Is the age for spaying different in large breed rabbits?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2012
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Our girl bunny Pearl is a French Lop. She is scheduled for her spay in just under two weeks. She will be one week shy of being 5 months old. Since she is still growing so much is there any danger in having her spayed so young and small? ( She's about 5 pounds right now. )
deaners wrote:
Our girl bunny Pearl is a French Lop. She is scheduled for her spay in just under two weeks. She will be one week shy of being 5 months old. Since she is still growing so much is there any danger in having her spayed so young and small? ( She's about 5 pounds right now. )

All Rabbit Savvy Vets view when a rabbit should be spayed/neutered differently. If your Vet feels comfortable with spaying at this time, I wouldn't fret about how young.

I had two boys neutered at 4-1/2 months, 1 was 2 lbs, the other 1 lb. Both did fine through the surgery and anesthesia.

Just a tip: You don't need to fast your bunny. Bunnies don't throw up so there's no need to not feed them the morning of the surgery. Also it's wise to bring your own food and water with you so the Vet can make sure your little girl is eating before she comes home to you.


And make sure the vet tells you about aftercare, pain meds, etc. It's easier to be prepared than to have to figure it out as you go.