I've never had a cat like this.......

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
I cannot remember a cat like Diesel. He's pretty normal most of the time..... but when he cannot find one of us, he cries. I mean CRIES!

I was napping yesterday and Lexi was in the bathroom - we have a pretty small house.... I hear this horrible MEOWWOWOWWWOOOW.... and Lexi calls to him "Diesel, I'm in the bathroom!" and then I hear this tromping over the wood floors and "THUD"...... he ran into the door to the bathroom!!!

Today, I am home with just the animals.... I went to the bathroom...... again he's crying horribly..... I call him and it gets quiet. When I walk out the door, there he is - sitting and waiting for Mommy.

He's like ATTACHED to us!
Juju is JUST like that. He is a momma's boy.

I can't even go potty or shower with the bathroom door closed anymore, he will sit outside of it and cry and scream "Maaaaaamaaaaaaaaaa!".

wait just a second here....

you are saying...

no..that can't be right...I must have misread somewhere...

it's actually possible to go potty WITHOUT an audience?
Eddie is like that...except he waits until it hits 11:38PM (EXACTLY) and does this stupid "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOOO
then paces up the hall until somebody goes to "Rescue" him. He will then sit on top of my brothers wadrobe until the morning. Its really weird though, he dosent usually do it in the day and it sounds more like a queen cat in season :shock:
furryface wrote:
wait just a second here....

you are saying...

no..that can't be right...I must have misread somewhere...

it's actually possible to go potty WITHOUT an audience?
Unfortuneatly, not. At least not when cats are in the house!
Both Suki and Sigmund wait in attendance at the bathroom door for like 30 seconds before they start scratching.
When you let Suki in, She yows at you, then runs behind the shower curtin so she can bat at your fingers through it.

Sigmund prefers being in the bathroom immediately after you turn off the taps in the shower. Seriously, not even a second after the water is shut off, he starts hammering on the door.
Let him in, and he sneaks guiltily to the tub, and licks it clean. If you look at him he freezes, then bolts for the door...

No, I've never been in the bathroom without company...:biggrin2:
OMG! I can't believe this is at all normal! I've had a bunch of cats in my life!!

I've had a couple that LOVED to watch the toilet flush. I've even had a sink drinker and a girl that had a blankie she drug around with her. She would bring her blankie and jump into your lap to get rocked and sleep. That was a weird cat too! ..... but never had one that freaked out if he couldn't find me!

I thought when my kids got older and quit following me to the bathroom, I was free!!! :?

Diesel is a tub licker too....... he gets in it all the time, licks the water, and plays.... he doesn't want it to be on him..... but he's always got wet feet pads from it.

Tank could care less..... he hides in the towel cabinetif he hears thunder and that's his extent of bathroom time.
I really wasn't into cats at all other than loving kittens for being the silly creatures they are. I was much more fond of bunnies but then Mario prefers cats and I wanted him to have a pet. Heh...I made the mistake of assuming that cats were well... independent and anti-social? Lol...

Houdina does exactly what your Diesel is doing. The first time she did it, I actually thought I had gotten her paw or tail stuck in the door or something... :?She will sit there and cry until I come out - that's if she didn't manage to wiggle her way in before I've shut the door. Oh, and make sure you don't forget to lock the door as she opens it :?:pIf I go out, she turns into the biggest troublemaker once I've come back just to let me know she doesn't like me leaving. Mario says she freaks out when I leave. She follows me everywhere and she flops at my feet the minute I don't move around. Heh! Oh... And she actually cries for me to open the faucet so she can play in the bathroom sink.. :?

Anyway, I have since learned that cats aren't what I thought they were :p
These cats that do this - were any of them really young when you got them?

The reason I ask is that Diesel was a feral baby and we took him as soon as he could eat dry food cause Mom and Dad were afraid he'd get too mean, or wild or get hit in the road or something. They had his mama spayed and kept her there - she's a big lover too.

Anyhow, he was about 5 weeks old when we took him maybe 6. He's very attached to us but just wants to know we are there and wants us to play sometimes. He's happy annoying the dog or harassing the other cat...... he will try to attack the bunnies but I think the loss of whiskers and maybe a nip has taught him to stay away from the Cloverbunny and Bo!

He also will make biscuts (knead his paws) on blankets and sucks on them when he's sleepy and if he crawls in the bed with me.

My aunt had a very big doberman doggie that did that sucking thing. He was very little when she got him (like 4 weeks?) and he had a blanket he sucked all the time to go to sleep LOL!
Juju likes to knead the dough and will suck on things, too. He loves when my hair is wet and obsesses over it, though, I am not sure that would have anything to do with this?

Juju was dumped at a vet's office when he was 3 months old. His foster mom, Patt, took him in and had him until he was 1.5 years old...then we got him a few months ago. So, possibly he was taken away from his mom at an early age?
Bella was pretty much a newborn(her eyes wern't open, and she was the only one found) when she was rescued...but she was put with a foster mama ("Mother Teresa"...she had just lost her litter, and over the course of three days her owner ended up giving her a replacement litter! granted it was spring...that was one multi-color litter let me tell ya!) and was raised that way in a house full of cats (and now that she's a old lady-she HATES all cats...how you grow up in a house with over twenty cats and act that way<shrug> ).

I got her when she was six weeks old, she does "make biscuits" (my other cat did, as did my grandmother's cat, and my bro's-all ranged in age from a year to three year when they were adopted) and she LOVES playing in water...

Precious loved to annoy the dog...poor Tash would be sound asleep and the Beast would walk up and and swat her on the nose! and then run to me to be rescued! and I'd always tell her "you picked the fight, finish it!"

it's just like living with a furry two year old!
Awww :)

Yeah, all of mine have done the biscut thing but sucking on blankets and fearing they can't find someone - I wonder if it is because they attach to their owners as a mama kitty.

Amy, I can see Juju being a wet hair freak...... had those before too!

We had a cat once that had a "thing" for my father's big toe..... :shock:

Bo B Bunny wrote:
These cats that do this - were any of them really young when you got them?
Lol Bo, I was coming on the thread to ask that very question. It just hit me yesterday as I was watching the kittens. Yep, mine was bottle-fed (not by me though), and my parents' was bottle-fed by us as well. I think that plays a major role in the way they see us afterwards :)We always say Houdina thinks I'm her mom. You should see how badly she is reacting to the kittens. She hears them and sees me playing with them and she's more mad at me than she is at them. If I reach out to touch them, she's growling at me. Lol :?I feel bad, but I am making sure to play with her tons as well.
Isn't that strange?!

Diesel ate food but we made it really soft stuff and added a bit of baby food to help the flavor of the kitten chow. We did tho, wash his little face and stuff for him. I also held him and he slept on me a lot. Lexi too - we kept him all snuggled a bunch!

I guess they bond to us pretty strongly then.
aww thats soo cute :biggrin2:

atleast you know he'll be safe when its just u n him because he will always be there.
thats a scary thought relli but u get my point (i hope or ive been rambling agen lol)

Ollie is like that too (and we got him when he was young). He is such a big baby and will cry every night when we have all gone to bed so that one of us has to get up and give him a cuddle. It's a special cry as well (different to his'I'm hungry' cry) so you know that he is lonely. I swear he actually sounds as if he's saying "where are you?"It is like having a real baby...who never grows up!:p

I love Ollie for being like that though, the reason he is such a brilliant cat is because he loves being around people so much! He also will try to sit/lie on mewhenever I sit down and if I don't let him he will sit as close to me as he possibly can! Bless him!:D

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