Job Hunting / The economy

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
, Texas, USA
I've shared here before about possibly going back into the clerical field (from merchandising) and I guess I need to put stuff down on paper and get some input back. Art's usual response to the topic is..."whatever you want to do honey...". GREAT....NOT!

First - we're very fortunate that Art's job is mostly secure. His company is owned by Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway group and they are known for being very conservative and not going into a lot of debt (if I understand correctly). Art works on the flight simulators that train Air Force pilots - for one of the first planes they fly right after Air Force Academy. So unless they close this base - or the company loses the contract (they have 8 years left on it but it is renewed every year)...Art's job is secure. Even if they lose the contract - companies usually come in and hire the people currently working on the project...and since the guys have the union representing them with a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement) - we know what Art's pay will be for another 2 or 3 years - raises, pay differential for his shifts, etc.

We're currently doing ok. We're not getting ahead and like many people - we live sometimes from paycheck to paycheck. Some paychecks we do better than others.

I've been working as a merchandiser which has flexible hours and a variety of work...which means that there are weeks like this one where I work 1.25 hours for one company and 4.75 hours for them next week. (I work for about 4 companies - I dropped a few companies last year).

Because I'm registered with the Texas Workforce - anytime a job comes in that is clerical in nature that I meet the qualifications for - I get an email. Usually these are full-time jobs. Most of them I ignore...for instance, I don't want to be a finance clerk and only work on filing every day...too boring. Sometimes I get one that interests me and I will try for it.

Now here is where the dilemma is. Art works rotating schedules - a month (or two) of mids - a couple of months of swings and a month of days. Sometimes he'll switch with someone else if they need different hours.

We have one car. When he works swing shift - I have to be out the door early so I can be home by 1:15 pm to give him the car - usually not a problem. When he works mids - I have the car all day. When he works days - I ride into work with him around 5:10 am and pick him up at 2 pm.

Sharing a car while I merchandise is an inconvenience - but we can do it without too much heartache.

But if I get a full-time job, we will most likely need to get another car. That will mean additional cost not only for a car - but for insurance also. Art can probably request to work midnight shift for 2-3 months so we can save up my pay to buy a beater car to drive around (basically an old car we can pay cash for)...but still yet - insurance and maintenance of car to consider.

I don't know what to do. In June of 2010 we'll make our last payment on something that is about $700 per month. We'll be able to use that money to put towards either paying off the van (I need to check on how many payments we have left on that) or the house. We will also be done with another payment of $160 per month....shortly before that.

I guess I'm struggling because we CAN get by now on what Art brings in and the little bit I'm bringing in....but it is tough sometimes and we have no money in savings.

My computer is acting funky so I'm going to post this before my computer shuts down and then post a reply with a bit more information...and questions..

I guess my struggle is sort of two-fold here.

a. Money - I can make more if I work full-time - but can I really - when you consider the extra expenses...and is it worth it to work full-time if it sacrifices quality of life for us (Art loves having me home when he is off work sometimes and when he works swing shifts we'd barely see each other). Also - full-time work pays less per hour than I can make with some merchandising companies - like say $7.50 per hour for clerical and $9 and $11 per hour for merchandising.

b. Type of work and quality of life - merchandising is "harder" work than clerical in the fact that I don't walk into an office and work in air conditioning. It is hard work sometimes and the stores aren't always air conditioned the best (Dollar General for instance).

I love the flexibility of planning my day/week with merchandising - but I also love working where it is cool. The hot months are coming and from May - Sept. it can be miserably hot. (Then again - our central air unit went out last year and we've not been able to afford to fix it so we're using window air conditioners at home...).

I guess my final thoughts/questions are - if I am going to stick with merchandising - what can I do to either lower our costs of living (we've already dropped cable tv) or raise more cash. I'm thinking maybe sell stuff on Ebay or Amazon (books, etc. we're done with) or have a yard sale...or something else? I don't know.

I'd appreciate thoughts, suggestions and input while I think about this decision.

I applied yesterday for a job I thought I'd really like - only to have three potential merchandising jobs sent to my email last night and this morning. So I find myself wondering if maybe the best option is to just up the amount of merchandising I do by adding more companies.

