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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Ontario, Ontario, Canada
We are meeting the breeder with the English Lops tommorow night! There was a change in what buns I was getting aswell!

I'm still getting the little broken blue chin buck. But I'm also getting a proven broken tort doe & a black doe, they are both being bred to her buck before they come to me :)

The last time she bred the broken blue tort doe to her blue tort buck, she get blue points :D

So I'm hoping for some of those! I have all of my hutches set up! I went out and get a 25 kg bag of Oats to mix with their food & more stuff lol I will make a list later :p

As some of you may already know, I live with my dad now. So all of my other buns are living with my mom, so I will just have the trio at my dads. I'm allowed 6 rabbits max at his house, so I will have 3 open spaces for exceptionally nice kits :D

They come from VERY well known lines, including Stretching The Limits and more. I'm getting the trio for $90, she wants to downsize before winter comes. She originally wanted $65 each :) They are fully pedigreed aswell!

I will be showing the broken blue chin buck on Saturday :D Will take pics tommorow night :)
How fun! I'd like to get into breeding some day. Probably won't have the time until I have kids of my own and they are of age to participate in 4-h or the like .... if ever!
Anyway, good luck with the new buns and hopefully litters!
Very cool!

As for the lines, you mentioned something about "Stretching the Limits" do you mean Stretching Limits Rabbitry? Stretching Limits is actually located over here on the west coast, in Oregon and I see them at shows. ;)

That's why the name caught my Just wanted to know, because I know they're a registered rabbitry so there can't be another one with a name like it....If that's the case, it's important not to mix up rabbitry names. ;)


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