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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
So, I was watching the movie In HerShoes, and decided that I really liked a pet name they had in itfor a dog they had when they were little. I also realizedquite quickly that it was perfect for my Flower, but as she's alreadygotten used to and responds to her name, I wasn't about to changeit! So, I decided she must have it as a middle name.

So, Flower's new name is officially:

Flower HoneyBun

I thought HoneyBun was perfect because she has this beautifulhoney-colored stripe down her back, and has pretty light-brown circlesaround each eye. Perfect, wouldn't you say??

I thought it may be kinda funny to do, but she'sresponded to her new middle name quite quickly, so I guess she likesit! :)


I've been thinking it would only be fair to have Maisie have a middlename, but the best (and most appropriate, given her ladylike-ness)would be Pearlwater, or some such. Given that Maisie means"pearl" in Celtic, and the fact that it sounds very distinguished andladylike, I might just keep it as that. So, it would be MissMaisie Pearlwater.

Does that sound silly for a middle name?
Lol! Flower's middle name is what my partner and I call eachother :inlove:.

It's perfect for Flower! I should get a middle, and a last, name for Bunbun.
IMO, Everybun should have more than one name, of course, I've got Miss Fiona Whiskers and Mr. Timothy Hoppytoes... ;)
oooh I love middle names!

I have Basil James, Maxwell Alexander, and Mr. Benjamin Tumnus! All men of high society must have proper full names!
Cute! Misty and Charlie don't have middle names, but my sister has given Cookie the name Cookie Bojangles... :?
