is there any electrolyte's for chicken's

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Hmm... I always have Stress Aid on hand which is a product made by Vetoquinol and you can usually buy it at most feed stores and Vet clinics (if they deal in farm and bigger animals) It's great and good for poultry, pigs, horses, and cows.

As for a homemade solution - if you are in a bind, I would think you could use the regular recipe you would use for a dog or cat. Do you have the recipe?

1 quart clean water (no chloride or flouride)

1 Tablespoon sugar or honey

1 tsp. common table salt

Mix well & refridgerate unused portions in a clean container. Warm only the amount to be used to room temp before you use it. If left out -the solution willturn mouldy.
sorry i don't have the recipe :(

will it help for rabbit's and chickens?

think you for helping i'll try it i have a hen acting like a zombie she's eatting but not running around like the other chickens . the vet would not help he only care for dog's and cat's also large farm animals :(
For rabbits the best thing is pedialyte - like you would get for babies - I think I just read an entire Q&A on it somewhere here- I think in the behavior section. But this recipe is safe for them as well in emergenices.

For chickens I have used it lots & ducks too (and dogs & cats, and even a cow)- the product I mentioned is really good, if you can find it, buy a package to have on hand, just in case. I always do now that I know about it and have used it.The recipe I gave you, you can mix up and offer to your hen- make sure she is drinking, that is tops. Is she eating? You can also put some of it in a syringe and try and give it to her.