It snowed last night!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2005
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, Illinois, USA


We didn't get it too bad where I am, but northern Illinois got upwards of 15"; they said it was falling at 2 inches an hour!
binkies wrote:
I wish it would snow here. You are lucky to just get a little bit.
I like snow until about New Years...then it's more of an annoyance! Itdoes give more of the Christmas feeling though. I lived in Florida for11 years after living in Illinois for 8, and it felt weird not to havesnow on Christmas and to put lights on palm trees. The only upside downSouth is that you get to decorate outside w/out freezing your buttoff!:)

BTW, last week it flurried in Orlando FL, but it was 65 degrees on Thanksgiving in Chicago! :shock:
We were orginally supposed to get a few inchesof snow today. However, that did not happen as yesterday we got rainthat flooded some fields. Today we have 60 mph winds that have knockeddown powerlines, up rooted trees, and even took bark off the neighbor'strees. :shock:
lalena2148 wrote:
binkies wrote:
I wish itwould snow here. You are lucky to just get a little bit.
I like snow until about New Years...then it's more of an annoyance! It does give more of the Christmas feeling though.
I wish it would snow here as well! even just a little bit lol,itjustdoesn't snow where i live,but i guess that is also a goodthing ;)

But i would really love to have a Christmas in the winter while it's snowing,how fun!

Our Christmas is in the summer time,it's usually always nice and warm on Christmas day here :)

We haven't had any snow yet, but they've saidit's possible we'll havewhite Christmas *hopes and crossesfingers*

We had one two years ago and it was just magical!:D Kinda cold when Iwas going out to feed Berri though:?But it didn't bother herat all:)

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny
I wish it would snow here too, but I don't think I could stand the cold.

For example, this week it has been in the 40s. I've beenfreezing at school. We're such whimps, but seriously, trywearing a skirt like this in weather this cold and windy!
Cheryl: That is just soweird that its summer time your christmas! To me it wouldntbe christmas without coldness or snow.

I would love to experience one of your christmas's. I neverreally thought about it being summer at your christmas! Thatsamazing.

We had 50mph winds Saturday night. Our letter box keptclanking in the wind which kept me up most of the night :XAnd our bathroom window flew open a few times!! Certainly have to getthat fixed!

I hope we get a white christmas here this year. I want totakemy dogout in the snow and buy her a little coat:D

Also I havent seen Dottie in the snow before. I dont thinkshe has even been out in it before as she use to be a house bunnie Ireckon. :(:)
Linz_1987 wrote:
Cheryl: That is just so weird that itssummer time your christmas! To me it wouldnt be christmaswithout coldness or snow.

I would love to experience one of your christmas's. I neverreally thought about it being summer at your christmas! Thatsamazing.

Yeah and i would love to experience the traditional white Christmas,in the winter time and the fun!

But one thing about having Christmas in the's nice andwarm,you can enjoy christmas day without being all ruggedup



Linz_1987 wrote:
We had 50mph winds Saturday night. Our letter boxkept clanking in the wind which kept me up most of the night:X And our bathroom window flew open a few times!! Certainlyhave to get that fixed!

It was awful here too, all weekend!:shock:I couldn't sleep the wind was so loud.

Cheryl, one thing I've always wondered about Aussie Christmases, do youguys have outdoor lights? If it's not dark til really late can you seethem?

Gosh, I think of some strange questions to ask...

Michaela and the girls:brownbunny:brownbunny:brownbunny

Michaela wrote:
Cheryl, one thing I've always wondered about AussieChristmases, do you guys have outdoor lights? If it's not dark tilreally late can you see them?
Ohh yeah,people decorate their homes with lights and decorations,someof those houses look spectacular,i think that is the best part aboutchristmas,the streets come alive and everything looks so pretty..idon't decorate my front yard or anything,i just hang tinsel everywherearound inside the house

Also now that it is day light saving,it doesn't start togetdark until about 9:00pm,the best time to have a look at all thosewonderful displaysis about 10:00pm

People turn their lights on just as it gets dark


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