.

I have a binder that lists all the procedures and protocols in fostering an animal. It has all the names and numbers to call if there is an emergency. There is a support group that you can talk to and share ideas with, and a very dedicated Foster Coordinator or Vet who seems to be available 24 hours.

um my local SPCA's one is:

Why would you like to be involved in the foster program? _____________________________

Which animals are you interested in fostering?

Kittens □ Puppies □
Cats with kittens □ ******* with puppies □
Injured cats or kittens □ Injured dogs or puppies □
Sick cats or kittens* □ Sick dogs or puppies* □
Large animals □ Rabbits and guinea pigs □

*Ideally this option should be chosen only if no other like animal is housed on your property.

What pets do you have at home?

Dogs: Males Females Ages Vaccinated Y/N Desexed Y / N

Cats: Males Females Ages Vaccinated Y/N Desexed Y / N

Other pets______________________________________________________________

Veterinarian’s name Phone number
Email: ______________________________________

May we contact your vet for a reference? Y / N

Have you fostered an animal before? Y / N
If yes please describe the animal and the situation _____


Have you owned other animals (not listed above) in the past 5 years? Y / N
What happened to those animals?

Do you rent your house/apartment? Y / N
If yes, do you have the landlord’s permission to keep animals inside the house? Y/ N
Landlord’s name Phone number ______

Do you consent to us calling your landlord?__________________________________________

Do ALL household members agree to you fostering animals? Y / N

Please list any special facilities for foster animals? (E.g. cage for confinement or separate area in
house such as a laundry or spare room)

Where will your foster pets be kept when you are at home?

When you are NOT at home?

How many hours each day are you away from home?

Do you have children? Y / N If yes, what ages are they?

Have you ever had an animal in your house with a contagious disease? E.g. Snuffles, feline enteritis,
parvovirus, ringworm Y / N
If yes please give details

Our vet clinic is open for vaccinations at scheduled times from Monday to Friday. Are you able to
transport your foster animals and supplies to and from these appointments? Y / N

Are you able to medicate your fosterlings if necessary? Y / N

How long are you able to foster the animals for?

Dog and puppy fostering

Do you have a fenced or secure area where foster dogs or puppies can be confined? Y / N

How many puppies can you comfortably accommodate?

Do you have any previous experience in the care of dogs or puppies? Y / N
If yes please give details

Would you be willing to allow an SPCA representative to make a home visit at a mutually agreed
time? Y / N

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