I've scared myself!

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
Ok, I have to admit, I am the biggest wuss, I can't watch anything vaguely scary/gory/intense on TV before I scare myself stupid... Its so bad that I get scared of getting up and going to bed sometimes... :?

So, earlier tonight, about an hour ago, Steve got in a complete strop, and was really rude to me, for no apparent reason. He stormed up to bed, and I thought 'good riddance', and set about finding something to watch on TV. I ended up finding a documentary about Lisa Left-Eye Lopes, who was in TLC, and died a few years ago? Anyone remember that? Anyway, I wasn't a massive fan or anything but I kinda got sucked in.

Now this is where I sound silly because I've scared myself! At the end, there was footage of a documentary she was making that showed the car crash, which is when she died. It's horrible, and quite shocking to watch, but not scary, right? Anyway, I'm now too scared to go to bed. I'm ridiculous, if I go to bed on my own, I always run up the stairs really fast, looking behind me the whole way, that's without watching anything that has 'spooked' me! I'm doubly terrified because the living room window is open and I have to go and close it before I go to bed. I can't leave it open overnight with the bunnies in the room, there's potential that a fox or something could get in. I honestly couldn't say, watching that programme, what has started me off being scared. I mean, I'm in the house, I'm not going to be in a crash, if I go to bed.... it's just crazy! I also couldn't tell you what scares me so much about closing the window....

I could also never explain to you how I managed to live on my own for a whole year. Lets just say it involved a very precise process of closing all the doors behind me one by one, keeping my bedroom blinds down pretty much 24/7, and NEVER ever getting up after I had gone to bed, no matter how much I needed the bathroom :?:?:?

This all sounds completely RIDICULOUS reading it back! I am a grown woman, of 24 years of age, and here I am, too scared to go to bed!! I know it all sounds completely crazy, and I can't even believe I'm about to post this! I must sound like a complete nutter.

I need to do something about my fear of being scared lol.... :?

Sorry for anyone who has had the misfortune to read this.... :embarrassed:

*Edit: put not instead of now!
Bo B Bunny wrote:
*sends Jen dvd of The Grudge to watch while she's not going to bed.... *


It's exactly films like that, that scare the pants off me! I watched The Blair Witch Project when I was 15, just because my friends wanted to see it and I didn't want to be left out and made fun of, and I didn't sleep for a good 3 or 4 nights. I had the light on, and stayed wide awake the whole time. :shock:

It's ridiculous! Even if I see a trailer late at night, I'm scared for hours then. Man, I wish Steve wasn't so stroppy so I wasn't up on my own!! :X
Aww, Jen, you don't sound silly. I'm sorry you're so scared. Not fun!

I don't have much advice to offer, but I can commiserate with you...

When I lived on my own for a year I refused to sleep in the bedroom where my bed was. I slept on the couch, with the lights on, for an entire year. Even now I check all the windows, the locks, the alarm, the doors, the oven and stove, the heater, and everything else. Every night! And that's without watching anything scary. Sheesh, if I even watch Disney movies I get scared.

Okay, toss me one of them paper bags to put over my face. We'll be in this one together.

:baghead:baghead(Me and Jen)
I was in my daughter's room cleaning one day (sorting Barbie shoes from piles of stuff and organizing that whole department of her room) when I watched that movie.... The Grudge.........

I got all freaky - I was alone and it was daytime but...... that movie gets me! :shock:
Lol! Thanks!!

I honestly don't know how I coped on my own for a year... I used to have a lot of visitors, so I just used to close the curtains etc when they were there so I wasn't scared. My front door opened into the kitchen, so I used to shut the kitchen door, then the bathroom door (off the hallway), then shut the hallway door, then, run through the living room, turn off the light, without daring to look at the window of the back door (off my living room), and shut the living room door which led into my bedroom. RUN to the lamp next to my bed, run back, turn the main light off, and RUN back into bed and turn the lamp off. I'd sleep with my house phone and mobile next to me and wake to the slightest sound. Once, I woke up and heard *someone* in my back garden. Me and Steve weren't together, but good friends, (Ok, so he was in love with me!) and he was about to get in the car and drive over to me, when I realised it was a hedgehog. LOL!! :bunnydance::embarrassed:

Anyway, rambling again... this is all so silly, I can't believe I'm scared of going to bed, much less that I've just posted it on a forum for everyone to read about my insanity! :shock::?

I'd already planned on making Steve suffer for being rude to me, but damn it, I'm gonna make him suffer until Sunday at this rate!!

I just closed the window!!! Hooray!! Now, I need to quickly deal out some hay, and then make a run for it...... :?:?

Bo B Bunny wrote:
I was in my daughter's room cleaning one day (sorting Barbie shoes from piles of stuff and organizing that whole department of her room) when I watched that movie.... The Grudge.........