Something else I need to consider is that the clothing for clerical work is a bit different than the clothing for merchandising and either way I go - I do need to get a few more new I should decide soon! (Many merchandising companies want the workers to wear polo shirts).
You've already considered some of the extra expenses of you getting a full time job (car payments, repair, plates, gas& insurance). A hugeconsideration is the tax bracket you'll be in if you start working full time. The additional taxes as well as additional expenses may not make the job worth it.

Thanks Pam - I need to look at that when I do our taxes later this month (I already know we owe some and I should have Art up his withholdings later this year).

It is frustrating because clerical work is the job I would enjoy - but I wouldn't have the overall quality of life I like with merchandising as far as spending time w/ Art, etc.

Then again - I think knowing I would be through with work sooner and be home to spend time with him - might make merchandising seem I'd cherish the rest of my life more because of the fact I only work part-time.

One of the jobs I'm trying for is a regular job of 6 hours per week at the commissary on base. My biggest concern is - is it 6 hours one day per week? One hour per day for 6 days? Two hours three times a week? Its with Proctor & Gamble ... I have the interview this afternoon. If I feel it is doable with my other work - I will definitely take it and stick with merchandising (I think). It would be 6 hours per week at $11.02 per hour.

Oh well - back to filling out paperwork for another company....

The more I think about it - I think I'm going to take my name off the list at Texas Workforce for clerical work and only put it on there for merchandising work....I don't know. At least that way I'm not always tempted by seeing these interesting looking jobs.

I feel funny even posting about this here when so many people are struggling financially to even get a job - let alone have a choice about it.

But I want to make the best choice and I keep going back and forth....I hate the feeling. (I also hate making decisions).
Have you looked into any of the "work at home" type jobs that are available? You could still keep the merchandising yet pick up a few extra bucks. I just saw an article on MSN a week or so ago about jobs at home. (Of course, if you do, you may need to get your air fixed or position yourself in front of a window unit;).) A friend of mine does some editing for scientific journals at home and loves it. She has four kids and can do it when it fits her schedule. If you like merchandising, maybe you'd like the mystery shopper/survey taker idea or the ebay store.

This is a fun article too. Maybe there's some ideas in there worth checking out:

I know you like to write. Maybe you could check out the problogger section in this article. I love blogs and spend waaaayyy too much time reading them.

Another thing to do is maybe go through and create a budget if you haven't already and really track where everything goes. I've found that a really helpful way of cutting spending when I need to. My husband and I picked up this book early in our marriage and we still occasionally pull it out and reread it to get back on track. "It Only Hurts Between Paydays " (Paperback) by Amy R. Mumford (Author) $0.43 at Amazon used books.

Anyway, good luck with your decision. I hope you find something that works for both you and Art.


Thanks Kirstin. I actually have done mystery shopping work already - and worked from home w/ Alpine Access as a customer service rep over the phone. I suppose I could try to do a blog for pay - but I don't like the idea of HAVING to write every day or so and bring people in. I want to write for the enjoyment (I do have a blog of my own though)...

I had an interview today and I think there is a good chance I'm going to get the job. I'm pretty excited. I would be the Proctor & Gamble Representative for the local base commissary. The manager thought she'd already picked out someone to hire - but I emailed her last week with a note of apology about missing out on the interview and explained I'd gone out of town on an emergency and was unable to get to my email when she sent it. She emailed back and asked if I'd like to do an interview anyway...

The interview went FANTASTIC today - she is thinking about coming down on Monday from San Antonio to meet me and tour the store with me and introduce me around and see how I feel about the job after seeing more of what it is.

I would have to be at the base commissary two times a week (minimum - possibly three times per week) to make sure products were on the shelves, displays were built, etc. etc. At times I might have to help on a reset - but I would know about that ahead of time.

The pay is $11 per hour - so since I've decided my goal is that I want to make $500 - $600 per month again ...this would be approx. $264 per month of that goal.

Plus - I'd have a reason to be at the base commissary twice a week - where the milk and bread and stuff is cheaper anyway.

I'll share more once I know more.

Oh - and she told me she'd marked my resume as one person she really wanted to talk to - so she was glad that I contacted her when I got back into town.
That sounds great! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you:)

And interesting that you have a blog. I do too. I wonder how many of us do... I've run into at least one other one. Its fun to see what people do with their time besides play with bunnies:D. Mines mostly art stuff with a little cooking thrown in, but lately its been more cooking than art.

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