I've created a monster!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Montana, USA
This morning I picked Winston up and put him onmy bed. I'm trying to get him used to being picked up since he hates itso much. Anyway, after a few minutes I put him down on the floor to runamock.


I hear a strange sound.......

and turn around.......

to see Winston hopping on and off my bed! I've created a monster!
LOL! Thats what happened to ustoo! WE would bring Guin onto the bed to snuggle, well sheloved it so much, she jumps up at 2am just to remind us, that she canmake the leap!
Well, my landlord wants me to get rid of himafter Thanksgiving. However, I'm hopefully going to be able tomove Dec. 1 so if that's the case I'll just tell her that she'll haveto deal with Winston for the two extra days. If I can't move, I found agenerous person willing to take Winston for a week or two.

Thanks for asking! :D
Im soo lucky i dont have to deal with landlordsanymore.Im glad you have a sloution and dont have to give up yourbunny.Im the landlord now.bluebird
bluebird wrote:
Imsoo lucky i dont have to deal with landlords anymore.Im glad you have asloution and dont have to give up your bunny.Im the landlordnow.bluebird

My dad is a landlord and he gets lots of not responsible petowners in his apartments. They would let there pets run around theapartment and let them pee on the hardwood floors and carpet, chew onthe wall and carpet and lots of other destructive things. My dad doesallow people with rabbits in his apartments though:)As longas theytakethere rabbit out of its cage forexercise outside of the apartment. He does not allow cats and dogsthough. Since dogs and cats have to be running free around theapartment. Its tobad there are irresponsible pet owners, becauseotherwise my dad would allow cats and dogs in his apartments. My dadhas to go through so much HARD work after an animal ruins anapartment...he always had to pay for irresposible pet owners. I'm surethere are NO irresponsible pet owners on this forum. You must have avery strict landlord NightPoet00. I'm glad my dad allows rabbits in hisapartments:)I just thought I would share this with everyoneabout landlords...I'm not trying to hurt anybodys feelings..I justwanted to saymy opinion on landlords.

Yeah I am happy we don't care about landlordswith a bunny. But if we had a dog, I bet we'll get lots of complainsfrom people around us.
I think in Europe animals are so much more tolerated. They even letpeople go into restaurants with dogs in France. And sometimes they havedog menus too.
My stepdad is a landlord too, Cassandra, and Iknow what you mean about how destructive some animals are. He's had topay a lot at times, to fix up damage from dogs, not to mention the messin the yard. Basically, he no longer accepts dogs there, but he doescats. He's an animal lover like all of us here, but when it comes tomoney and his apartments, I do agree with him because I'veseen first hand what can happen.

I feel lucky to live in a building where you can have any animal youwant. The people here are very responsible, from what I've seen so far.No poop outside, so that's good. When I'm standing by the elevatorwaiting for it to come up, I can hear someone's bird chirpping, but Ihave never heard barking, which is very nice.

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