is this ok?

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I'm not exactly sure, but, I know they do not putpesticides on the park grass because of the children.(inCanada anyway)That's why there's always a ton of weeds...BUT! I would be MORE concerned about the animal droppings. ALOT ofpeople don't poop 'n' scoop, and there's ALWAYS wild animals around.

Anyway, i'm not exactly sure about your area, there's ALOT of verysmart people here and i'm sure they'll have a better answer for you!


I'm thinking this is probably notadvisable. I would worry about the same things Lyndsy broughtup. I don't know if they use pesticides here in the US inparks, but I wouldn't be too surprised if they did. A lot ofplaces actually go around and spray everywhere public and road sidesfor gypsy moths and their caterpillar, unless the place is actuallymarked "do not spray". I would stick to the grass in youryard where you know there aren't any pesticides. Shawn keepstelling me that he will have to have a spot in his yard where there areweeds everywhere because I feed dandelions to the lizards and therabbits and rats. LOL

I aloso wonder if there is any grass I can buyfor her to eat like from the store or petco...I am assuming that katnip grass is not good ?? right.
hmmmmmmmm :?
i bought some special small animal grass once -it took a while to grow but they liked it - i dont know why i bought itconsidering i have loadz and loadz of grass in my garden but hey, ilike to buy them things - Lol!

RusselandRoxy wrote:
Our grass isnt sprayed either - it is safe for them too eatwhich is good - lol - they are like lawnmowers!:)!

And in the house, sometimes they are like furry little vacuums...that poop a lot :?
its ok for them to eat grass, but dont forget,dont let them eat just any plants, cuz there are some plants that theywont digest good, i have a book that shows picture and names whichplants they CAN eat, they are alloud to eat grass, but be careful ofother things. Some flours are exceptable and some aren't. make surethere is no poinson ivy or sharp twigs in your yard he might rubagainst, which i doubt there is any poison ivy, but watch our fortwigs. plus he can chew on the twigs which might have moss and mold onit. so look online for a guide of what he can or can't eat, or just getthe book :). Hope your rabbit has fun.:D
Midnight01 wrote:
its ok for them to eat grass, but dont forget, dont let themeat just any plants, cuz there are some plants that they wont digestgood, i have a book that shows picture and names which plants they CANeat, they are alloud to eat grass, but be careful of other things. Someflours are exceptable and some aren't. make sure there is no poinsonivy or sharp twigs in your yard he might rub against, which i doubtthere is any poison ivy, but watch our for twigs. plus he can chew onthe twigs which might have moss and mold on it. so look online for aguide of what he can or can't eat, or just get the book :). Hope yourrabbit has fun.:D
Hey, what is your book titled and who is the author? I'd really like to look for it.


RusselandRoxy wrote:
i bought some special small animal grass once - it took a whileto grow but they liked it - i dont know why i bought it considering ihave loadz and loadz of grass in my garden but hey, i like to buy themthings - Lol!


The type of grass that some pet stores and garden centers sell as "pet grass" is usually wheat, oat or barley grass.
Most pets prefer these types to the regular lawn grass because itsthicker and sweeter. It grows fast too. So if you're looking to growsome, I would suggest buying the seed from a grain or feed mill becauseyou can get it a whole lot cheaper. And if you grow your own grass, youcan be sure its safe for bunny to eat :)
I actually take my rabbit up to the park on hislead and have never had any trouble. The park I live by ischemical-free because there are organic allotments sharing the spaceand it is often frequented by children and students from the uni's.

As long as you find a secluded area, where you won't have peoplepestering you or the rabbit, you're not near any "too-thick" shrubs orwoodland so that you can see any movement of wildlife, and if there areany animals (normally its a person walking their dog) just scoop yourrabbit up and head off :)
i would add that i wouldnt take them anywhere until they have all there vaccinations done.
black_jack wrote:
i would add that i wouldnt take them anywhere until theyhave all there vaccinations done.
What Vaccinations is it that they need? I haveinquired at myvets about gettingmy Ferrets and myRabbitsvaccinated, but he says they don't need them. Is itjust in America or is there people in UKwho have had theirrabbits vaccinated. I would like to knowwhat thevaccinesare called so I can ask again.

DaisyNBuster wrote:
black_jack wrote:
i would addthat i wouldnt take them anywhere until they have all therevaccinations done.
What Vaccinations is it that they need? I haveinquired at myvets about gettingmy Ferrets and myRabbitsvaccinated, but he says they don't need them. Is itjust in America or is there people in UKwho have had theirrabbits vaccinated. I would like to knowwhat thevaccinesare called so I can ask again.

I havent had mine vaccinated either - then again i havent asked - weare going to get them done though soon - i am pretty sure there arevaccinations here though - sorry i dont know any names

DaisyNBuster wrote:
black_jack wrote:
i would addthat i wouldnt take them anywhere until they have all therevaccinations done.
What Vaccinations is it that they need? I haveinquired at myvets about gettingmy Ferrets and myRabbitsvaccinated, but he says they don't need them. Is itjust in America or is there people in UKwho have had theirrabbits vaccinated. I would like to knowwhat thevaccinesare called so I can ask again.
I'm not sure about rabbits, mine haven't had any vaccines as of yet butI would guess at least rabies, but ferrets definitely need a rabies andcanine distemper. Make SURE they use CANINE!!That's really important. And make sure you arrange to hangout at the vet for about 30 min after the shots because ferrets arereally prone to reactions. Oh, and they should be treated forheart worm. My ferrets are up on their rabies because if theybite someone and it is reported and they don't have a rabies shot, theywill be confiscated and killed to be checked for rabies, at least inthe US.


hi jen, the name of the book is "Taking care of your RABBIT" by Helen Piers

the word rabbit is in very big letters, and the picture on the cover isa picture of a boy in a green t-shirt, and he is holding a bunny thatis white and ever u spell that color lol ill try to scan ittonight