just how smart is a bunny?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2006
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Southern, Illinois, USA
i've heard people say that dogs can have an IQeqaul to a 1.5-2 yrs old human baby, so i am just wondering about thisfor bunnies.

in chinese folk tales and children's stories, bunny always representssomeone who is clever. and from the american cartoons likebugs bunny, it is pretty smart too. so just how smart is abunny? any scientific research result on this one?

I dunno...I just tried researching it on the web, too, and found nothing! Weird!

I'll research further and see what I can find. Would be interesting to know!

Something I found interesting...apparently the octopus has quite thehigh IQ! :) Smart little squigglies! :)
I guess nobody thought they'd be worth researching as far as IQ. Shows how little they know.

I've seen lots of articles comparing rabbits to human toddlers, whichseems about right. They're probably similar to a cat inintelligence, which I think is better than a dog'sintelligence. Rabbits have that independant thing going on,but they can learn tricks if there's a good reason.:)

Smart bunny moment with Fey: The bunnies kept chewing on awooden folding table I was using for a lamp in the bunny room at my oldapartment. So I built an NIC fence around it. Ididn't secure it because it's very presence discouraged Mocha andLoki. Fey is another story. She really wanted inthere but knew she'd get in trouble. You know what shedid? She grabbed the fence with her teeth, slid it aside,hopped in, and turned around and closed the fence again. Shedid the same thing when she went out. I guess she'd beendoing it for a while, the sneeky beast!

Similar moment with someone else: I know a girl who has apair of bunnies that live in the kitchen, blocked off by a babygate. She was asleep on the couch in the living room when anoise woke her up. She opened her eyes just in time to seeone of her kitchen buns hopping back into the kitchen and turningaround to close the gate behind her. See Mommy? Youwere just dreaming. There couldn't have been bunnies in theliving room because the gate is closed!
Oh naturestee, that is so funny! They are smart little boogers!

I was staying at my mom's for awhile when BunBun was young, he'd go inthe kitchen and chew my mom's potatoes while they were still in the bagshe kept on a cart. Well, when we let him out, she'd put theleaf to her dining table to block the doorway to the kitchen, guesswhat he did? So determined to get in there, would jump thedarn thing, it was 3 ft high.
Hahah, Misty can escape from anythingtoo. One time she was being bad, so I locked her in hercage. Within 2 mins, she found her way out (don't knowhow...), ran into my bedroom, stood at my feet, thumped really loudly,then turned around ran down the stairs to go play, feet flicking at meas she ran.

SO smart... way smarter than we give them credit for I think.

naturestee wrote:
I've seen lots of articles comparing rabbits to humantoddlers, which seems about right. They're probably similarto a cat in intelligence, which I think is better than a dog'sintelligence.

Hmmm, where did you see that?

i'm gonna google that out too.
Personally, I think they are more determined andnaughty than smart. They seem good at getting into/out of areas butthat may be more to do with their survival instincts of escaping.
I know Bud has to be one of the smartest animalsI have ever had. One time I was talking on a corded phone (it sits on adesk) and he decided he wanted me to hand him hay. He jumped onto mylap with a stick of hay in his mouth. Dropped it there and I wastalking/typing (not paying attention to him) So he jumped onto thekeyboard and started nudging/sniffing the wire, i made the no noise andhe just turned and stared at me, hay in his mouth and everything. Thenhe jumped right onto the telephone reciever and hung it up (i'mguessing since he didn't want to drop the hay to chew the cord or b/che knew not to.) I don't know how or why but it really seemed like heknew what he was doing to get me to pay attention to him and hand feedhim that one starnd of hay.