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hi all

hope you atr all well

it was just to ask

licy seems tp be sleeping an orful lot and she'l only come out once in a while

do rabbits tebnd to sleep alot during the day

love varna xxxx
Hi Varna,

I can't remember the word but rabbits are most active during dawn anddusk so it is not all that unusual for them to be lazy during thedaytime hours. As long as she is eating, drinking, pooping, and peeingnormally and her personality hasn't changed then I wouldn't worry aboutit.

Fergi's mom
"Crepuscular" is the word for animals active atdusk and dawn. When our buns free ranged 24/7 we loved to seethem cavort during those hours...bunnies dancing in the moonlight, soto speak.

During the deepest dark of night, it seemed as if they just"hung out,"moving very little. Couldn't see if they were"sleeping,"but I doubted it.

Our bunny sleeps a lot during the day. At night he comes out to play, the only problem is everybody else are sleeping.
I agree with Fergi 100%. Rabbits are usuallyactive during dusk or dawn..but most likely not during the day. Theyjust tend to "hang out" in there cage for awhile..lord knows what therethinking :p

As long as your rabbit is pooping, peeing, and eating normally thenthey are fine. And also there personality. If they aren't doing neitherof these things normally..then try and investigate around there cage ofwhy this is so. If it tends to get worse..I would declare to send themto there vet!

Hope this helps,
xoxox Katy
Oh most definitely. Rabbitsin the wild are most active at twilight. They forage in themorn and night(dusk and dawn). So we can take that info andput it with are indoor buns. Also rabbits well adapt to yourschedule. For instance when I stay up doing work till 3amFaye well stay up with me and if I sleep till 1pm so wellFaye. Me and Faye( my bun ) Have the same schedule because wespend alot of time together and if you don't spend much time with thelittle bun she/he is more pron to stay on the natural twilightschedule. Also you may want to see if he/she is in a relaxedpose under the bed or acting the same. She/he may be sick andthis is his/her way of telling you("things are not ok mom") but don'tworry just pick up what he/she is puttingdown:DMaybeshe/hehas just found a goodspot to get away to(my question is ), Is this a new behavior?


P.S. I sure it not to complex I justworry alot so I wanted togive a wide persecutive of what might be somethings to thinkabout
Yep, Addy, they like to sleep during theday! Bo gets all huffy if we disturb him at certainhours. He won't even get out of his little bed if we open thedoor, and if we grab him from his bed he will nip us LOL! Then he takesoff kicking (flicky feet as Delphinum puts it! lol). I havenoticed they also sleep A LOT! Bo's very lazy like a dog orcat.... he probably sleeps 14 to 16 hours a day!
My rabbits all have different schedules ofwaking/sleep despite living in the same room with the same lifestylefor all of them.

Tarragon will oftenloudly rearrange all his toys, bowls andpossessions for half the night, sometimes ifhe's in *that*sort of mood the whole night :X.He always greetsthe dawn with a loudly crashing food bowl. On nights whenhe's been making a racket all the way through this subtle difference issometimes lost until the food bowl which is heavy ceramic has hit thefloor a monotonously regular number of times. He gets fed his main mealin the evening, what he wants is his morning raisin. He's quiet aroundmidday which is about the only time I ever really see him rest. Thismay be why he's a skinny bunny :).

Flopsy sleeps all night but from the moment she knows we're awake andaround she's active until bedtime with only short moments of daytimenapping. If we're not in the room for whatever reason though thenshe'll sleep a lot more during the middle of the day, I can see herlying flat out as I pass the door. I think she just hates the thoughtof missing anything.

Bunberry used to be most active at night but now he's in with his girlsI've noticed he's starting to change his pattern, though he stillsleeps rather less in the day than they do.

Harebell and Selkie have heard how rabbits are supposed to behave andgenerally are only really active at dawn til mid morning, and then lateafternoon til mid evening.

They all greet me with maximum energy and enthusiasm when I'm on my wayto bed and when I get up. Oddly enough for the rabbit psychologyenthusiasts out there they know when I'm really going to bed andwhen I'm just thinking I should be butamnotreally :?.


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