Lori L
Well-Known Member
Sweetie Pie has now been renamed to Toto thanks to my son seeing the Wizard of Oz...
She still does not come out of her cage...EVER on her own but every dayI take her out and she sits on my son's lap while watchingTV. If I dare to let her run around she pees and poopseverywhere.
In her cage she uses her litterbox alot but also likes to poop on hergrass mat. I also found some dried urine on the bottom of thecage and some outside of the cage in the corner. Is it normalfor them to be "considered" litterbox trained and still make otherplaces? I consider my dog wee-wee pad trained and she NEVERmakes anywhere else. But I do realize that dogs and bunnysare different. I just want to know if I can always expectpoops other places than the litterbox. Remember, this bun is5 years old so it's not like she is new to her litterbox.
She still does not come out of her cage...EVER on her own but every dayI take her out and she sits on my son's lap while watchingTV. If I dare to let her run around she pees and poopseverywhere.
In her cage she uses her litterbox alot but also likes to poop on hergrass mat. I also found some dried urine on the bottom of thecage and some outside of the cage in the corner. Is it normalfor them to be "considered" litterbox trained and still make otherplaces? I consider my dog wee-wee pad trained and she NEVERmakes anywhere else. But I do realize that dogs and bunnysare different. I just want to know if I can always expectpoops other places than the litterbox. Remember, this bun is5 years old so it's not like she is new to her litterbox.