Just out of curiosity...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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Upstate NY, , USA
Hi everyone. Here's my delema...I was going to breed my EL doe again today and when I put her in withmy buckshe flipped out on him and literally attacked him. They looked like two cats fighting. She latched ahold of his backend and ripped a chunk of fur out. Then she attacked his face when he went around to sniff her...mind you this was in a matter of 20 seconds. My question is why??? It got me to thinking about acouple ofweeks ago...cant remember when exactly, I woke up in the morning and there was a commotion out on the side porch where their cages are and she was out running loose....must have gotten the door open somehow. Both their cages are on the floor and she was out all night. Anywho...my question is how likely is it that they got to each other through his cage and she could be preggos? Does that even happen? Is that likely the reason for her reaction to him now. Im stumped. Any thoughts??
It is possible but it doesn't happen very often. How big are the spaces between the bars of his cage? Alot of does go off during the winter, they know it's not the right time to have babies and don't want to be bred, which could also be a reason for her attacking him.
I didnt think do. Thanks for the reply. Just caught me off guard is all. I guess shes going to make me wait till spring.
It's entirely possible that he "got" her during the night. If she is already pregenant, she might put up a fight when placed with him again. I'd wait a day and try her again. BUT... I'd hold her (by the shoulders) and not give her the opportunity to turn on him. Careful she doesn't turn on you too.
Hey Cathy (BLUEGIANTS)- Ok, so I tried again today and the same thing happened...only it was more intense today. I held her by the shoulders and he mounted her once,she wasn't giving in to him at all, and she flipped out after that. A huge fight developed-yes, I promise, I did try to keep control. Am I missing something?? What do you think I should donow...if anything.I just dont understand it.
how far along should she be since the time she got out or was got through the cage?

they usually do that if they are pregnant all the fighting and going mad if put near a buck.I would get counting your days you may get a litter. If she is that upset with the buck tho just keep her away from him now.
Thats the problem, I cant remember. Couldnt be more than a couple of weeks. It makes me uneasy because if she is I dont want her to have them on the wire as they will obviously freeze. I dont know what to do. I wish I could tell if she is or not. This sucks. It just didnt seem possible that this could happen with him stillin his cage....maybe Im worried about nothing but I just dont understand the fight.
better to be safe than sorry then. If it wasn't more than a couple of weeks but lest say maybe 16 days then she has 15 days left before she would be due so just be on the safe side and put her box in a bit early. or keep a close eye out for nesting behaviour and when you see her starting to nest get a box in. you can always clean the box back out again!!
Thanks, thats what I was thinking. I was just going to keep a nest box in there with her just in case. I couldnt hurt. Another thing I was thinking about too is do rabbits in general shed during the winter? I was cleaningher cageyesterday and there was alot of fur in the pan. I checked around for loose furon her but couldnt find any...she wasnt sitting still long enough for me to poke and prod at her. Or am I just starting to get paranoid now?:?
may be getting a bit paranoid ;)a few of mine are shedding right now in the shed but our weather has been really changeable this winter.

For your peace of mind see if you can get a look at her tummy just to check she hasnt pulled either that or it could be from her fight with your buck its amazing what they can get in their mouths :p
Nope, not from my buck. Hes opal and the fur is all white. Ill check her over later today. Im just going to let her be for a while and just keep my eye out. Ill let you guys know if there are any changes. Thanks a bunch everyone!:wave:
I had her out today and checked her over. She doesnt have any loose hair or anything. Her belly is soft too if that means anything. I guess I'll keep trying. Shes being stubborn!:p
I tried breeding some does yesterday and only one of them was in the mood and I have had the lights on for 16 hours a day. Winter breeding can be difficult because it's totally against their nature to breed in the winter.

Yeah, I have the lights on constantly too. I think I might wait till the springtime anyway. She has DEFINITELY NOT beenin the mood. Thanks guys!:biggrin2:

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