Just cause i'm nosey...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
, Texas, USA

1. What is your name?
Zin/Carroll-Marie'/Blakes Mom/Christian's Mom/Ms.Pattie/Rabbit lady/orange truck lady

2. How old might you be?
34 for the momento..

3. Were you the middle child?
I was first and only for almost 32 yrs, then I found my birthmom, and I have an annoying lil brother and a toothless sister..

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
ummmmm no, but my mom has some old snapshots

6. Do you live near the beach?
Nope, I reside in a swamp..literally..

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
I haven't been anywhere yet

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
My daddy

11. What is something that annoys you most?
invasion of personal space


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?
Do you LIKE to "do it yourself?".

3. Favorite freshman?

4. Favorite sophomore?
Miranda, Blakes cowgirl best friend/tormentor/partner in crime

5. Favorite junior?
Jessica.. the other part of the Miranda and Blake Trio crime syndicate, oh and Robert Downey JUNIOR... (the Iron Man Trailer makes me giddy)

6. Favorite senior?
Senior citizen?.. um.. my mom.

7. Favorite time of day?
I am happy all the time. but I guess in the morning when I open the barn up to see all my bunnies are ok.

8. Favorite fruit?
Strawberries and bing cherries

9. Favorite restaurant?

10. Favorite band?
Linkin Park, Tim McGraw, Emilie Autumn

11.Favorite drink?
Starbucks and Big Red Vanilla Float

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Have you ever seen a pic of me? I go chunky dunkin..

2. Peed your pants from laughing?

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
Yup... *My thats a very hairy chest you have there*.. I will NEVER live that down.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Yup....it involved me being a teenager, a can of spray paint, and the phrase *stop vandalism* large enough for all to see.

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
Yup but he self tazors now.. so its all good.

6. Fired a gun?
Yup.. many times, I live in Texas..

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
Yup....isn't that what holidays are all about?

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
No commento por favor

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
Nope.. ok yes...

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
Define party.. cause isnt a holiday get together a party? If so, yeah, we partied like rock stars..lol


1. What's for dinner tonight?
I found some Turkey Carcasses in my freezer, so right now on the boil is Turkey Tortilla Soup! It smells SO yum in here!

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
Yup.. I am married aint I?

3. What did you wear to prom?
It was 1990, it involved fuschia, satin, and sequins, and very very very large hair

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
yup! my husband, the day before the wedding I sent him to to get some nailpolish for the wedding, he got the wrong kind, so I threw the phone at him. Can you beleive he still went through with the ceremony.. 18 years of marital bliss! HAHAHAHA

5. What are you listening to?
My DVD of The Tudors

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
ummmmm my friend Liz, we were going to the Gym and to tan.

7. What do you want your name to be?
Her Royal Highness, The Fantastically Dressed, the Gloriously Coiffed Queen Zin the Splendid, of England, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand.. and her husband The Most Attractive Gerard Butler

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I still play with them... seriously..

9. Do you love someone?
Yup..lots of people
GoinBackToCali wrote:

1. What is your name?
Peg / Peggy / Mom / Margarita (Art's nickname for me 'cause I regretted that Peggy wasn't a more glamourous name)

2. How old might you be?
Not yet old enough for AARP although they had the audacity to send me a membership application this year. (Getting close to it though - I'm 47)

3. Were you the middle child?
Oldest/only - I'm adopted. My birthmom has two younger kids though..

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
What's breakfast?

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
slides and photos - but I'm too old for home videos...

6. Do you live near the beach?
ha ha ha ha ha.....in SW Texas?

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
yep - ask me if I care?

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Yep - ME!

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.

11. What is something that annoys you most?
not listening to someone and interrupting them


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?
don't have one right now - but my saying for my yearbook was "Don't forget to always have a dream"....I like that - just wish I had my own dream now!

3. Favorite freshman?
don't know any

4. Favorite sophomore?
don't know any of those either

5. Favorite junior?

6. Favorite senior?

7. Favorite time of day?
right after the bunnies are fed and I can listen to them crunch on their food

8. Favorite fruit?
Strawberries - no - grapefruit - no - bananas - no - fruit loops!

9. Favorite restaurant?
in this town? None really.

10. Favorite band?
don't listen to music a lot - but I like classical music some and instrumental hymns and worship music

11.Favorite drink?
dont' have one in particular

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
tried - wasn't skinny enough - but I did the dipping part...

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
yep - made others do this too (I've been told I can be funny)

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
more often than I want to remember

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
not really

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
YSince I only dated Art....I take the fifth on this one

6. Fired a gun?
um....does a paintball gun count? A water pistol?

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
what dancing skills? I don't have any (have thought about taking a class in it but am too embarassed of my weight/clumsiness)

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
not really


1. What's for dinner tonight?
chicken fajita meat over rice

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
yep - many times

3. What did you wear to prom?
never went to the prom

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
oh yeah

5. What are you listening to?
the birds outside

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
Art - we went to the movies

7. What do you want your name to be?
I don't know...I wish I had an exotic name and exotic looks....instead I am a frumpy housewife..

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
don't remember - but I play with stuffed animals - can I count that?

9. Do you love someone?
yeah....sometimes I love people so much it hurts (not physically).
Survey says...

1. What is your name?
Alexah, but people call me Lexi, Lexah, or Lexingtons usually. And sometimes, when I'm in trouble, I'mAlexah Joy.

2. How old might you be?
I'm 25.

3. Were you the middle child?
Can't say as I was. I was the oldest and the only girl. I have 2 younger brothers.

4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
Well, since I'm in (brand new)recovery for an eating disorder, I do know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And with a spanking new meal plan, I actually eat. I have 2 cups of cereal, 2% milk, 2 different proteins, and fruit or fruit juice. Depending on my weight, I also have a supplement of some sort.

5. Do you have home videos of yourself as a kid?
Short answer: no. Long answer:no.

6. Do you live near the beach?
Ohio has a lakefront that the call a beach, but I'm originally from NJ and we had the Jersey Shore there...so, no...no beach for me.

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
I've gots me some pretty hair.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Hmm. No one's seen me yet. So you let me know. I'm wearing pink "Happy Bunny" pj pants, a black tank, pink hoodie, and fuzzy pink bunny slippers. Oh, and my hair's in french braid pigtails. And I have my seafoam green robe on (plus hood) over the whole outfit. So, yeah, what'cha think of my do?

