Is ted overweight?

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Oct 6, 2013
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My french lop teddy seems a bit more chubby recently and I wasn't sure how to really tell if he is overweight or not. He's the first french lop I have owned as my last bunny was a Netherland dwarf so he's the first large breed I have. I don't want him to be unhealthy but don't know how to tell if he's too fat?

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hmm maybe you could upload a picture? Without a picture, it's really hard to say anything. And, even with one, I think for anyone to accurately say, they'd need to hold and feel the bunny.
Also, how much does he weigh and how old is he? The best way to get an accurate opinion would be to ask the vet next time you are there.
Making sure he's on a proper diet should help prevent his weight from getting too high or low.
If he's a purebred FLOP then you could use the weight standards for that breed to gauge if he's overweight or not. I don't have them in front of me but between a picture of him and a weight then we might could tell you.

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