Just checking up on nutrition

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Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
Tempe, Arizona, USA
I have soon to be 3 (I have a new guy on the way) chinchillas. Their diets are very similar to that of a rabbits, timothy hay and alfalfa pellets.
As for pellets, I actually do a mixture. I get fresh pure alfalfa pellets, but I was told on a chinchilla forum they were concerned that my chins were not getting the same "nutrition" because it was not a "brand" food (Which I don't see why, but anyways) I mix Mazuri (which is a good brand in the chinchilla world) with the pure pellets (Mixture is 30/70, with there being more pure pellets)

I am currently weaning my new bunny off the junk food of Kaytee from the petstore but I want to ask if the Mazuri is a good brand for rabbits also.

Oxbow is both good for chins (Don't worry, I know to feed rabbit food for rabbits, I would not feed the rabbit the chin mazuri) but Oxbow is harder for me to get (I have to order online, while Mazuri is carried by my feed store)

Second, I am feeding timothy hay, but I was wondering if my 2 month old needs anything else, or if he will.

Also, can anyone reconmend any quality treats? I feed chins plain cherrios and then these alfalfa treats that pretty much pure alfalfa (But wrapped in cardboard) because chins have sugar problems.

Thanks :)
chinchilla,s how quaint,.however the nearest thing i can think of in comparison to a rabbits gi-tract would be a horse,..rabbits require a diet of 70% fiber ie.timothy/ochard grass,quality low fat pellets (1oz.per#of rabbit daily)some fresh vegy,s,.ie.dandylions,clover,grass,..this is my rule of thumb for good healthy rabbits and to keep dvm bills low,..sincerely james waller
I personally like Mazuri products....it's a part of Purina. I am not a fan of Oxbow at all. A chin might be a "missing link" or a bridge between lagomorphs and rodents. One of the primary dietary difference is that chins require extra calcium....love those orange teeth of a healthy chin. And a chin can live a very healthy life, like a rabbit, on high quality hays and we feed more alfalfa to chins. There are few "junk"pellets for chins since it's not a large market somost ofthe pellets I have seen are pretty good.And chins are like rabbits....if you feed them properly, the pellet should be such a small part of the diet that it really doesn't make any difference. Chins, again like rabbits, evolved to survive off low quality grass typefoods...in the case of the chins,scrub grass that is grown at very high mountain altitudes. Our chins are fed limited pellets, greens and veggies with free choice hays...grass and alfalfa.

Well, how does everyone feel about Purina Advanced Nutrition show formula?
I found out that its both used for rabbits and chinchillas (Highly recommended for chins actually)

I think the pellets/hay is the only thing chinchillas and rabbits have inc common. Fresh fruit/veggies are not well for Chinchillas and must have almost no sugar in there diets.

Where do I get dandelions and clovers?
purina rabbit chow is what my rabbits get,,the type you mention might require some -label -comparison,..the dandylions,clovers,grasses i get are out of the neighbors yard, he,he,he-got caught once,but that won,t stop me,.good luck chiny chinchila,..sincerely james waller

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