I can really sympathise, wow I had tonsillitissoo bad when I was a child, I'm talking for weeks all thetime!!:shock
oor you!!
Can I add to this? I need to vent too!! Things are soo bad!
Pebble bit me on Sunday - it hurt and there's a mark!!
Pebble and Ebony have gone crazy, they wont use the litter tray, barelyeat, wont let me pet them - the complete opposite of what they used tobe like!! They cant live without Berri, she was their mum and lookedafter them
I'm so worried.
I miss Berri so much, I started crying at school today, i just want her back.
They are really piling on the homework,I am up until like 12every night doing homework, then I can't sleep afterwards until around2 so I am tired all the time.
And, this will probably amuse you - my chemistry teacher keeps going onat me to go to CHEMISTRY CAMP in thesummer:shock::shock::shock:I don't think so somehow...
Sorry, no need to reply really, just helps to write your feelings down sometimes.