My rabbits all have different schedules ofwaking/sleep despite living in the same room with the same lifestylefor all of them.
Tarragon will oftenloudly rearrange all his toys, bowls andpossessions for half the night, sometimes ifhe's in *that*sort of mood the whole night :X.He always greetsthe dawn with a loudly crashing food bowl. On nights whenhe's been making a racket all the way through this subtle difference issometimes lost until the food bowl which is heavy ceramic has hit thefloor a monotonously regular number of times. He gets fed his main mealin the evening, what he wants is his morning raisin. He's quiet aroundmidday which is about the only time I ever really see him rest. Thismay be why he's a skinny bunny
Flopsy sleeps all night but from the moment she knows we're awake andaround she's active until bedtime with only short moments of daytimenapping. If we're not in the room for whatever reason though thenshe'll sleep a lot more during the middle of the day, I can see herlying flat out as I pass the door. I think she just hates the thoughtof missing anything.
Bunberry used to be most active at night but now he's in with his girlsI've noticed he's starting to change his pattern, though he stillsleeps rather less in the day than they do.
Harebell and Selkie have heard how rabbits are supposed to behave andgenerally are only really active at dawn til mid morning, and then lateafternoon til mid evening.
They all greet me with maximum energy and enthusiasm when I'm on my wayto bed and when I get up. Oddly enough for the rabbit psychologyenthusiasts out there they know when I'm
really going to bed andwhen I'm just thinking I
should be butamnotreally :?.