9. Do you care about the earth?
Sure do.

10. Name someone who you miss.
I miss my grandma - she passed away about 2 years ago.

11. What is something that annoys you most?
I can't stand sloppiness and disorganization. It literally drives me insane. But, hey, what do you expect from little miss OCD herself?!


1. Favorite animal?
I'm partial to dogs and rabbits.

2. Favorite saying?
Suck it up, bronco and pony up.

3. Favorite freshman?

4. Favorite sophomore?

5. Favorite junior?

6. Favorite senior?
The kind that apply for AARP.

7. Favorite time of day?
I love the few minutes right before going to bed and right before getting up for the day. I like the peace, quiet, and the gratitude I feel.

8. Favorite fruit?

9. Favorite restaurant?
Right now I'm in love with a restaurant I ate at in Fort Wayne this weekend called the "Gas House." Mmm.

10. Favorite band?
Way too many to even begin to list.

11. Favorite drink?
Coffee with hazelnut creamer and hot chocolate. I'm going to make some when I'm done here.

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Me? Modest mouse me?!

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
More than once.

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
I say something stupid every day of the week. This weekend it was when I dropped my water bottle in the middle of the hotel lobby and cried out, "Oh no! My water broke!" Yeah, it was funny.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Yes indeed.

5. Regret anyone you ever dated?
I try not to have regrets.

6. Fired a gun?

7. Ate 1,000 calories in one sitting?
Since I do have an eating disorder, I'll refrain here.

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
I took 10 years of ballet (plus 3pointe), 5 of tap, 11 of jazz, and 5 of modern. I can semi handle myself in this arena.

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
I'm not proud of it, but yes.

10. Tp'ed?
What does this mean?

11. Partied with your parents?
I try not to even talk or think of my parents let alone party with 'em.


1. What's for dinner tonight?
I haven't got a clue.

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
Please refer to the parent question.

3. What did you wear to prom?
Some pastel number with fake nails, too much makeup, heels that I couldn't walk in, and a terrible fake tan. And that's times 3 thank you very much.

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
I don't do violent.

5. What are you listening to?

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
Well, being as I don't drive and just got home from a business trip in Fort Wayne...

7. What do you want your name to be?
Have you ever seen the "Friends" episode where Phoebe changes her name to "Princess Consuela Banana Hammock?" Well, I wish that were my name.

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I could still throw it down with some "Barbi" and "Ken" dolls. Ooh, "Cabbage Patch Kids!"

9. Do you love someone?

- Alexah

1. What is your name?
Joy/ Joy Ann when my Mom was mad.

2. How old might you be?

3. Were you the middle child?
Nope, I'm the baby.

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
Lately, oatmeal. I tend to have high cholesterol and I will be having it checked soon so I am trying to be good.

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?Nope, Just pictures.
6. Do you live near the beach?
About a mile away from Lake Michigan

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
Not that I know of but I do have two teenage daughters so even if it hasn't been said I'm sure it has been thought.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Jeans and a white T-shirt, whats not to like?

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
My Dad, he died a couple of years ago but he has been pretty much out of my life for quite a while...his doing, not mine. I love him know matter what!

11. What is something that annoys you most?
People (teenage daughters) not picking up after themselves and then saying "I KNOW!" when reminded.


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?
" How's that working for ya?"

3. Favorite freshman?

4. Favorite sophomore?

5. Favorite junior?

6. Favorite senior?

7. Favorite time of day?
Morning on a sunny day before anybody else is up.

8. Favorite fruit?

9. Favorite restaurant?
Olive Garden although I have to travel to get to one.

10. Favorite band?
Don't have one right now.

11.Favorite drink?

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Nope and never will, I wouldn't want to scare everybody out of the water.

2. Peed your pants from laughing?

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
Can't think of anything right off hand but I know I have said some stupid things.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Well I don't know if we were bored or just stupid but a friend and I did once raided my parents liquor cabinet and then thought it would be great fun to go for a drive. We still talk about how stupid we were back in High School.

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
Yep, I think he is the manager of a Hooters somewhere...never married!

6. Fired a gun?
Nope, but my husband wants to teach me

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
Without a doubt!

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
I only dance in the privacy of my house when I am home alone because YES, I'm sure I would be made fun of, remember I have teenage daughters.

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
No, not on purpose.

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
Yep! I hate white wine to this day!


1. What's for dinner tonight?
Chicken quesadilla (sp) and salad

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?

3. What did you wear to prom?
It was 1983, I wore a pink and white stripedfloor length dress that my Mom altered because she saidto much of my ****s showed...I was so embarrassed when somebody else had the same dress....unaltered.

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
I think so but I can't remember specifics

5. What are you listening to?
The news

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
My Husband, we went grocery shopping.

7. What do you want your name to be?
Queen Mother, I will do anything you say! Whatever you wish is my command. (again a teenage daughter thing)

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I still play, I do daycare. I have been doing it for over 13 years and the day that school is out for the summer this year is my LAST DAY!!!!!!!!:woohoo

9. Do you love someone?
Yep, my family, friends and Bunny mean the world to me.
This is neat...I like the questions on this one...:)


1. What is your name?
Rosie :)

2. How old might you be?
27 until 21st April

3. Were you the middle child?
Nope. I be the youngest...

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
My yummy snoffee (coffee). Currently consists of Dunkin Donuts Hazelnut coffee, and hazelnut creamer. Get the idea I like hazelnut? Hehe...

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
Nope...we were WAY too poor for that.

6. Do you live near the beach?
Kinda sorta...about an hour away, I believe...

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
Only when I was little and my stepmother chopped it off on a regular basis. I started growing it out when I was 12, and have received compliments on it ever since. :)

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Hmm...I'm wearing jammies...lol!

