Is This A Good Playpen?

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA

18.5 square feet... is that a lot? I'm getting Harper and Haley their new playpen when I get paid next week. And I am trying to get the largest pen possible, without having to invest in two pens to connect together. Which I will, if I need to.

I want something that I can set up in my room and let them have plenty of room to play around in for hours while I am in here studying, when college starts. I am trying to plan ahead to give them the best life possible, with as much "out" time possible, once I start classes.

This is whatI currently have them in, it is two of these linked together:

But it doesn't even give the square foot of one of these. Can anyone figure out the square feet on this thing, with the measurements given? And then I have two hooked together... it would give me a better idea of what I am getting. I know two of these little ones hooked together makes a nice size play area for them at the moment. However, Harper can jump it with ease, which is why I am investing in a taller gate, so I can turn my back on them (but still be in the same room, of course) without worrying about him doing that.

No, it's not a lot. My SMALL run is 8' by 8' (it's not very big when you have it set up) and it osunds bigger than it really is. That pen is a 64 square foot pen. So just to give you an idea.

18 square feet is something like 9' by 2' or3' by 6' which I don't think is very big.
Well, according to my calculations.. the current pen is 9.4 square feet roughly. My rabbit's hutches are bigger than that.
If you can find the NIC cube things you could probably make one bigger and better for $20 cheaper.

I'm in love with the cube things, they're fantastic! :cool:

Oooh! I missed that, sorry! It should be 18.8 for that pen. Still, I find that small. :?

Have you considered just gettingsome large wire fence-like material (that comes in rolls) and just cutting it to the size you need? I do this for Basil and Max and it is perfect. Its easier outside though bc it has little staked bottoms that dig into the ground..not sure if they make it without. I cant remember what kind of wire it is...Its not chicken wire, I know that. Its just some stuff I bought at a hardware store..I think its made for gardens or something..

Just an idea...

Haley, I would, but I need to be able to fold it down at night soI don't trip on it, LOL. I want something easy and that isn't a hassle.

MBB, you don't think 18.8 is a good bit? I know when it is spread out, it seems like quite a lot. Harper and Haley both have room to do binkies, stretch out, play, and do bunny 500's around the pen.

I'll see if I can find something bigger.

Spring, I thought about the NIC cubes. Are they easy to take apart and fold down each night?

They are pretty easily put together and stored if you have the connecters that can be put together at different angles. I'll post a picture of them in a second. You can build the pen (Probably 2 grids high) then just disconnect the corners and store it like that. I do this when we have company and I can't have the whole big cage in the front room.

MBH, my bunnies have a minimum of 64 square feet and I don't think it's enough! :disgust:

And to be honest, I don't think the bunnies do either. Their last rin was a lot bigger and longer and they could do bunny 500's around it and they loved it, they don;t like the square pen as much as they did the long one.
Ok here's the type of connecter, it was pretty hard to put together at first, but I got the hang of having the right amount of pressure on the right points to get it connected.

You'll just have to unconnect the corners then you can put each side piece ontop of each other and store it that way.

It you build a pen out of the NIC grids, use just zap straps (also called zip ties or cable ties).

Then the panels will fold on the joints and you could make a foldable pen.

I make my cages this way and they fold down if I need to take them any where.

I made "baby gates" out of NIC cubes fordoorways. I just used zip ties to connect them and they bend and fold however I want. Just make sure you don't tighten the zip ties too much or it won't fold.

You couldmake a long one for a penand attach the ends with binder clips or spring clips.

Warning: If you make it two grids high, you won't be able to step over it (unless you're seven feet tall). I had to overlap mine some sothey would be a little shorter.

I use NIC cubes except I don't use the connectors they come with. I use zip ties and make the playpen 2 grids high. Then I just accordion fold it and put it away when I am done. It is super cheap and you can make it as big or small as you want! I highly recommend it.

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