Baby Jo-Jo
I'll add more to this later, including pitures,but for now I'll just say that Joey is a 6 week old Mini Lop (I think!)and she's awesome! I started doing research on rabbits a few months agobecause I had been wanting one for a while. Once I learned that theywere litter trainable, and made great pets I wanted one in the worstway! I bought a cage and all the supplies, then waited for the rightone to come along. She was only 5 weeks when I bought her. I had readsomewhere that they shouldn't be younger than 8 weeks, but if I didn'ttake her someone else would have, and at least I knew if I had hershe'd be loved and well taken care of. I had a bunny when I was areally little kid, but she was stolen and I don't really remember her.All I know is she was black and white and her name was Munchie. I havesome pictures of her that I will post as well, as she is the one thatstarted my rabbit fascination. I was smart though and waited until Iwas old enough, and financially secure enough to be a responsible bunnyowner. And I must say, she leads a pretty good life! She has a nice bigcage, she's already litter trained (I was amazed at how fast ithappened! She peed on the paper in her cage, I put some of the bunnylitter I have over it, absorbed it, and then put it in the litter boxand showed it to her and she hasn't peed anywhere else since!) I dohave a question though. When she's in her cage she drops pelletseverywhere, and only pees in the box, however, when she's in thekitchen (the only room so far that I have bunny proofed) she only goesin the litter box, and never poops on the floor. Does anybody know whythis is? I think she's just marking her territory, but I don't know forsure. Anyways I guess that's all for now. Hopefully in the next day orso I'll have some pictures on here and someone can tell me for surewhat breed she is.