I got all freaky - I was alone and it was daytime but...... that movie gets me! :shock:
I could never, ever watch it! I saw the trailer, and decided right away that I would never ever watch it, no matter what happened.:shock: My friends now accept that if they have people over to watch a movie, and it's likey to be a scary film, they let me know out of politeness but they understand that I wont go! No way!! :p
I feed my rabbits late which is around 11 pm to midnight. Well, when my brother has friends over we sit around and watch scary movies. Sometimes I sit there with a blanket covering half of the TV, but I watch them.

Well, a few weeks back my brother and his friends were planning on scaring me after watching One Missed Call. So I decided to help them scare my brother's girlfriend instead of myself. So while she was in the bathroom, I got online and downloaded the 'One Missed Call' ringtone to her phone. My brother then set it as his ringtone on her phone. So here she still thought they were going to scare me while feeding the rabbits and was standing outside the rabbit barn with a garden rake in her hand guarding the barn. The next thing ya know, my brother called her and she throws her phone on the rabbit barn's floor and is standing there screaming "Oh my... Oh my.... I am NOT answering that phone!" She was jumping around scared out her mind while I was standing there laughing to the point I was almost on the floor! Anyways, it was mean but ohhhh so funny at the same time.

Also, I don't think I'd ever be able to live alone in a house. Nope, not me either!

Hope you overcome your fear soon! you may end up being awake all night!

I have seen the trailer for the Blair Witch Project. I am fifteen and I love scary movies, even though some scare me:D. But my friend was telling us about that movie and how she watched it and all. I think it is scary especially how it could be true. I want to see it but I don't. I know I will end up seeing it sometime though, just out of curiosity.
I love watching scary movies, but I get massive after-effects!

The latest thing that scared me, and I'm not sure that all of you know, but this one guy in the USA or someplace took pictures of an "Alien" who was outside his window and it kept moving and peering in....and all he did was stand there, take pictures of it, shoot footage and watch it! yah, that's not what I would've been doing! Anyway, I usually get a midnight snack - no joke, I'm up at like 11 and Im starving, so i go to the kitchen. - we have no blinds on our window in the kitchen, so I just always go as fast as possible while getting my snack - usually cereal which is a large bowl w/milk and some sugar on top - and then I keep watching the window, but I try not to think bout it, cuz it will only scare me more but i just make a mad dash for my room, and shut my door and jump on my bed, without spilling my cereal!

I'm with you, though, Jen. I would be dashing up the stairs as quick as lightning and looking behind me every second!

I'll write more later, hehe.

Thanks everyone :)

I've managed to calm down a little bit now... I think I may *chance* going to bed in a little bit...

Just let me clear up, that it wasn't just a little documentary that scared me. I guess it made me think of being scared, and then for some reason, I just think of all these possible scary things, and then I think of all the times in the past I've been scared, and why, and then it just goes from there! Very crazy, I know.... :?

And LOL Alexah, I think I may just do that! At least until he apologised profusely anyway! :biggrin2::p

Thank you all for putting up with my craziness!
BlueSkyAcresRabbitry wrote:
but I try not to think bout it, cuz it will only scare me more but i just make a mad dash for my room, and shut my door and jump on my bed, without spilling my cereal!

That is EXACTLY how I go to bed every single night lol! I'm so crazy! :ponder:
I can watch something completely not scary and have it remind me of somethibg scary and I'd be to scared to the bathroom 9which can be a problem) Because I don't wanna go down the hall on my own in the dark.
I am the exact same way, Jen :(.

I always look over my shoulder, I am scared to death to get up in the middle of the night/morning to go potty, at night I turn almost all the lights in the house on. I am scared to death to see a ghost and I always think I am going to see one. When the cats chase *nothing* through the house...I am scared that a ghost is playing with them.

If I watch a scary movie...I am terrified for years. I'm still scared that the girl from the Ring is going to get me....and how many darn years did that stupid movie come out?

Sheesh....it really sucks being scared of ghosts...lol. I definitely have a phobia of ghosts and frogs/toads.

I'm rediciulious, lol.
undergunfire wrote:
When the cats chase *nothing* through the house...I am scared that a ghost is playing with them.
or when cats just stare at the wall like they see something that isn't there........creepy!
I'm just the same! Sometimes if i'm going to the loo before bed and all the lights are off, i have to run and close the door behind me incase there is a murderer/ghost/alien in the bathroom. I usually leap into bed, pull the covers right up to my nose and quiver. Its so silly.

I also did the same as you the other day. There was this programme about sleepwalking and they said this woman has a dream where she is parlysed and then this lady crawls over to her and strangles her and she can't move. I suffer from sleep paraylisis too, so now every dressing gown hanging on the back of the door is a lady trying to strangle me.

Oh, and Crimewatch. Why do i watch it? Its so interesting but then you go to bed and can't sleep.

Also, when i watched the Texas Chainsaw Massacre on my own, home alone, i thought 'this won't scare me. Murderer in Texas with Chainsaw, i'm fine... its too unrealistic'. But yeah, had to stay up watching nice TV until my Mum got home.

Fran :) :hearts :brownbunny