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
My dad

11. What is something that annoys you most?


1. Favorite animal?
Don't really have one. I have a tendency to love all animals.

2. Favorite saying?
The quote I have as the signature on my emails:
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~ Anatole France

3. Favorite freshman?
Huh? Em's only 8...so I don't have one yet, hehe!

4. Favorite sophomore?
Same answer as #3

5. Favorite junior?
Oy...again...#3, lol!

6. Favorite senior?
I like Zin's answer (with one change): Senior citizen?.. um.. my dad.

7. Favorite time of day?

8. Favorite fruit?
Any kind of melon...or some pineapple :)

9. Favorite restaurant?
Chili's...or the Olive Garden

10. Favorite band?
I have so many...

11.Favorite drink?
I really like a good Shirley Temple :)

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
I don't remember, honestly...probably, though

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
Hahahaaa...you haven't lived til you have! I was Em's age the first time I did, lol!

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
LOL...I once took a joke too far with my sisters...they won't let me live it down...LOL!! What I said: "You will work!"

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
ROFLOL...called an ex? Yes...lol

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
Oh man, yes

6. Fired a gun?
I have yet to have the time to visit a shooting range...but have wanted to for YEARS

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
Oh, I'm sure...

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
ROFLOL...my sisters have made fun of me for just about everything...even things that weren't true!

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
Kinda sorta...only with my dad.


1. What's for dinner tonight?
Hmm...not sure...something while on the road, probably :)

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?

3. What did you wear to prom?
Didn't go to my prom. The school I went to had a Footloose type belief about dancing...so going to dinner and listening to a comedian wasn't my ideal prom scenerio. I opted to stay home instead...

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
Yep...ask my husband about the time I threw a mug of coffee at him...LOL!! We laugh about it now...

5. What are you listening to?
Something called "Leave" by someone called Katie Todd...I'm actually about to skip the song...

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
My husband...to dinner :)

7. What do you want your name to be?
I actually really love my name :)

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
Yep...same answer as Zin...I still play with them... seriously. (Em's 8...her toys are SO MUCH FUN!!)

9. Do you love someone?
Loads of people, actually :hearts
Survey says...

1. What is your name?


2. How old might you be?
I’m 23… eeek!

3. Were you the middle child?
Nope, I was the oldest. Got one brother 2 years younger.

4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
If I’m awake and well enough to eat, I’ll have either fruit or yoghurt, but both criteria happening at the same time are rare at the moment!

5. Do you have home videos of yourself as a kid?
I think my parents have one, but that’s it, thank God

6. Do you live near the beach?
I don’t think that Weston Super-Mare really counts as a beach (muddy estuary kind of place), other than that the nearest proper beach is about 2 hours away

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
No, actually my hair is the one thing I get complimented on quite regularly. Apart from some ‘friends’ in school who used to say that my hair looked ugly if I ever wore it up, because they thought I was copying them. Nice friends, huh?

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Don’t know- the only people who’ve seen it are Steve and my mum- and she’d never say anything nice like that!

9. Do you care about the earth?
Yes, very much so. Not always the people in it though…

10. Name someone who you miss.
My friends, especially Ro

11. What is something that annoys you most?
People complaining about things in their lives but not doing anything to try and fix them. Like, if you hate your job that much, stop moaning and go get a new one!


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?
’Not like this!’

3. Favorite freshman?

Don’t know any…

4. Favorite sophomore?
Don’t know any…

5. Favorite junior?
Don’t know any…

6. Favorite senior?
Don’t know any…

7. Favorite time of day?
The evenings, when me and Steve are chilling out in the living room, playing with the bunnies, watching some TV on Sky Plus, maybe having a glass of wine…

8. Favorite fruit?
Strawberries and passion fruit

9. Favorite restaurant?
There’s a restaurant in the Lake District called Sheila’s Cottage that I LOVE

10. Favorite band?
There’s a lot, but at the moment, Jimmy Eat World, Arcade Fire, Snow Patrol, Editors, Something Corporate and Jack’s Mannequin

11. Favorite drink?
Water funnily enough… or red wine!

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Nooooo lol…

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
Not actually peed my pants, but very nearly, lots of times…

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?

Yeah, too many times…

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Yeah, but can’t really remember what?

5. Regret anyone you ever dated?
Yes. My first boyfriend- that was 3 and a half years of regret- I wish I’d never set eyes on him!

6. Fired a gun?

7. Ate 1,000 calories in one sitting?
Probably…. Probably more… Eeek!

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
I’ve been made fun of for my LACK of dancing skills…

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

10. Tp'ed?
What now?

11. Partied with your parents?
Yes, it’s never a good idea!


1. What's for dinner tonight?
We had onion pasta- the recipe that I posted in the ‘Food’ thread

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
Yes, every time I see my ‘friend’ Robyn…

3. What did you wear to prom?
Nothing- I didn’t have one!

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
Yes, it was a glass. Looking back, I guess it was a bit violent, but I didn’t throw it directly at them, just at the floor in front of them…. :s

5. What are you listening to?
Jimmy Eat World. For a change…

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
Steve- we went to the supermarket to get a few groceries

7. What do you want your name to be?
I think I quite like Jen, just as long as people don’t call me Jenny or Jennifer

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I really don’t remember, but I grew out of dolls quite young!

9. Do you love someone?

1. What is your name?

2. How old might you be?

3. Were you the middle child?
well, sort of. There are 4 kids in the family it goes my younger brother(15), me (20), my older sister (24) and my oldest sister (25). So I share the middle child by number with my older sister, but by age I am considered the middle child

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
oatmeal/cereal/omelet with fresh fruit and hot tea

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
I don’t own them, but my aunt has tons

6. Do you live near the beach?
I have never lived more then 10 minutes away from the shores of lake michigan

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
not ugly. . .

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
considering I have been in my work cloths all day (and everyone at work wears the same thing) I looked like everyone else

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
my nephew

11. What is something that annoys you most?
untruthfull people


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?
”dude” and “yes-um”

3. Favorite freshman?
I don’t know

4. Favorite sophomore?
once again, don’t know

5. Favorite junior?
and again, I really don’t know

6. Favorite senior?
bet ya’ll see this coming, I don’t know

7. Favorite time of day?
12:34 am. . .

8. Favorite fruit?
strawberries and blueberries

9. Favorite restaurant?
china fair

10. Favorite band?
Tom Petty, Dave Matthew’s band

11.Favorite drink?
Starbuck’s green tea latte with soy and lime-aide with parrot bay

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
not that I can remember

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
to many to list

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
riding a sled down a roof in the middle of summer count?

