Joey's Page!

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Baby Jo-Jo

Apr 26, 2007
Reaction score
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
I'll add more to this later, including pitures,but for now I'll just say that Joey is a 6 week old Mini Lop (I think!)and she's awesome! I started doing research on rabbits a few months agobecause I had been wanting one for a while. Once I learned that theywere litter trainable, and made great pets I wanted one in the worstway! I bought a cage and all the supplies, then waited for the rightone to come along. She was only 5 weeks when I bought her. I had readsomewhere that they shouldn't be younger than 8 weeks, but if I didn'ttake her someone else would have, and at least I knew if I had hershe'd be loved and well taken care of. I had a bunny when I was areally little kid, but she was stolen and I don't really remember her.All I know is she was black and white and her name was Munchie. I havesome pictures of her that I will post as well, as she is the one thatstarted my rabbit fascination. I was smart though and waited until Iwas old enough, and financially secure enough to be a responsible bunnyowner. And I must say, she leads a pretty good life! She has a nice bigcage, she's already litter trained (I was amazed at how fast ithappened! She peed on the paper in her cage, I put some of the bunnylitter I have over it, absorbed it, and then put it in the litter boxand showed it to her and she hasn't peed anywhere else since!) I dohave a question though. When she's in her cage she drops pelletseverywhere, and only pees in the box, however, when she's in thekitchen (the only room so far that I have bunny proofed) she only goesin the litter box, and never poops on the floor. Does anybody know whythis is? I think she's just marking her territory, but I don't know forsure. Anyways I guess that's all for now. Hopefully in the next day orso I'll have some pictures on here and someone can tell me for surewhat breed she is.
I can't wait to see her!:bunnydance:

Yeah it sounds like she's just marking her territory to me:). Onceshe's old enough you'll want to have her spayed...or else all yourlitter training work will be out the window. 5-6 months is when mostvets will spay them, there are many health and otherbenefits,I definitely recommend it.:thumbup
I definatly plan on having her spayed. Just amatter of waiting until she's big enough. I have to take my film in toget developed (still using a 35mm instead of a digital) so once I getall that done I'll scan some pictures of her. Then everyone can see howcute she is!!

Okay so I cheated a bit and took some shots with my sister's digitalcamera. They're not as clear as mine will be, but they'll do for now.This is Joey! She no longer has wood chips either, that was the firstnight I had her, and I didn't know that they could cause liver diseaseand such...Although now I'm told that Pine shavings are okay. Anyways,Here's my baby!


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