Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Good afternoon! :biggrin
I just have a few questions I've been wondering about.
Alright, firstone. I'm 90% sure Pebbles is female. Her fur is pretty long on her belly, but I can easily feel her teats.They aren't hard, but are a bit on the firm side. Do males have noticable teats? I felt on Pepsi, and couldn't feel much of anything (I am 100% she's female, although a bit on the chubs side).
Also, Pebbles isn't eating her pellets much anymore. She still eats hard carrotsand chews wicker things, so I'm pretty sure it's not her teeth.Somedays she doesn't even touch her pellets and she is quite thin (underweight maybe). I'm not sure if she just doesn't like them any more(she used to like them, and Pepsi still devours them). I'm wondering if along with not eating her pellets, too much exercise could be that she's a bit under weight? She has a large pen to run in, and gets atleast an hour or so every other day to run around the house. I'm wondering if I should change her pellets. Should I give her some alfalfa hay to help her put some weight on? She's always been on the thin side even when she was a baby.
Now for Pepsi. I recently was cutting her nails through the wire (hold a treat, praise her and baby talk just long enough so I can cut a few nails, because she gets so stressed if I get her out to do it). Will it be uncomfortable for her to have her nails different lengths (Have balance problems?) only one or two on her front feet are long, the others are pretty much the same length (just a tad above her fur line on her paws- so that's great!).
Thanks in advance from the girls! :bunny2
I just have a few questions I've been wondering about.
Alright, firstone. I'm 90% sure Pebbles is female. Her fur is pretty long on her belly, but I can easily feel her teats.They aren't hard, but are a bit on the firm side. Do males have noticable teats? I felt on Pepsi, and couldn't feel much of anything (I am 100% she's female, although a bit on the chubs side).
Also, Pebbles isn't eating her pellets much anymore. She still eats hard carrotsand chews wicker things, so I'm pretty sure it's not her teeth.Somedays she doesn't even touch her pellets and she is quite thin (underweight maybe). I'm not sure if she just doesn't like them any more(she used to like them, and Pepsi still devours them). I'm wondering if along with not eating her pellets, too much exercise could be that she's a bit under weight? She has a large pen to run in, and gets atleast an hour or so every other day to run around the house. I'm wondering if I should change her pellets. Should I give her some alfalfa hay to help her put some weight on? She's always been on the thin side even when she was a baby.
Now for Pepsi. I recently was cutting her nails through the wire (hold a treat, praise her and baby talk just long enough so I can cut a few nails, because she gets so stressed if I get her out to do it). Will it be uncomfortable for her to have her nails different lengths (Have balance problems?) only one or two on her front feet are long, the others are pretty much the same length (just a tad above her fur line on her paws- so that's great!).
Thanks in advance from the girls! :bunny2