Lori L
Well-Known Member
Her name is SweetiePie and she is a 5 year old fuzzy lop. My name is Lori
I adopted her from SweetBinks rescue in Rhode Island. What aterrific, clean and wonderful place. My son and I drove 1 anda half hours from Massachusetts just for this little girl.When speaking to the person that runs the shelter on the phone sheindicated that Sweetie was 9 years old.I didn'tcare how old she was...I knew she was coming home with me.But when we got there the woman had found all of Sweetie's paperworkwhich indicated she was about 4 or 5. She gave me thepaperwork and I was able to call her original owner today to get moreinformation on her.
She had her incisors permanently removed due to malocclusion so allfruits and vegetables have to be soft and cut up. Works outwell as there will be no chewing of wires.
I'll probably have a few questions so you'll see me postalot. Most of all I'm wondering how much personality theselittle loves have. It seems that they show no expression intheir faces so hard to tell what they arefeeling.
Today she hung out cuddling with me on the bed while I watched some TV. My 7 year old son couldn't be happier.
She has also been clipped as you can see. The woman at theshelter told me that this needs to be done every 3 months or she willget matted. Does anyone have a fuzzy lopsand do youlet their coat grow out and brush it or clip?
I'm attaching a few pics, enjoy
I adopted her from SweetBinks rescue in Rhode Island. What aterrific, clean and wonderful place. My son and I drove 1 anda half hours from Massachusetts just for this little girl.When speaking to the person that runs the shelter on the phone sheindicated that Sweetie was 9 years old.I didn'tcare how old she was...I knew she was coming home with me.But when we got there the woman had found all of Sweetie's paperworkwhich indicated she was about 4 or 5. She gave me thepaperwork and I was able to call her original owner today to get moreinformation on her.
She had her incisors permanently removed due to malocclusion so allfruits and vegetables have to be soft and cut up. Works outwell as there will be no chewing of wires.
I'll probably have a few questions so you'll see me postalot. Most of all I'm wondering how much personality theselittle loves have. It seems that they show no expression intheir faces so hard to tell what they arefeeling.
Today she hung out cuddling with me on the bed while I watched some TV. My 7 year old son couldn't be happier.
She has also been clipped as you can see. The woman at theshelter told me that this needs to be done every 3 months or she willget matted. Does anyone have a fuzzy lopsand do youlet their coat grow out and brush it or clip?
I'm attaching a few pics, enjoy