Its ok, he can me Flower if you wanna...

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flower power

Dec 28, 2007
Reaction score
Tigard, suburb outside of Portland, Or, Oregon, US

I have had my rabbit for about 6 months now. He was a rescue brought to a local pet store at my old home (in Santa Barbara, CA) and help rehome rescue animals. My husband loved the fact that he looked like an Easter Bunny. He held him, and he pee'd all over him. My husband looked at me and said "Let's take him home". My husband is severely allergic to cats though he always loved them (no, you cant have him, he is all mine), so it was a match made in heaven!

I then spent the next 24 hours crazedly building a C&C cage (I had already build one for my guinea pigs a few months ago). I ended up building a 4x4 2 story cage complete with clay pots to hop on and cat litter box with compressed hay pellets and hay for litter box. He loves his home... but has the tendency to be cage aggressive, which I can understand, so we leave him be. If we sit patiently outside his cage, he almost always come's out to say hello. Here is his cage, picture take last October


Last October we relocated to Portland, Or. It was a rough journey, but we made it! We were able to fit our dog, 2 Guinea Pigs, 2 large tuperwares of Fish and aquatic frogs, and our dearly departed lizard (died a week later due to unknown illness... RIP King Tut I) into my little 2 door car and make the 1300 mile trip from Santa Barbara, CA to a suburb just outside Portland, OR. I get so mad when I look on Craigslist and see sooo many people dumping their animals just because they have to move! Yes, he was mad, but that's no reason to abandon them to the shelters!

Grumpy Flower!

So, now he has a wonderful home to live in! He has free roam of the house, but he has the tendency to get into trouble. He loves to find thin little wires, and having just moved, we had to learn the hard way where we forgot to bunny proof! Just like the mastercard commercials...

Laptop Power Cord: $65.00
Brookstone Noise Machine: $35.00
Telephone Cord: $10.00
Carpet Destruction: unknown
Floor Board Destruction: unknown cost

1 Crazy Hoppity Bunny : priceless!

He is prone to aggression and will charge our poor dog if she gets anywhere near. He will also hop onto the dog and sit there. He thinks he owns the house. He has settled down a lot since we got him fixed. We thought we were going crazy for a while. He still has maintained a lot of his querkiness. He loves to sit under the top step and attack our feet. Steal my blanket as I am sleeping on the couch (usually a nightly occurance). Tries to break into our bedroom by charging the bedroom door (now banned from bedroom since he ate through the cords and starting pulling my clothes out of the closet), etc etc.

He is just one member of our fur family (both our families tell us to just have kids already, but we aren't ready yet).


Sadie Dog (Heeler- sticking her tongue out at me for putting antlers on her)

Guinea Pigs- Queen Elizabeth (light brown, the mom) and Princess Isabella (black and brown, baby)



Our Egyptian Uromastyx Lizards (grow to about 3 feet, also known as Giant Uromastyx)

Queen Nefertiti- aka Big Lady

King Tut II - aka Big Dude

Cleopatra- aka Spaz (kinda psycho... we think the previous owners may have abused it or it has brain damage)

Our rescued (awful story, kinda long, lost an arm due to neglect) Plated Lizard- Stumpy

so, now hopefully I wont be banned for putting up too many pictures!

WELCOME! and Welcome to all of your pets! I love Flower! and the pig! and the doggie! and ALL OF THEM!

I have a mini-rex too and he's kinda bossy about his cage. He got a bath tonight from boxing my daughter when she was reaching to put his water bowl in ..... served him right LOL!

He's pretty bossy sometimes too, but I love him to pieces and the snuggly times are worth it all!

Welcome to the forum.

It's so lovely to read about you and your animal family, you clearly love them all a lot :)

You won't get banned for posting too many pics, here, it's the more the better. Maybe you could think about startign a blog :)

I look forward to seeing you around.

Take care

Welcome to the forum!!

I have a Flower bunny, too! But she's a lovely little girl bunny. And they even look a bit similar!

Here's what my Flower girl looks like:


Laptop Power Cord: $65.00
Brookstone Noise Machine: $35.00
Telephone Cord: $10.00
Carpet Destruction: unknown
Floor Board Destruction: unknown cost

1 Crazy Hoppity Bunny : priceless!
I loved this! it's so true! mine would read:

  • Multiple Nintendo cords: angry children
  • Vet Bills for Neuter: $145
  • Vet Bills for sneezing that quit at the office: $40
  • Vet Bills for missing clumps of hair (found to be molt) $45
  • Woodwork "redecorations": unknown
  • Daddy's downpillow replaced due to special markings: $30
  • Soccer cleat strings: $5
  • Kitty butt hair: attitude from the kitty for 2 days
1 brat bunny who nips when he doesn't get his way: PRICELESS!!!

Ohh ohhh You and I can be friendS!!@!!!I have 6 rabbits of my own. I foster another bun. 4 guinea pigs, a dog, a blue tounge skink and a leopard gecko. .

Thanks everyone for your replies!

Bo B Bunny: I put a post in the Behavior section. Mind just recently started pulling out his har on his back about two days ago. I was going to take him to the vet next week, but what did your vet say?

Jade Icing: That is awesome that you have reptiles too. I think hard to find fur lovers that love reptiles too. Once you own them, you see that they have wonderful little personalities, just like the furry animals. I love skinks and leopard geckos. I almost brought in a rescued 3 legged Blue Tongue Skink, and my husband really wants a leopard gecko (saw one in the reptile store by our house). I really want a vieled chameleon! I think they are so cute!

Also, we have been thinking about getting a rescued girlfriend/boyfriend for Flower. Ill post somewhere else, but since he is so aggressive, I dont know how it will go, but we will see....

Thanks everyone!
Maherwoman: Yes, they do look similar! I love the little "eye liner" markings. Our poor flower boy looks so feminine with it. The pet store origionally told us Flower was a girl, and she does look very girl like.. but then again, most bunnies do. But then, puberty hit and soon, without going into too much details but lets just say he was cleaning himself, it became VERY apparent flower was a boy.
Oh yeah, I forgot to let all the bunnies reading the post know that my big reptiles are vegetarians, they do not eat any live things! Our little stumpy lizard eats insects, but I could never feed any rodents! In fact, I had a pet rat in middle school that I felt I was rescuing from becoming a feeder rat. So, everyone can breathe easy now!
flower power wrote:
Maherwoman: Yes, they do look similar! I love the little "eye liner" markings. Our poor flower boy looks so feminine with it. The pet store origionally told us Flower was a girl, and she does look very girl like.. but then again, most bunnies do. But then, puberty hit and soon, without going into too much details but lets just say he was cleaning himself, it became VERY apparent flower was a boy.
Aww...that's so cute. Yeah, it becomes overwhelmingly apparent sometimes, hehe!

Well, welcome to the RO Family! :D
Tony's original name was Heidi. The gender fairy visited us too!

flower power wrote:
Maherwoman: Yes, they do look similar! I love the little "eye liner" markings. Our poor flower boy looks so feminine with it. The pet store origionally told us Flower was a girl, and she does look very girl like.. but then again, most bunnies do. But then, puberty hit and soon, without going into too much details but lets just say he was cleaning himself, it became VERY apparent flower was a boy.

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