Just got a new pregnant flemish question about behavior

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Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
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Snohmish County, Washington, USA
I just got a pregant Flemish 2 day ago. the owners couldnt keep her since they will be moving soon, So i decided to take her. I am newer with rabbit I have been reading tons to learn everything I can. But she has been acting very territorial. She will snort and me anytime I am not petting her and trying to clear up her cage. if i am petting. is this normal. she is 2 years old and she is 8 or 9 days pregnant. I am just worried and what to know how you guys deal with this or have seen this. the owners said she is a very sweet girls so I don't know if it is all just because everything is new and pregnant or if there is more I should be worried about. i am also conserned if she is like this now how will she be after she has the babbies will it make it very hard for me to check on them.
Hi. I don't think her being prego has anything to do w/ her behavior. I feel it's more that she's in a new home w/ a new place to live and new people. She's just not comfortable yet. Give her some time to adjust before trying to make friends w/ her. Read the thread about bonding w/ your bunny and try some of those steps. They don't bond like dogs and cats. It'sa whole different story.

If I can do it w/ my Flemish doe, you can, too. Just takes time and patience.

Good luck!

P.S. Grunting is a common noise for them to make. It's like a cat hissing. They only do this when they're annoyed or you've made them mad. At least, that's when my bun does it. She can be quite demanding. lol

Try "ignoring" her... if she wants a pet, let her come to you, don't just go in for the pet and hope to get a happy response. She'll let you know when she's ready. Hand feeding treats can help w/ that, too. She needs to know you're the good "guy" and not a threat. Rabbits are prey animals so she needs to learn to trust you and that you're not going to hurt her.

My bun got grumpy about 2 wks into her pregnancy, but after that she was back to her laid back sweet self.
Oh wow - a pregnant doe can become VERY territorial about her cage - and when you add to that the fact that she's in a new place....you're going to have to work to earn her trust.

Most folks won't agree with me - but I've tamed many does this way that were cage territorial.

Keep some cheerios on hand...and when you reach in - try to make her let you pet her - and then give her cheerios as a reward.

I have found that after two weeks (at the most) the doe starts looking for the pets AND the treats...and then I start cutting down on the treats, etc.

Good luck!
I meant to add a quick story.

We had one doe that I'd bred but I didn't think she took. Art went to reach into her cage about 2 weeks after I'd bred her (if that long) - and she grunted at him and charged at him and really sorta freaked him out by her behavior. She'd always been a sweetheart.

When I reached in later that day - she grunted at me too and didn't want me anywhere nearby.

I continued to pet her during the remaining time of her pregnancy but didn't push her too much.

She turned out to be one of the best mamas I ever had...I find that the territorial does are usually good mamas for me.
Oh yeah... glad you chimed in, Peg!! :)

I forgot how grumpy Hope got when I tried putting my hand into her nest box when she was in there before she kindled. It was clearly HERS and NOT MINE!! Her own way of saying "keep out" I suppose.
thank you, did good yesterday when I frist brought her home when I would sit in the bathroom with her. I built her cage today so now she is in that. So she would come up and let me pet her but that was it and today when I would go to her cage I could pet her for a few minutes then she would start to grunt at me so I think I just need to let her get use to me and I read that atricle on bonding so I will try some of those things as well. But I will just not push her. but I have notice that while I am petting her I can clean or move food but if I stop petting and move food she will grunt.I have a 4 month old flemish that i just got 2 weeks ago and she is the sweetiest thing she is starting to bond very well
ROFLOL - Harmony just charged me when I went to check on her. I bred her a few days ago and she had such a bad night last night.

I decided "this will be her last show for the season since she's bred...I'll take her to Seguin".

Well - she hated her carrier (its a large one but she's pretty huge) and then we had a flat tire 31 miles from home and we're stopped and the rabbits start fighting. Basically - she was trying to fight with the doe in the carrier beside her.

So we put her in a cat kennel...she's much happier but seh gives Art the butt when she gets upset at him for eating a lozenge and giving her the paper to shred when she wanted the lozenge for herself.

We get home - I let her go in her cage and she goes to the back corner and gives me the butt...big time.

I just went in to check on her and pet her since Robin fed tonight...I open the door and reach out to pet her and she charges at me and grunts...and goes to the back corner of her cage.

My lovebug - who BEGS for pets - doesn't want me near her at all.

I put my hand near her litter box and she growled again.

Me thinks she is pregnant...or still mad about being in a cramped carrier.

Even flemish can have an attitude sometimes!
This is Harmony...imagine someone that size charging at you and grunting...






ya that cant be fun. here is a picture of my new girl the one that is trying to get use to thing or just being overly protective of her stuff. And ya she has a bad ear. the owner said it has alway been like that since they got her. she said the owners son picked her up buy her ears and hurt the one. the 2nd picture was the first night last night in the bathroom


My lord Peg! What do u feed her? Lol. What's she weigh?

Dj... poor girl. Picked up by her ears, wow. She's good sized, too.
Good luck.
First off - what a sweetie....I hope she does well for you.

As far as Harmony - she's from Juan Perez's lines (from New England)....his rabbits seem huge to me. She gets Purina Pro and I do give her a tiny bit extra than what the others get because she is so large...but honestly - that is the way her parents were. I want to say she is around 15 or 16 pounds - I'd have to check my blog.
Bella has done better today, the bonding is going better today, she has not been grunting today, but I have not tried to clean up much of her poop she uses her litter box some more today as well. but we have had about 6 different times where I went out to her cage and talked to her and petted her, we are keeping it on her turms. when she walks away and goes to the back of the cage I let her. we spent anywhere from 5-10 minutes,so thing are doing aliitle better today, hope this keep looking up,
Keep up the good work. It sounds like she's coming around and getting more comfortable in her new home w/ her new human. :)
One of my rabbits just had babies and is a great mom.

When she was pregnant, she got very protective of her house and would try to scratch me if I put my hand in. I moved her to the shed to give birth and put her house in there too cos she had already built a nest in it. And now that she has had the babies she is fine, she's really relaxed and friendly and doesn't mind me handling the kits at all. :)

My other rabbit always gets a little upset if I try to pick her up when she's pregnant and will cry/growl, but she is fine once she has the babies.

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