Thanks for the kind welcome! Yes,Pumpkin is spayed....and has actually calmed since she wasspayed. What we think is the deal is that the couple that hadher before she joined our family never let her out of her cage, sothat's the only place she knew for so long. She loves havingher romps, and we love to watch her play. She chews thecarpet quite a bit after she's gotten some exercise, so we put otherthings out for her to play with. Often, when she startsmessing with the carpet, she's letting me know that she just wants somelove!
Whiskers is having his romp time now...his favorite spot is under thedining room table....the dining room is "his"'s where hiscage is, and where he feels most comfortable. It's kind offunny that whenever we let him down in the living room, he makes abeeline for the dining room. He binkies all over the place,then races around his cage, under the table, and rests under the chairsat the table. We try to keep his cage out from the wall, sohe has a "chute" to run through...seems to really enjoy that.Anyway...that's our to forage for lunch here.....