Is this silly?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...I think I just need to let out how I'm feeling...

My husband has been working about two hours away steadily (on and off,two nights there, one night home) for the past month. Everytime he leaves, I can't help but cry, because it's hard without himbeing home. We have a six year old girl, two kitties, and ourMaisie bunny. Things are so difficult when he's not here,because I'm used to us sharing duties around the house. Thisis, of course, not mentioning the fact that I just miss him likecrazy. Our first wedding anniversary is right around thecorner (June 4th), so we're relative newlyweds, so it probably justsounds like newlywed cheesiness, but I can't sleep very well while he'sgone, and when he's here I just don't want to let him go. Isthis silly?

He just left a few minutes ago, and I can't stop the tears.I'm really independant, but I also really miss him when he'sgone. I cry everytime...and he knows I'll call just to hearhis voice just minutes after he's left. Lol...I feel sosilly, but I can't help how I feel. I don't cry the wholetime he's gone, mind you, just maybe off and on the first ten minutesafter he's left.

The good thing of all this is that he only has about another week ofdoing this, but it's just so hard to say goodbye!:tears2::bigtears:

Is this silly?
It's not silly at all! My husband works verydifferent hours from me, so I took up yoga, boxerfit, a religiousclass, etc. to distract myself. Now I'm so used to it, that when he'soff work, I'm like "shoo"!

I'm just thinking that maybe you could take up an activity that you areinterested in that you can be excited about when he's gone (painting,sewing, excercizing, studying). You can also treat yourself to a bathevery time he leaves, or take Maisie outside, or some sort of treat soyour mind will trick itself into looking forward to it...
Not at all!!! That's tough. I hate my husbandworking 10 hour nights. He's gone from 4:30 in the evening until 3:00in the morning, it's hard to sleep at night when no one is home. So, Ileave the lights on and the television going because it's so quiet.

I can understand crying, That's really hard..::hugs:: I hope your anniversary goes better.
Thank you so much, you guys.

I know what you mean...I leave the computer screen on at night and havea radio on so it's not so quiet...eventually I knock out. Imiss him so much...

My being on here helped to distract me a little...:) You guys are so sweet...thank you. :)
Aww, he sent me a text a minute ago saying,"Sitting here, waiting for food, thinking about how much I loveyou..." Made me start crying all over again, the Sweetie...

Ok...distraction, distraction, "Oh, Maisieeeee....wake up, Hunny!!"LOL...kidding, kidding...poor dear's growing and needs her beautysleep. Ok, now where are those cats?Heehee...Hobbes was forcing me to pet him a moment ago when the textcame through and I was tearin' up a bit. He's such a Sweetie,hates to see me cry...:) I love my babies!!
I know...I can't imagine how incredibly emptythis house would feel if I didn't have my babies!! They'vebeen so wonderful to have on so many occassions. They, mydaughter, and my husband are the joys of my life. I feelincredibly blessed to have them. :)

angieluv wrote:
Its hard to have yourhusband gone but think how hard it would be if you didn't have theanimals???
Of course that isnt silly you miss your soulmate, who wouldnt? anyway this isnt a permanent fix you will have yourhubby back and its not likehe would cheat on you the way youput it he loves you through and through!


Hey there, I'm a newlywed, too. I just gotmarried last September. I know exactly how you feel. My hubby has toleave for weeks at a time every few months, and I HATE IT! I suddenlyfeel so lonely and almost, well, abandoned!
I am so glad i have Trix to keep me company now, but I still leave theTV on and the light on in the kitchen. It takes me a long time to fallasleep, though.
All I can say is, the best part about them leaving, is when they come home! heh heh heh...... ;)
Oh, I'm not worried at all about him cheating. It's just so quiet here when he's gone.

The good news is he has a couple weeks off! :)

diamond wrote:
Of course that isnt sillyyou miss your soulmate , who wouldnt? anyway this isnt a permanent fixyou will have your hubby back and its not likehe would cheaton you the way you put it he loves you through and through!


