Jealous Bunny??

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
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Freddyville, New Jersey, USA
I'm not an animal behaviourist or anything but Ithink my bun is jealous of my boyfriend! I have to admit tho...I thinkit's adorable and some of the things he does to be absolutelyhysterical. For one when I feed him he goes nuts trying to lick eithermy hands or feet or anything that is near his face at the time, when myboyfriend goes to feed him him, he thumps his foot over and over as ifhe were ticked off and to say hurry up! also when my b/f is in the roomand leaves freddy will walk all along the perimeters of thebed and every couple of steps sit up like a lil groundhog andsniff around. he reminds me of a lil watch dog...and as soon as my b/fwalks in the room Freddy will run over to me and try to sprawl himselfontop of me. when he sees my boyfriend and I laying down he promptlytries to wedge himself inbetween us and start licking me. Once (this ismy boyfriends fault) he chewed part of my b/f;s thumbnail and thumb offwhile he was sleeping. I told him not to go to sleep with the rabbitnot put away. (I am terrified of one of us rolling over on him cuz helikes to snuggle as much under you as possible). I never push Freddyaway when I am together with my b/f b/c I don't want him to feel like Ifavor my boyfriend over him. Is there any way to curb this?

o and this is kinda embarrasing, but my bun has found every possibleway to get into my laundry hamper and steal my underwear. i had to movethe hamper out of my room! has anyone else bun done that or do I justhave the wierdest rabbit in the world? haha


I don't know so much about the jealousy part, my bunnies like to be pet by anyone who will pet them.

But I do know about the underwear thing. My MALE bunny Pez isconstantly grabbing my underwear and running around the house withit. I dread the day that I have company over and he comes anddrops my underwear in someones lap. I thought only dogs didthat LOL. I guess it has something to do with the malehormones and he is somehow showing his ownership of me!

Let me guess....not neutered? :D

*this is something I posted in a different territorial problem post*

Its a male to male thing....seriously.....

In October of last year we started having trouble with Nimue and my dad....

Nimué would besitting by the door or something and my dad would walk into the roomand Nimué would just outright attack him

This was of course PRE NEUTER! :D

Nimué attacked my dad a total of 3 timesduring the month of October and let me tell you my dad was MORE thenhappy to schedule aneuter!

If your bunnies haven’t already beenneutered then I would suggest doing that as SOON as possible :) Itisn’t a quick fix or anything, Nimué just recently stopped caring thatmy dad was in the room. And I mean it’s been what 6 months!

I guess it would be kinda scary having a22lb ball of fur with sharp teeth running afteryou

I must say that Nimué is such a big babywith me, and has NEVER bit me once, but before he was neutered he wouldtake any chance he got to bite my dad!


My buns don't quite know what to make of myboyfriend, Shawn. Sampson is really the only one who will lethim touch him and even then, he'd rather just come to me. Onemorning, Sampson wanted up on the bed and Shawn let him up and heproceeded to pull hair right out of Shawn'shead. When Shawn scolded him,he just came over to me and groomed meand my pillow. Elvis tried to sprayShawnwhenthe first time them met, unfortunately, he missed and gotme instead. Me if he'd gottenShawn: Me when he got me instead:

No, Freddy is not neuterted yet he is only 4 1/2months old. He's never done anything as serious as attacking myboyfriend, in fact when Freddys in the mood, if Im not around or busyFreddy cuddles up with him and gives him kisses and the whole chebang!Im just tryin to stop him before he ever gets to the point ofattacking. He is getting neutered though as soon as that 6 month markcomes around although thats been met with some stark resistance from myboyfriend, dad and grandfather, actually any male that i know lol.they're all on some save Freddys lil guys campaign.
LOL well you canalways tell them oksure if you dont wantFreddy neutered then I guess youall will have to take his place , I thinkmaybe they will see it differently , thendo it anyways , fixingthe rabbitis to his and your benifit ,he will be happier and you wonthave some of the smelly issues yetto come .

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