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
yeah, we now refer to him as ‘bad brandon’

6. Fired a gun?
just at clay pigeons when I was a little girl

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
can we say turkey day?

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
dude, I got some mad skills on the dance floor

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
happy cry or bad cry?

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
oh yeah


1. What's for dinner tonight?
I haven’t gotten that far yet

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
yes, we debated global warming (I believe it, he didn’t)

3. What did you wear to prom?
nothing. . . cause I didn’t go

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
ha! My brother and I were fighting one day and I threw my toast in his face cause he made me so mad

5. What are you listening to?
my roommate cooking food and the tea kettle whistling to let me know my water is done

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
my friend drove my drunk butt home the other day, only for me to stumble out of the car and fall to the ground were I proceeded to bruise my butt!

7. What do you want your name to be?
what it is, I love my name

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
um, how old am I???

9. Do you love someone?
most, I do hate some though!
Yay! Fun! (I obviously don't get out much...)

1. What is your name? Eileen

2. How old might you be? 43
3. Were you the middle child? Yep - #3

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning? Propel

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid? No, just pictures & slides.

6. Do you live near the beach?
I never did, but last summer we bought a house 1/4 from the beach - don't be too jealous, I have skin cancer so I can't go there, but I'm close enough that I have to pay over $1000/yr for flood insurance.

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly? YES! My nasty grandmother used to tell me I looked like my aunt's sheepdog, how the hair hung over his eyes.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?No. But neither did I.

9. Do you care about the earth? Very much.

10. Name someone who you miss.
My best friend, who took a new path in his life when he came out. I guess I didn't fit into his new life.
And my dad, who passed away a year and a half ago.

11. What is something that annoys you most? Know it alls.


1. Favorite animal? Virginia Opossums!

2. Favorite saying? "It is what it is"

3. Favorite freshman?
I don't know what this means....

4. Favorite sophomore?
uh..still don't get it.

5. Favorite junior?
see # 4 & # 5.

6. Favorite senior?
Senior citizen?. The founder of my company's 92 year old husband, who still mows our lawn, and just cut firewood for me, leaving it stacked on my driveway. He's amazing.

7. Favorite time of day? Going to sleep.
I8. Favorite fruit? Tangerine.

9. Favorite restaurant? Pancho Villa's Mexican restaurant.

10. Favorite band? Genesis.

11.Favorite drink? Alcoholically?Raspberry margarita
Non-alcoholically: Pepsi

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping? No. I get cold easily.

2. Peed your pants from laughing? No. I don't think that many things are that funny.

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life? Oh good god yes. I, without meaning to, insulted my friend's daughter (to him, not to her). I felt horrible afterward.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Bored? No. Drunk? Yes......

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..

6. Fired a gun? yes.

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting? No, I have a little appetite.

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills? YES! A few times. Someone actually asked me "why are you doing that?" while I was dancing.
(OK right now that could make me pee my pants remembering that).

9. Made someone cry on purpose? No. But I had to tell someone something once that I knew would make her cry, and had to do it anyway. It was work-related.

10. Tp'ed? No.

11. Partied with your parents? Pffft. My parents never partied themselves.

1. What's for dinner tonight? Chicken Francese

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked? yes.

3. What did you wear to prom? I don't remember.. I think it was an off-white long dress.

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them? Yes.

5. What are you listening to? Soundtrack to "Wicked"

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going? My husband. To the library.
7. What do you want your name to be?
Her Royal Highness, The Fantastically Dressed, the Gloriously Coiffed Queen Zin the Splendid, of England, Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand.. and her husband The Most Attractive Gerard Butler

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys? I never played with dolls. But I still have some action figures (Abe Sapien from Hellboy, Wolverine figurine, and Roddy from Flushed Away).

9. Do you love someone?
Yes, but I am very sparing with who I love.

1. What is your name? Sophie-Anne

2. How old might you be? 22

3. Were you the middle child? Nope, oldest. I have a younger sister (17) and younger bro (13)

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning? breakfast? :?Lol. I am working on that as I have had doctors smacking me over the head for it.

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid? Nope

6. Do you live near the beach? Not yet. Maybe soon :p

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly? Only during the very bad teen years when I looked like a sheep that had stuck it's foot in the socket. LOL. Other than that, people usually like my hair.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today? Does the catwalk in pink Hello Kitty pj's and asks what y'all think. Seriously, no one's seen me.

9. Do you care about the earth? Yes. I get disappointed with the human species though.

10. Name someone who you miss. My fiance who is still in Greece since 8 months now and Wiggles.

11. What is something that annoys you most? I have a few. Hypocrites, liars, superficial people, and people who can't look past their nose...


1. Favorite animal? Bunnies and otters

2. Favorite saying? Bunneeeeeeeeeeeeeh! Lol

3. Favorite freshman? Who?

4. Favorite sophomore? What?

5. Favorite junior? Huh?

6. Favorite senior? It would have been my 90 year old great great great aunt who passed in Feb of last year. Other than that, there was an old man that used to come everyday when I used to work at Tim Hortons (coffee shop). A real sweetheart who is just waiting to meet up with his wife again. They'd been married 60 something years when she passed.

7. Favorite time of day? The time I lie down, knowing I can sleep. Though that is pretty much all i've been doing really.

8. Favorite fruit? I love them all. Depends on my mood really.

9. Favorite restaurant? I don't know. All I know is I am dying to go to Friday's!

10. Favorite band? Evanescence I guess.

11.Favorite drink?Pina Colada and Coffee (especially iced!)

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping? Ha funny... No. I'd scare the population.

2. Peed your pants from laughing? Nope.

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life? Oh yes, not that is was anything major really.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid? Not that I can think of. I am a boring person by nature :p

5. Regret anyone you ever dated.. No. Though if Mario doesn't hurry I will :?

6. Fired a gun? Nope

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting? Oh I am sure. I am a seafood lover!

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills? Omg, my nightmare. Picture a plank of wood trying to dance. Now who wouldn't laugh?!

