Just adopted the cutest bun

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Lori L

Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2006
Reaction score
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Her name is SweetiePie and she is a 5 year old fuzzy lop. My name is Lori

I adopted her from SweetBinks rescue in Rhode Island. What aterrific, clean and wonderful place. My son and I drove 1 anda half hours from Massachusetts just for this little girl.When speaking to the person that runs the shelter on the phone sheindicated that Sweetie was 9 years old.I didn'tcare how old she was...I knew she was coming home with me.But when we got there the woman had found all of Sweetie's paperworkwhich indicated she was about 4 or 5. She gave me thepaperwork and I was able to call her original owner today to get moreinformation on her.

She had her incisors permanently removed due to malocclusion so allfruits and vegetables have to be soft and cut up. Works outwell as there will be no chewing of wires.

I'll probably have a few questions so you'll see me postalot. Most of all I'm wondering how much personality theselittle loves have. It seems that they show no expression intheir faces so hard to tell what they arefeeling.

Today she hung out cuddling with me on the bed while I watched some TV. My 7 year old son couldn't be happier.

She has also been clipped as you can see. The woman at theshelter told me that this needs to be done every 3 months or she willget matted. Does anyone have a fuzzy lopsand do youlet their coat grow out and brush it or clip?

I'm attaching a few pics, enjoy





There are lots of memers with long hairedrabbits that don't shave them. Your rabbit looks to be either anAmerican Fuzzy Lop or a fuzzy Holland Lop by the way, at least, that'smy opinion! It depends on the rabbit but brushing often should be morethan enough to keep him from being matted but any matts that may formshould be cut out if you can't work them out with a brush.

Lop eared rabbits are especially hard to 'read' because ears are a keyto reading your rabbitbut once you get to know the rabbit, itbecomes like a second nature. I can tell when my rabbits are relaxed,mad, annoyed, happy, and I can predict their next move with goodaccuracy most of the time. I have one lop and 2 uppy eared bunnies so Ican tell you first hand how much harder lops are to read!

Here is a good site:

No, an American Fuzzy Lop is a breed, not across breed. :)I'm not sure how it was originally created butan Angora/Lop mix is not the same as an AFL.
Aw, that is great of you to adopt this older, special girl. She's adorable.

I have two American Fuzzy Lops. One of them has wool thateasily mats, so I keep him cut short. I just cut off all hiswool and he looks like your girl. I call him my lambyboy. I think they are adorable with short hair.

You may be able to let her wool grow some. You'll be able totell in a few weeks how her fur is going to be. I comb minewith a stiff cat comb and it works better than any brush I'vetried.

Congratulations on your new fur baby!

What a sweet girl. She looks so cute shaven! Ijust want to cuddle with her. Congratulations on your newest addition!I'm so glad that you've found somebunny to love!

Everyone here on RO is wonderful! You're certain to get a lot of good advice and make many friends here.

I recently adopted a second bunny, Alfred. He has a sever case ofmalocclusion and I am looking into having his incisors removed. Ialready have to cut and soften his fruits, veggies, and hay becauseeven though his teeth are trimmed regularly, they are of little use.I'm glad that your girl's surgery was a success and that she has foundsuch a loving home.

-Amy (the "slave"), Oswald (the minirex), and Alfred (the dwarf hotot)
Hi Lori :)

SweetiePie is so gorgeous! I love her fur, what a little cutie!

Congratulations on the new addition to your family!

Good morning Lori - you have a great addition toyour family. How long did SweetBinks have SweetiePie? My son &I seem to remember her from when we adopted.

My 14yr son & I adopted Tina and Turbo (dwarfs) from SweetBinks early June. (We're also from MA, at the CT border). They too arethe cutest bunnies we've ever seen! Sweet Binks is a wonderful rescue.Whenever I have any questions I email the Pam and they always answerour questions.

They do updates on their website and you can also join. Just this pastwknd they had a Rabbit Education Seminar (powerpoint). They reviewedhousing, food, grooming, etc. Sweet Binks will be having anotherseminar in March.

Please keep in touch.
Oh, oh, oh, what a cutie pie! Congrats!

I bet you'll soon start to see her wonderful personality once she starts to get comfortable.

They will hop or run around like crazy when they are having fun, theywill nudge, or toss things, come for pets and all sorts of things.Bunnies are the greatest pets!
Welcome to theforum.:welcome1 Congratulationson your new adoption.

What a wonderful thing you did togo the extra mile to bring asweet bunny home. How didyou find her?

Very nice pictures too. Good sharpness and depth of field.

Rainbows! :)
turbotina wrote:
Good morning Lori - you have a great addition to yourfamily. How long did SweetBinks have SweetiePie? My son & Iseem to remember her from when we adopted.

My 14yr son & I adopted Tina and Turbo (dwarfs) from SweetBinks early June. (We're also from MA, at the CT border). They too arethe cutest bunnies we've ever seen! Sweet Binks is a wonderful rescue.Whenever I have any questions I email the Pam and they always answerour questions.

They do updates on their website and you can also join. Just this pastwknd they had a Rabbit Education Seminar (powerpoint). They reviewedhousing, food, grooming, etc. Sweet Binks will be having anotherseminar in March.

Please keep in touch.
Apparently SweetBinks had her for about a year. She had beenadopted 3 months ago along with another bun but the woman had to sendthem both back...I guess the grooming got to be too much.

Pam is awesome. I begged her to let us come see Sweetie andshe opened the rescue just for us. I knew this was the bunnyI wanted once I saw her on PetFinder.
jordiwes wrote:
Oh, oh, oh, what a cutie pie! Congrats!

I bet you'll soon start to see her wonderful personality once she starts to get comfortable.

They will hop or run around like crazy when they are having fun, theywill nudge, or toss things, come for pets and all sorts of things.Bunnies are the greatest pets!
I sure hope so, right now she doesn't do much of anything, I think she is tired
Pet_Bunny wrote:
Welcome to theforum.:welcome1 Congratulationson your new adoption.

What a wonderful thing you did togo the extra mile to bring asweet bunny home. How didyou find her?

Very nice pictures too. Good sharpness and depth of field.

Rainbows! :)
Extra mile...LOL I drove 80 miles each way just to get her...

I found her on Petfinder.
Thanks everyone for the warm well wishes andresponding so quickly to my posts. I can tell this is goingto be a great place to share stories and get info and make some newonline friends