On the one hand, I'm glad I'm not alone withhaving to deal with this...on the other, I'm sorry you have to handlethis, too! :(

I know what you mean about the animals keeping you company...they're my little buddies!

Know what you mean...takes me forever to fall asleep, too. :(

But yes, the best part about them leaving is definitely when they come back home. :D

TrixieRabbit wrote:
Hey there, I'm anewlywed, too. I just got married last September. I know exactly howyou feel. My hubby has to leave for weeks at a time every few months,and I HATE IT! I suddenly feel so lonely and almost, well, abandoned!
I am so glad i have Trix to keep me company now, but I still leave theTV on and the light on in the kitchen. It takes me a long time to fallasleep, though.
All I can say is, the best part about them leaving, is when they come home! heh heh heh...... ;)
I've been married for 26 (almost 27) years andI've got to say that it is still hard for me when Art leaves for work -especially for midnight shift.

He's on mids until June 5th and until then, I'm on his schedule...Isleep when he sleeps and then try to stay up all night until he comeshome (I tend to conk out at 4 am when Chicago Hope is done).

So my point is - you're not alone. I have a hard timesleeping alone too (as does he) and we're fortunate that I don't needto work outside the home as he hates to be home alone (and I lovestaying home w/ my bunnies).

Well, I guess we're all just happy in-love fools, then. :)

TinysMom wrote:
I've been married for 26(almost 27) years and I've got to say that it is still hard for me whenArt leaves for work - especially for midnight shift.

He's on mids until June 5th and until then, I'm on his schedule...Isleep when he sleeps and then try to stay up all night until he comeshome (I tend to conk out at 4 am when Chicago Hope is done).

So my point is - you're not alone. I have a hard timesleeping alone too (as does he) and we're fortunate that I don't needto work outside the home as he hates to be home alone (and I lovestaying home w/ my bunnies).

My mum and dad have been married for 46 years and they still don't like leaving each other.

If mum goes away (usually to visit me) se makes dad lots of nice foodfor the fridge/freezer. and if dad goes away mum either can't sleep orshe comes to stop with me!

It's quite sweet really, but very funny. they even finish each otherssentences and repeat each others phrases Ahhh I love 'em both millions:)
Aww...that's so sweet! My husbandand I have a knack of saying the same things at the same time, andquite often finish each other's sentences, too.

He's debating about going back to do work there now...neither of usgets any sleep while he's gone, and the job just isn't paying enough,so it sounds like he'll be continuing to work closer to homeinstead. That is, unless the guy agrees to pay themmore...then it might be worth it. Who knows? All Iknow is it's so hard when he's not here...and I try to take up my timedoing other things, like making the house as immaculately clean as Ican for when he comes home. :)

parsnipandtoffee wrote:
My mum and dadhave been married for 46 years and they still don't like leaving eachother.

If mum goes away (usually to visit me) se makes dad lots of nice foodfor the fridge/freezer. and if dad goes away mum either can't sleep orshe comes to stop with me!

It's quite sweet really, but very funny. they even finish each otherssentences and repeat each others phrases Ahhh I love 'em both millions:)
I don't think you're crazy at all. I reallydon't...I'm newly engaged and will be getting married to my sweetheartin June of 2007, and we see eachother 5 times a week, and sometimes Icry when he I understand how you feel. We just love our menSOOO much!
I kind of know how you feel. I mightas well have no husband during the week. I don't see him allday. I leave at 7:00 in the morning and he doesn't get homeuntil midnight some nights and I'm asleep. It's hard but weneed the money. The only advice I can give you is to keepyourself busy. :)
My husband is currently asleep....he works days at a muffler factory. Lately he's been working overtime -- he's usually off Fridays --I'd rather have him home ; with less income (really).

When he's at home, things tend to go more smoothly and in a more organized manner. We've been married almost 6 years and I feel as though I've barely touched the surface of what he's like deep down inside; I mean that in a positive way. He's sort of quiet and I have to coax feelings out of him. When he opens up it's always so encouraging to hear his thoughts.

I'm sending you a :hug:, maherwoman , we're "with you in spirit" !

Kadish Tolesa :)

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