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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
, New Hampshire, USA
I am moving Whisper into her new cage today. Iwill take pics later, but it has a plastic cage. I am not a fan ofusing bedding on the floor of her cage, its just a waste and too messy.I usually have a towel, but it is just too small to fit in her new cageunlike her old one. The bottom is plastic. Is this alright if I keep itbare? I may try to find some untreated straw mats later on
I don't keep anything on the cage floors...justlitterboxes....they seem to like to stretch out and cool their tummieson teh bottom...**shrug**
Nimue doesnt have a bottom either, just a litter box :) Here is a pic:


Okay thanks. I took it out and she seems muchhappier. I put it back in just folded though incase she wantedsomething to lay on.
Devon and Amber's cage just has a litterbox. The rest is linoleum.
We just have litter boxes here too.I'm noticing that the new Flemish girls are slipping some on the floor,I'm hoping to find them some mats this week. I think it keepsthe cages cooler and with the heat here, I'll do anything that mightkeep them even a tiny bit cooler.

My bunnies are in puppy cages onlinoleum. The only problem they have is running around andsometimes cleaning themselves because the floor is really slippery.
cirrustwi wrote:
We just have litter boxes here too. I'm noticingthat the new Flemish girls are slipping some on the floor, I'm hopingto find them some mats this week. I think it keeps the cagescooler and with the heat here, I'll do anything that might keep themeven a tiny bit cooler.

Try some ceramic kids love em in the heat...stayscooler than the floor of thei cage, you can even freeze if ya want...
petco carries this product called chinchiller...i think its just a small piece of like granite to keep can also go to a tile or hardware store and butsome chipped marble or granite tiles for cheap
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
cirrustwi wrote:
We just havelitter boxes here too. I'm noticing that the new Flemishgirls are slipping some on the floor, I'm hoping to find them some matsthis week. I think it keeps the cages cooler and with theheat here, I'll do anything that might keep them even a tiny bit cooler.

Try some ceramic kids love em in the heat...stayscooler than the floor of thei cage, you can even freeze if yawant...
Yes, those are on my "to buy" list. I just have to make it tothe store. The closest that sells them is almost 45 min away.


I got pictures :D!

The cage is on top. The bottom contains the Chinchilla I am caring forfor the summer, she is property of my animal science class at school.




^The queen herself




^ The box, with newspaper, magazines, and her hay basket
PuterGeekGirl wrote:
Try some ceramic kids love em in the heat...stayscooler than the floor of thei cage, you can even freeze if yawant...
Here is Pebbles cage. You can see the ceramic tilesthat we use. The tiles are not as slippery as the barefloor. We leave the cage top off when we are home.

How old is Whisper? Do you give her unlimited pellets?

Rainbows! :)

Whisper is 3 months and a week old. She alwayshas pellets but it is not filled to the top, she gets a cup of pelletswhenever her food starts getting low
Yup, I figured she will get a lot bigger. She is starting to feel heavier then when I first got her.

I feed her alfalfa cubes that I pull apart for her

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