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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
, Georgia, USA
Like most of the world, I've been watching thehostage situation, and probably because the american that was killed,Jack Henley, is so close to home, I probably watched more.Well most every feels so badly for this loss and his family that isleft behind, but I learned something just a bit ago, that I honestlydidn't remember at all.

I had to call my ex-husband to ask him a question about hiscompany. We are looking at possiby changing copy/fax vendors,and despite our divorce, the company he works for is AWESOME.So, I'm trying to get them in here.

Well, we talked about business, then he says, "You heard about Jackdidn't you?" and I'm thinking, no. Then he says,you know Jack Henley that was just killed. I said, yeah, Iknow about that. He says, you do know that you met him beforeright? And, i honestly didn't remember. Then hesays, "you don't, do you", so i fess up and say no. Hereminds me, he's like, remember right after our first date, I took youto my favorite little bar/grill type place. That Iremember. He said, I introduced you to the owner and hiswife, Jack and Patty Hensley, that was him. Wow, I had noidea.

I just thought it was interesting.
I'm so petrified for all of the soldiers and thefamilies of these hostages - American or not. Actually, notonly the hostages, but for all the convoys that are attacked.It scares the heck out of me for our own family members in this forum.

I think of Nick Berg more than you can imagine. He was thefirst one to get beheaded. Sometimes it feels like we'llnever have peace again.

I won't give up on praying for it though.

God Bless All who are serving in this war.

My thoughts exactly. I can't and don'twant to imagine if I had any close family or friends overthere. I'm in fortunate that I do not. But Icertainly feel for those who do.
Carolyn wrote:
I'mso petrified for all of the soldiers and the families of these hostages- American or not. Actually, not only the hostages, but forall the convoys that are attacked. It scares the heck out ofme for our own family members in this forum.

I think of Nick Berg more than you can imagine. He was thefirst one to get beheaded. Sometimes it feels like we'llnever have peace again.

I won't give up on praying for it though.

God Bless All who are serving in this war.

Carolyn, I made the mistake of watching that Nick Berg beheading on theInternet after it was posted. It's a memory that will hauntme for the rest of my life. I hope that I never EVER witnessanything like that again.

My heart just goes out to his family and how they must have felt and still feel.
I just don't understand why people would want tosee such a thing... or even think it's a good idea to put it in thepublic domain. I personally haven't seen it but my youngerbrother has, and he was horrified by it.

My heart goes out to all of the people who are out there fighting thiswar and to their families who have to put up with the heartache everyday of thinking their loved ones might not come back.
BunnyMommy wrote:
Carolyn, I made the mistake of watching that Nick Berg beheading on theInternet after it was posted. It's a memory that will hauntme for the rest of my life. I hope that I never EVER witnessanything like that again.

My heart just goes out to his family and how they must have felt and still feel.
BunnyMommy, I'm usually one whohas a driving need to be "informed" about everything. The day afterNick was killed I was listening to the Hannity show and he was gettingready to air the audio of it. He warned people of the realism andhorror of it. I would normally listen but at that time in my life myheart was so burdened with things going on in my life I just made aquick decision to turn off the radio. I'm glad I did. I have a vividenough imagination and my son was over there, I was worrying enough. Icould have just as easily not hit that button and been living with thememory....

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