I've fallen in love...

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
I really would like to adopt another rabbitinstead of buying one for a pet store. My mom isn't exactly the most"understanding" person so sometimes it is hard to talk to her. I fellin love with this adorable little lop. 1.5 years old, female, ADORABLE.http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?ac...de9-app2&display=&preview=1&row=0&tmpl=&stat=

And the price is decent! I mean, $25 adoption fee, $10 spay/neuterdeposit, so they will do it for us for only $10. I showed my mom thislittle beauty, and she said no. $35 is "too much". :mad: BUT SHE IS SOCUTE. I will try to get the money somehow, I mean the price is betterthan the local SPCA.

Just thought I would rant a bit. -puts her picture up as desktop- Imgoing to make a little essay about the importance of spaying/neuteringyour rabbit and how Daisy is a good deal, and will make a great pet.

Wish me luck
She's very cute. How much do pet storerabbits cost by you that $35 dollars is too much? Especiallyconsidering that it includes the spay? Mocha's spay costalmost $200!

Is your other bun neutered?
At the store I think the bunnies cost 15-20dollars maybe. Our male is not neutered, but I dont plan on keepingthem together if I get another anyways until I raise some money to gethim neutered. I know 35 dollars isn't to much, as a spay costs A LOT ofmoney. I am going to email the rescue and ask if the 10 dollars coversthem neutering the bun there.
Malo...I'm sorry but, that deposit does notcover the cost of spay/neuter. It is a fee that will bereturned to you once YOU have it done by your Vet. They donot do it for you.
You have to "read the fine print". Charlotte
ugh. Thats a dissapointment. I still sent an email asking them about it anyway (For a slight ray of hope)
What a cutie! As soon as I found my bunny Devon on petfinder, I put his picture on my pc desktop too. Best of luck:)

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