I won't live anywhere that doesn't have a/c. Jeremy hasallergies and it helps him. Plus it feels so good to walk in from thehot outdoors to a cool house. Guess I'm pampered lol.
I leave it running for the fur babies whenever I'm not home so I don't have to worry about them getting to hot.
Oh, I miss air conditioning. This isthe only place I've ever lived, including college, where I didn't atleast have a window unit. We're getting them this weekthough, I'm going nuts and the poor critters...
Oh I feel spoiled. I've had air conditioning allmy life. And I can't stand the heater :X.. Guess we wouldhave to have it since we live in FL. I'm sure I'll miss it when thestorms come and knock out our power for days. onder:
We have central air but it dont always workright. If it runs for too long it makes a loud noise and dont cool theplace off. I am waiting for maintance to come fix it. IN acouple weeks we are going camping and I plan on leaving it on for thebunnies. My little sister is going to come in and take careof the bunnies.