just need to get this off my back

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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
Reaction score
, Michigan, USA
i just really need to get this off my mind or else i will keep thinking, get anxious, and then get depressed, as my doctor said.

so i like this guy, TRYING to get over him. I thought he liked me too. at homecomming he saw me, walked over, and sayed with me all night. anytime there was a slow song he kept asking me but other people would come up to him and just start dancing and i am not the type to just go up and say something. so, i was like, cool, he likes me. he is in theatre with me and we both do lights. i had to do spotlight:(for a show and he does spot. we went to theatre festival to perform our show. i was really fustrated at this point because i kept flirting with him and stuff but i wasn't getting anything back. i was so confused. soo...sometime during the second act, i well, i kissed him. and right in the middle he said "what are you doing?!?". SO embarassing

so i put that behind me, kinda until today. As we were skining our cat in anatomy (yes i got over it and decided to do it) we were talking about boys, and then it came to embarrasing moments with boys. i was like, oh geez, mine is bad. this other girl was like, mine is worse. (btw she just kissed a guy then ran off) I told my story, and of course they wanted to know who it was. after relenting, i gave in. as it turned out, the one girl sits at his lunch table. she said "oh that was you?" and immediately felt bad. the freaking loser kept making fun of me, and his lunch table would join in (i forgave the girl, cause she didn't know me or anything). so i guess he thinks i am crazy or something.

it just sucks because i still kinda like him, and truthfully i was secretly hoping he would ask me to prom. i am just stuck. ugh. IDIOT!!!
If he wants to spend his lunch time laughing at you, Hes not worth your time. Your better thena guy who spends his time laughing at girls who like him. Hes just stuck up and probably not sure what to do.. . I had this problem (Yeah I know, I'm young) and siriously.. .I still like him but I know, He really isn't worth my time.

Anyways, Good luck in whatever you choose to do.
Go out with some friends, get a good day off and just chill. Then go back to school, head up high, shoulders back, and if anyone asks or taunts you just say "I heard he was a bad kisser and wanted to know if it was true." And say nothing more, just leave them all hanging ;)
truthfully, i think he just has a low self esteem. he's the guy ya know who is always cracking the dumb jokes. and he's not really the sharpest crayon in the box. more like the one you use after you color the grass or sky with. i don't know if this is just an act or what...

but whatever, i am feeling better now, just writing it down has helped me let go of it.
Awww :hug:

For me, the easiest way to forget someone is to meet someone new. Do you have any interest in any other boy?
no. not a big supply of good guys at my school. on the plus side, i am *hoping* to get into cycling this summer. it will be even better if i get that job at the bike shop...

but anyways there is this like race track you can practice at and there are not very many girl cyclists....and cyclists are pretty fit...if you catch my drift...;)