9. Made someone cry on purpose? Never purposely no.

10. Tp'ed? Nope. We just had water fights and got back to class dripping wet.

11. Partied with your parents? Only for holidays.


1. What's for dinner tonight? Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhich.

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked? Too often.

3. What did you wear to prom? *Sighs* This baby blue sparkly dress that I didn't like, too much make up for my comfort, painful shoes, and sported nice hairy arms to go with it :biggrin2:... *Hangs head in shame* ...

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them? *Looks at Mario* I am not sure if I did it while he was here. I know I broke things while on the phone or IM, etc.

5. What are you listening to? My high school friend now has a band and they have this song entitled Forever This Way. I love it. I'll link because many people can probably really enjoy this song. I hope it's ok :)http://www.myspace.com/sevendaysonline

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going? My best friend. We were getting ready to kick some butt but the company saved their butts in time ;)

7. What do you want your name to be? My name, plus my fiance's last name. He's slow :p

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys? :baghead

9. Do you love someone? Yes.

1. What is your name?
Amy Lynn Gregorio.

2. How old might you be?
I might just be 19 years old.

3. Were you the middle child?
I am the oldest child. My brother is 15.

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
A bowl of healthy cereal with fresh bananas and strawberries.

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
I wish!

6. Do you live near the beach?
The beach is about 5 hours away.

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
Nope, because I was supposed to wear a purple shirt today for the "mini solar team" and I forgot and wore black.

9. Do you care about the earth?
Sure do.

10. Name someone who you miss.
My brotherrr, who lives in New York.

11. What is something that annoys you most?
Dumb, snooty people.


1. Favorite animal?
Rabbits, horses, rats, and dogs.

2. Favorite saying?
"Our lives are fractions of a whole."

3. Favorite freshman?
My little brotherrrr.

4. Favorite sophomore?
Ehh? I don't know anyoneee.

5. Favorite junior?

6. Favorite senior?

7. Favorite time of day?
When I get off work.

8. Favorite fruit?
Black berries and apples.

9. Favorite restaurant?
Red Robin.

10. Favorite band?
Bright Eyes, Tegan & Sara, and The Black Dahlia Murder.

11.Favorite drink?
Grape juice or Cranberry juice.

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
Who hasn't?

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
I say stupid things on a daily basis.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Yep, but can't remember all the dumb things I have probably done.

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..

6. Fired a gun?
Nope, or does a bb gun count?

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
More than likely.

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
I doooooon't dance.

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
Of course, every one has.

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
As in drinking partied? Nopeeee.


1. What's for dinner tonight?
Cheese ravioli from Trader Joe's!

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?

3. What did you wear to prom?
I never went to a prom.

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
I have chucked things at Ryan on occassion.

5. What are you listening to?
My typing.

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
Ryan and we went for a drive.

7. What do you want your name to be?
Amy is just fine.

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
Youngggg...I always played with toy horses instead of dolls.

9. Do you love someone?
Ryaaaaaaan, my maaaaaynnnn.
1. What is your name? Donna

2. How old might you be? 25

3. Were you the middle child? Nope, I'm the youngest. My sisters are 36 & 32

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning? Coffee, and if I remember, cereal or granola

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid? tons, my girlfriend andI made all kinds of foolish movies

6. Do you live near the beach? Nope.. but we live on a lake, does that count?

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly? Nope

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today? I doubt it! lol, you should have seen me. Thankfully my animals and Kevin are the only ones that saw me!

9. Do you care about the earth? Absolutely

10. Name someone who you miss. My mom

11. What is something that annoys you most? I have to say superficial people tops the list, seriously - get real.


1. Favorite animal? Rabbits! and Prairie dogs

2. Favorite saying? "hello everybunny!"

3. Favorite freshman? my nephew

4. Favorite sophomore? don't know

5. Favorite junior? don't know

6. Favorite senior? (citizen) my partners 85 year old cousin who still lives and works in the bush logging... I love going over to his old farmhouse, sharing a drink and listening to his old stories - and boy he can tell em!

7. Favorite time of day? Late evening, when all the chores are done, all the furkids are tucked away, and I can crawl into bed and watch t.v.

8. Favorite fruit? Strawberries

9. Favorite restaurant? Fast Eddies in Tok AK

10. Favorite band? Hmm.. I don't know right now

11.Favorite drink?Margaritas and Irish Whiskey (not together) and orange juice! (again, not together)

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping? Of course!

2. Peed your pants from laughing? No thankfully

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life? I've said stupid things but nothing that will haunt me for the rest of my life

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid? I can't think of anything

5. Regret anyone you ever dated.. Kind of. I don't know if I'd call it a true regret though

6. Fired a gun? Yep

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting? I don't doubt it

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills? No

9. Made someone cry on purpose? No

10. Tp'ed? No

11. Partied with your parents? No, although I would have loved to have with my mom


1. What's for dinner tonight? Fassoulada, it's a bean soup

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked? yep

3. What did you wear to prom? I didn't have a prom! home schooled

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them? Yep. Kevin still has scars I am sure j/k

5. What are you listening to? My Prairie dogs sleeping noises, they whimper, squeak, and chirp :)

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going? Kevin... we went to the feed store to stock up.

7. What do you want your name to be? Exactly what it is. I've often thought of changing my last name back to our original family name, since my Grandfather changed it when he came from Poland... my last name is actually my Great Grandfathers name. :)

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys? lol

9. Do you love someone? Sure do

1. What is your name? Greta, Spam (that goes waay back :p)
2. How old might you be? 15 for another 3 weeks

3. Were you the middle child? Nope, oldest
4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning? The result(s) of some rooting around in the fridge
5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid? Yep, starting around age 2
6. Do you live near the beach? 'bout 3 miles away from it
7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly? Ugly, no. Wierd? yep.
8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today? Yeah, me!
9. Do you care about the earth? yes
10. Name someone who you miss. Katelynn, my first show chicken (weshared a very special bond for a long time)
11. What is something that annoys you most? Family members encroaching on my personal space

