Well-Known Member
I have a couple questions foreveryone. My first one is if 1 frosted mini-wheat a day wouldharm my bunny, Chewie. He now knows when I get my breakfastand sit on the couch and he comes over and steals a miniwheat out ofthe bowl and eats it. I only ever let him have one but it issooooo cute. I like the little morning ritual we havedeveloped and I don't really want to stop it unless it is really badfor him!!!!
I was also wondering about bunnies and cats. My room matejust got a kitten and she has really taken to my bunny. Thekitten likes to chase my bunny and I am having trouble figuring out ifhe is having fun or if he is scared. They do laps of myfamily room and it looks like they are having fun.Occasionally I see the odd Binky thrown in so I know that Chewie isenjoying himself but I worry that he is really scared sometimes. Is there any way that I can tell?
thanks so much
I was also wondering about bunnies and cats. My room matejust got a kitten and she has really taken to my bunny. Thekitten likes to chase my bunny and I am having trouble figuring out ifhe is having fun or if he is scared. They do laps of myfamily room and it looks like they are having fun.Occasionally I see the odd Binky thrown in so I know that Chewie isenjoying himself but I worry that he is really scared sometimes. Is there any way that I can tell?
thanks so much