Well-Known Member
So, I was watching the movie In HerShoes, and decided that I really liked a pet name they had in itfor a dog they had when they were little. I also realizedquite quickly that it was perfect for my Flower, but as she's alreadygotten used to and responds to her name, I wasn't about to changeit! So, I decided she must have it as a middle name.
So, Flower's new name is officially:
Flower HoneyBun
I thought HoneyBun was perfect because she has this beautifulhoney-colored stripe down her back, and has pretty light-brown circlesaround each eye. Perfect, wouldn't you say??

So, Flower's new name is officially:
Flower HoneyBun
I thought HoneyBun was perfect because she has this beautifulhoney-colored stripe down her back, and has pretty light-brown circlesaround each eye. Perfect, wouldn't you say??