1. Favorite animal? All of them

2. Favorite saying? "Brain damage is all in your head"
3. Favorite freshman? don't really have one

4. Favorite sophomore? Moi!
5. Favorite junior? None
6. Favorite senior? My friend Emily
7. Favorite time of day? Night, hands down
8. Favorite fruit? Fresh lychees, mangos, oranges, cherimoyas
9. Favorite restaurant? Gilda's
10. Favorite band? Dead Kennedys, Black Flag, Shadows Fall.. *goes on for hours*
11.Favorite drink? Home made root beer! ...or anything involving coffee
Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping? yes
2. Peed your pants from laughing? yessiree
3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life? Oh yes... more than once
4. Been so bored you did something really stupid? Hee hee... yep.
5. Regret anyone you ever dated? Never have dated anybody, so no.
6. Fired a gun? More times than you can shake a stick at
7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting? I think the chinese buffet lost money that day...
8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills? only by my little brother "you look like a dying cow thrashing around!"
9. Made someone cry on purpose? :whistling
10. Tp'ed? For sure! :devil

11. Partied with your parents? Define party...

1. What's for dinner tonight? Tacos!

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked? Do rants qualify as conversations...?
3. What did you wear to prom? Never been to a prom, but to a dance I wore tightish ripped upjeans, red and black striped tights, my pirate wench shirt (Zin knows what I'm talkin' about :p), and work boots
4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them? At least once... hey, nearest inanimate object, would you like to learn to fly?

5. What are you listening to? Amebix - largactyl
6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going? My mother, to the library
7. What do you want your name to be? Borg Skywalker :p
8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys? Dolls? about 10 years ago. I hung the couple of barbies people gave meupside by their feetfrom the stairs, right at eye level in front of the door to the house. Scared the dickens out of a few visitors. Still mess around with action figures and the like though sometimes!

9. Do you love someone? Definitely
TinysMom wrote:
GoinBackToCali wrote:
2. How old might you be?
Not yet old enough for AARP although they had the audacity to send me a membership application this year.
They sent one to my 11 year old brother last year, complete with membership card... it was a hoot :p
1. What is your name? Jess

2. How old might you be? 17

3. Were you the middle child? Nope - I'm the youngest. My brother is 6 years older than me and my sister is 8 years older than me. So I'm the baby of the family.:p

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning? Depends on how I feel and how hungry I am. Usually a yogurt with fruit or cereal.

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid? No - but lots of pictures.:)

6. Do you live near the beach? No, the nearest beach to here is about half an hour away in Sunderland.

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly? No..although I get mixed comments about my hair. It's ginger and naturally curly so I get a lot of complimentsfrom people saying how much they love it,but I equally get people who hate the colour of my hair.:?Ah well...it matches my crazy personality!!;)

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today? My school uniform? Yeah it's ok.:p

9. Do you care about the earth? Yes, I'm always lecturing my parents about buying bottled water as it is produces so much waste from the plastic bottles!

10. Name someone who you miss. Ruby :(

11. What is something that annoys you most? People thinking they are better than others (eg arrogance:X)

1. Favorite animal? Toss up between horses, cats and rabbits

2. Favorite saying? Um...can't think of one! I usually make up stupid ones.:p

3. Favorite freshman? Huh?:shock:

5. Favorite junior?.....

6. Favorite senior?....??? I don't understand!:?

7. Favorite time of day?Late morning

8. Favorite fruit? I love all fruit!!! But probably raisins

9. Favorite restaurant? Michelangelo's

10. Favorite band? Scouting for girls, coldplay, The feeling

11.Favorite drink? 'Innocent' strawberry and banana flavoured smoothie!

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping? No:shock:

2. Peed your pants from laughing? No, But I ALWAYS cry from laughter:D

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life? Always :blushan:

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid? Yep

5. Regret anyone you ever dated.. Not really

6. Fired a gun? No:shock:and I never plan to:?

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting? Umm, Maybe. I don't know. I sometimes have pig-out fests but that is A LOT of calories.:?:p

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills? Of course:p

9. Made someone cry on purpose? No

10. Tp'ed? No

11. Partied with your parents? Not proper 'partied' but yeah

1. What's for dinner tonight? Don't know

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?No

3. What did you wear to prom?A dress:p

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?No

5. What are you listening to?The TV

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?My sister drove me home this morning as I stayed at her house last night

7. What do you want your name to be? :dunno

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?Can't even remember.:?9 maybe? A long time ago!

9. Do you love someone?


1. What is your name?

2. How old might you be?
Just turned 23

3. Were you the middle child?
Nope, the youngest, I have one older brother. I always wanted a younger sibling though. Mom and Dad, where is my baby brother?

:disgust:4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
All kinds of weird things, depends on what day it is. I love grits, hard boiled eggs and grapes for breakfast though...

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
Lots and LOTS

6. Do you live near the beach?
No, smack dab in the middle of Alaska

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
Likely! My mom has about 40000 times probably because I just put it in a pony tail or braid it every day.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
I've only been to the vet office today. *I* like what I'm wearing though, jeans and a white T-shirt with a little Yeti walking around in a forest with a can of paint, painting mustaches and glasses and stuff on all the "wanted yeti" posters

9. Do you care about the earth?
Very much!

10. Name someone who you miss.
My host mom from when I lived in Austria

11. What is something that annoys you most?
Arrogant and rude people


1. Favorite animal?
Bunnies, elephants and moose! And pandas... And puppies.

2. Favorite saying?
Don't really have one, but apparently I say "Yeah, yeah!" very enthusiastically often as well as "blah dee blah"

3. Favorite freshman?
Don't know any at the moment...

4. Favorite sophomore?
If we're talking college, my friend's younger brother Charlie.

5. Favorite junior?
If we're talking college again, that would be my boyfriend, Paul!

6. Favorite senior?

My cousin, Katie

7. Favorite time of day?
I'm usually pretty cheerful and don't really have a favorite time, but I guess I'd have to say late morning.

8. Favorite fruit?
Strawberries, pineapple, peaches, rainier cherries, mangoes, pears, kiwis, Clementine oranges

9. Favorite restaurant?
The Cheesecake Factory

10. Favorite band?
I don't really have a favorite, I like a ton of music

11.Favorite drink?
blood orange juice

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
Thank goodness no

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
Not really

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..

6. Fired a gun?
Not a real one with bullets, though my dad, brother and boyfriend have tried to get me to

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
Most likely!

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
All the time!

