Well-Known Member
I've shared here before about possibly going back into the clerical field (from merchandising) and I guess I need to put stuff down on paper and get some input back. Art's usual response to the topic is..."whatever you want to do honey...". GREAT....NOT!
First - we're very fortunate that Art's job is mostly secure. His company is owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway group and they are known for being very conservative and not going into a lot of debt (if I understand correctly). Art works on the flight simulators that train Air Force pilots - for one of the first planes they fly right after Air Force Academy. So unless they close this base - or the company loses the contract (they have 8 years left on it but it is renewed every year)...Art's job is secure. Even if they lose the contract - companies usually come in and hire the people currently working on the project...and since the guys have the union representing them with a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) - we know what Art's pay will be for another 2 or 3 years - raises, pay differential for his shifts, etc.
We're currently doing ok. We're not getting ahead and like many people - we live sometimes from paycheck to paycheck. Some paychecks we do better than others.
I've been working as a merchandiser which has flexible hours and a variety of work...which means that there are weeks like this one where I work 1.25 hours for one company and 4.75 hours for them next week. (I work for about 4 companies - I dropped a few companies last year).
Because I'm registered with the Texas Workforce - anytime a job comes in that is clerical in nature that I meet the qualifications for - I get an email. Usually these are full-time jobs. Most of them I ignore...for instance, I don't want to be a finance clerk and only work on filing every day...too boring. Sometimes I get one that interests me and I will try for it.
Now here is where the dilemma is. Art works rotating schedules - a month (or two) of mids - a couple of months of swings and a month of days. Sometimes he'll switch with someone else if they need different hours.
We have one car. When he works swing shift - I have to be out the door early so I can be home by 1:15 pm to give him the car - usually not a problem. When he works mids - I have the car all day. When he works days - I ride into work with him around 5:10 am and pick him up at 2 pm.
Sharing a car while I merchandise is an inconvenience - but we can do it without too much heartache.
But if I get a full-time job, we will most likely need to get another car. That will mean additional cost not only for a car - but for insurance also. Art can probably request to work midnight shift for 2-3 months so we can save up my pay to buy a beater car to drive around (basically an old car we can pay cash for)...but still yet - insurance and maintenance of car to consider.
I don't know what to do. In June of 2010 we'll make our last payment on something that is about $700 per month. We'll be able to use that money to put towards either paying off the van (I need to check on how many payments we have left on that) or the house. We will also be done with another payment of $160 per month....shortly before that.
I guess I'm struggling because we CAN get by now on what Art brings in and the little bit I'm bringing in....but it is tough sometimes and we have no money in savings.
My computer is acting funky so I'm going to post this before my computer shuts down and then post a reply with a bit more information...and questions..
First - we're very fortunate that Art's job is mostly secure. His company is owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway group and they are known for being very conservative and not going into a lot of debt (if I understand correctly). Art works on the flight simulators that train Air Force pilots - for one of the first planes they fly right after Air Force Academy. So unless they close this base - or the company loses the contract (they have 8 years left on it but it is renewed every year)...Art's job is secure. Even if they lose the contract - companies usually come in and hire the people currently working on the project...and since the guys have the union representing them with a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) - we know what Art's pay will be for another 2 or 3 years - raises, pay differential for his shifts, etc.
We're currently doing ok. We're not getting ahead and like many people - we live sometimes from paycheck to paycheck. Some paychecks we do better than others.
I've been working as a merchandiser which has flexible hours and a variety of work...which means that there are weeks like this one where I work 1.25 hours for one company and 4.75 hours for them next week. (I work for about 4 companies - I dropped a few companies last year).
Because I'm registered with the Texas Workforce - anytime a job comes in that is clerical in nature that I meet the qualifications for - I get an email. Usually these are full-time jobs. Most of them I ignore...for instance, I don't want to be a finance clerk and only work on filing every day...too boring. Sometimes I get one that interests me and I will try for it.
Now here is where the dilemma is. Art works rotating schedules - a month (or two) of mids - a couple of months of swings and a month of days. Sometimes he'll switch with someone else if they need different hours.
We have one car. When he works swing shift - I have to be out the door early so I can be home by 1:15 pm to give him the car - usually not a problem. When he works mids - I have the car all day. When he works days - I ride into work with him around 5:10 am and pick him up at 2 pm.
Sharing a car while I merchandise is an inconvenience - but we can do it without too much heartache.
But if I get a full-time job, we will most likely need to get another car. That will mean additional cost not only for a car - but for insurance also. Art can probably request to work midnight shift for 2-3 months so we can save up my pay to buy a beater car to drive around (basically an old car we can pay cash for)...but still yet - insurance and maintenance of car to consider.
I don't know what to do. In June of 2010 we'll make our last payment on something that is about $700 per month. We'll be able to use that money to put towards either paying off the van (I need to check on how many payments we have left on that) or the house. We will also be done with another payment of $160 per month....shortly before that.
I guess I'm struggling because we CAN get by now on what Art brings in and the little bit I'm bringing in....but it is tough sometimes and we have no money in savings.
My computer is acting funky so I'm going to post this before my computer shuts down and then post a reply with a bit more information...and questions..