just got air conditioning!

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I have air conditioner hubby put in last night

FOR THE RABBITS LOL , I have one for uphere but with the snakes I canthook it up . lol so its Fans forus and Air for them.
Gypsy, you are way too funny.

I won't live anywhere that doesn't have a/c. Jeremy hasallergies and it helps him. Plus it feels so good to walk in from thehot outdoors to a cool house. Guess I'm pampered lol.

I leave it running for the fur babies whenever I'm not home so I don't have to worry about them getting to hot.

Oh, I miss air conditioning. This isthe only place I've ever lived, including college, where I didn't atleast have a window unit. We're getting them this weekthough, I'm going nuts and the poor critters...

Oh I feel spoiled. I've had air conditioning allmy life. And I can't stand the heater :X.. Guess we wouldhave to have it since we live in FL. I'm sure I'll miss it when thestorms come and knock out our power for days. :ponder:
We have central air but it dont always workright. If it runs for too long it makes a loud noise and dont cool theplace off. I am waiting for maintance to come fix it. IN acouple weeks we are going camping and I plan on leaving it on for thebunnies. My little sister is going to come in and take careof the bunnies.

I've got several window units.

Good thing, too!! It's been close to 90 degress for the past 3 days. Today it's supposed to get up to 95 :shock:!

I leave the A/C on for the bunnies, dog, and hamsters....oh yeah, us too ;)!

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