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
No way

10. Tp'ed?
No... I think I'm boring

11. Partied with your parents?
Only with my mom at Christmas when she got a little drunk off peppermintinis


1. What's for dinner tonight?
I made a broccoli potato and cheese casserole and we had toast from the bread I baked the other day with it

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
Lots of them

3. What did you wear to prom?
I didn't go!

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
Yeah.... I threw a pair of scissors at my brother on Christmas once. Sounds terrible, but I wasn't trying to hit him (and didn't) and felt really badly afterwards. I didn't stop and think that I was holding SCISSORS.

5. What are you listening to?
Paul snoring

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
Paul, to and from the vet office for Tallulah's appointment this morning

7. What do you want your name to be?
I like mine pretty well

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I played with my American Girl dolls longer than the other ones and stopped when I was 10

9. Do you love someone?

1. What is your name?

2. How old might you be?

3. Were you the middle child?
Im the baby of the family, 2 older brothers (26 27

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?


5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?


6. Do you live near the beach?

About 20 minutes..

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
Aha Never, I have nice hair.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
My daddy

11. What is something that annoys you most?
Kids who wont leave me alone..


1. Favorite animal?

2. Favorite saying?

'Sounds Fun'

3. Favorite freshman?

4. Favorite sophomore?

5. Favorite junior?

6. Favorite senior?

7. Favorite time of day?
night..When I can finnaly sleep

8. Favorite fruit?
Water melon

9. Favorite restaurant?
South Side Bar and Grill

10. Favorite band?
I like Cascada

11.Favorite drink?
Cherry Italian Soda (from timothy's)

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Aha, No -.-

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
I was little ok!!

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
"Thier having a farting contest on a roast?".....it was very random I had just gotten out of the shower and I yelled that to my friend who was in my room

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
No not really

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..

6. Fired a gun?

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?

If you know my mom..this is norm.

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?

Yeahh but i dont care lol

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

Yeah..when I was little my friends younger nefew would cry if you asked 'What did you do" and it was kinda funny...:?

10. Tp'ed?
Nooo aha

11. Partied with your parents?


1. What's for dinner tonight?
...Come to think of it..I din't have dinner LOL im going to go find some chips after this

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?

3. What did you wear to prom?
..Hasent passed

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
...If throwwing mini pillows at my dog when he attacks me counts then yeah

5. What are you listening to?

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?

Out to Tim hortons, the mall and to my friends house (mom)

7. What do you want your name to be?
..I always like the name Stephanie
8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
about a year ago

9. Do you love someone?
Not sure..confused

Survey says...

1. What is your name?
Michelle Renae
2. How old might you be?

3. Were you the middle child?
YES..darn middle child syndrom!!

4. What do you usually have for breakfast?
cereal, or an instant breakfast.

5. Do you have home videos of yourself as a kid?
i think so...lots of pics

6. Do you live near the beach?
i wish

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
no..not to my face at least

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
yep, they thought it was cute

9. Do you care about the earth?

10. Name someone who you miss.
my grandpa

11. What is something that annoys you most?
flood pants


1. Favorite animal?
1. rabbits

2. Favorite saying?
so what's new

3. Favorite freshman?
all freshman are annoying

4. Favorite sophomore?
probably my friend anna

5. Favorite junior?
all my homies

6. Favorite senior?
most of my friends are seniors

7. Favorite time of day?

8. Favorite fruit?
strawberries and raspberries

9. Favorite restaurant?
Osaka, a japanese restraunt

10. Favorite band?
i like a little of everyting

11. Favorite drink?

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
no, but i want to go cow tipping :biggrin2:

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
i believe so

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
yes. but i did something that was even stupider. i kissed this guy i liked and in the middle of it he said "what are you doing?!?!?"

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?
all the time

5. Regret anyone you ever dated?
i have only had one boyfriend and he was great

6. Fired a gun?

7. Ate 1,000 calories in one sitting?

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
only when i TRY to be funny. have danced since i was two, competed in dance since i was five

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

10. Tp'ed?
not yet...

11. Partied with your parents?


1. What's for dinner tonight?
fish at my chruch's fish fry

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
i try to keep it short with people i dislike

3. What did you wear to prom?
never been to one...not yet anyway

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
i therw a play tea cup at my sisters forehead when i was like four

5. What are you listening to?
bunnay running around

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
my mom...i forget where

7. What do you want your name to be?
hmm, i don't know.

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
not sure

9. Do you love someone?
besises my family? not at the moment

1. What is your name?
Diana. or Di.

2. How old might you be?
18,463 days old, to be exact.

3. Were you the middle child?
I was the second middle child (geez, second at everything!). Oldest brother picked on my second oldest brotherr, who then turned around and picked on me. So then I would turn around and smile at my younger sister, because I am a saint. (And I never lie.) ;)

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?
Oatmeal with flaxseed, almonds, walnuts, cinnamon and sometimes blueberries. Though the oatmeal now has to be kept under lock and key since Yofi discovered it has 'flavur'.

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
Nah...our home videos were synchronized drawings done with Etch-a-Sketches.

6. Do you live near the beach?
Again...nope. But I did grow up next to a harbor that had a wide assortment of things floating in it. Like toilet paper and other lovely used bathroom commodities. Does that count?

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?
No. But I got a perm once when my son was just a baby. When I walked in he took one look at me, burst into tears and wouldn't let me near him. So I guess you could say that was almost a 'gee your hair looks ugly' moment.

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
No one said. But two days ago they did. I almost dressed up like a girl.

9. Do you care about the earth?
Of course.

10. Name someone who you miss.
:cry4: And my mom. And my son.

11. What is something that annoys you most?
People talking about other people (gossip) when they're not there. :X


1. Favorite animal?
Rabbits. Horses. Dogs. Cats. Cows. Donkeys. Goats. Squirrels. Mouses. Ants.

2. Favorite saying?

hehe...I don't really have one, but my dad did when we were young. For years he would repeat rather tasteless sayings, and one of his favs was 'useless as t**s in a bowl' (altered to get a PG rating here). We only found out many years later that our dad had it wrong all those decades ago. It's not 'in a bowl'; it's supposed to be 'on a bull'. Did he ever get mad at us when we pointed that out to him.

3. Favorite freshman?
You lost me here.

4. Favorite sophomore?

Lost me again.

5. Favorite junior?
I'm so far lost I give up.
:huh x ad infinitum...

6. Favorite senior?
The two old men on The Muppet Show.

7. Favorite time of day?

8. Favorite fruit?
Blueberries. Oh wait...they're berries. Okay...oranges I guess.

9. Favorite restaurant?
Don't really have one, though I used to like Capone's.

10. Favorite band?
waaaay too many to name, but a couple of my top faves are Greenday and Bon Jovi.

11. Favorite drink?
Coffee, but it doesn't seem to like me lately. :?

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?
Yes...many many many many years ago, late one night under a full moon. And the entire time was thinking about how many leeches might manage to cling to me in odd places. 'twas still fun tho. ;)

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
No, thankfully. (phew) But I did pee my pants in grade one. Had my hand up to ask to go to the washroom, and the teacher refused to acknowledge me because she was mad at the class. I was too afraid to speak up and, well...you know the rest.

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?
Nothing that will haunt me forever, and nothing ever nasty. But stupid statements tend to fly out of me on occasion. Or just dumb things in general. Like the time I was telling someone about the movie "Field of Dreams" and wondered why they burst out laughing when I was telling them the part about Footless Joe.

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?

Nope...well, other than a friend and I making crank phone calls once when we were teens. (oh, just thought of something...was so bored I once agreed to go to a party with same said friend when we were visiting her aunt in Cape Breton. The party turned out to be one with all guys there (except for me and her), and a LOT of liquor. And some drugs. This took place in a town we were visiting, which had a pretty bad reputation. Let's just say we were danged lucky...we left the party in one piece, and moments before the police raided and dragged everyone off to jail.)

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..
No. But am laughing my head off over Zin's answer!!

6. Fired a gun?
Yep...oldest brother was teaching us how to use a rifle. Turned out I was the best shot (out of our siblings, anyway). Now my other brother...I'd never want to be in the same woods as him if he had a gun, let's put it that way.

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
Not sure. Probably did at some point, somewhere. Dang that's a lot of calories!

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
Ever seen Forrest Gump dance? That's me, only he's better. I once had a guy walk off a dance floor and leave me standing there cuz he didn't like my dancing. But hey, he was a chef, and you know how dramatic they can be. :p

9. Made someone cry on purpose?
No, never.

10. Tp'ed?

Sort of. Used to dress up toads with the stuff. (Made little toad wedding dresses and little toad suits and...oh be quiet! I was 'inventive' when I was a child.)

11. Partied with your parents?

hahahahaha! Oh, you're serious...:?


1. What's for dinner tonight?
Whatever food is in the house that Yofi hasn't eaten.

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?

3. What did you wear to prom?
Didn't go to my prom...

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
No, but almost. I was eight months pregnant, separated from my husband because he decided to have a girlfriend, and was living in my dad's house. My brother went with me to the store to get groceries one evening, and - while I can't recall exactly what he said to me now, it had something to do with my husband (my brother was famous for having no tact when it came to sensitive topics). He must've touched a nerve because just as he said it, I was picking out a frozen turkey. I swear, I came *this* close to throwing that frozen bird at him...

5. What are you listening to?

The Dog sitting on my bed and sighing...she's waiting for her dinner and is giving me subtle hints.

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
My friend Estelle. We went out at lunch today just to get out of the building.

7. What do you want your name to be?
hhhmmm...have to think about that one. Maybe Princess Snugglebunny. hehe :happybunny:

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?

Probably around 4 or 5. After that I only played with stuffed animals, or real ones.

9. Do you love someone?
Definitely. Very much. But it's also true that there's no one I don't love.
1. What is your name?

2. How old might you be?

3. Were you the middle child?
Only child

4. What do you usually have for breakfast in the morning?

5. Do you have home videos as you as a kid?
nope, but I have a MILLION pictures. my parents weren't big on videocameras

6. Do you live near the beach?
kind of... New Orleans had nearby "beaches"

7. Has anyone ever called your hair ugly?

8. Did anyone like the outfit you're wearing today?
not today, but yes when I've worn it before.

9. Do you care about the earth?
uh..... weird question, I guess. It depends on what it means.

10. Name someone who you miss.
I miss my dogs

11. What is something that annoys you most?
a lot of things annoy me... I annoy too easily I think, haha


1. Favorite animal?
Bun buns!! :D

2. Favorite saying?
quote: "For the female of the species is more deadly than the male"

3. Favorite freshman?
in college: taylor

4. Favorite sophomore?
in college: josh

5. Favorite junior?
in college: my boyfriend, ryan <3

6. Favorite senior?
in college: xeno

7. Favorite time of day?

8. Favorite fruit?

9. Favorite restaurant?
la hacienda

10. Favorite band?

11.Favorite drink?

Have you ever:

1. Went skinny dipping?

2. Peed your pants from laughing?
yes... *cringe*

3. Said something really stupid that will haunt you for the rest of your life?

4. Been so bored you did something really stupid?

5. Regret anyone you ever dated..

6. Fired a gun?
yes, recognized sharpshooter and member of the NRA, :p

7. Ate 1000 calories in one sitting?
who hasn't? lmao

8. Been made fun of for your dancing skills?
when I wasn't dancing seriously haha

9. Made someone cry on purpose?

10. Tp'ed?

11. Partied with your parents?
yes, I'm from New Orleans... hahaha


1. What's for dinner tonight?
Shrimp in a white wine oil sauce with angel hair pasta, I made it myself, :) I wish I could be a chef *sighs*

2. Have you ever had a long conversation with someone you disliked?
oh god yes

3. What did you wear to prom?
junior year a light green cinderella-y dress, senior year a dark green slinky thing, I used to have a great body :(

4. Has someone ever made you so mad you threw something at them?
yes, my boyfriend, lol

5. What are you listening to?
august rush

6. Who last drove you somewhere? Where were you going?
boyfriend Ryan to his family's house

7. What do you want your name to be?
I <3 my name, it's totally Irish, :D

8. At what age did you stop playing with dolls/action toys?
I still play with them... I'm not kidding unfortunately, lmao

9. Do you love someone?
Yes, very much so