:( Is Spots sick or just tired?

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Jul 25, 2005
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Spots has been really sleepy since yesterday andthis morning (or, so I hope). He doesn't have any noticable symptoms...I gave him a carrot this morning and he ran around for a bit.

I don't think he touched his water bottle or his food yet today, but he's just been lying in his corner.

Edit: I just went downstairs and force-feeded him some water, just incase. He had a small bit, and then went back to his corner and startedsleeping.
They generally don't just lay around like that...I'd get Spot in to see a vet as soon as you can. Is Spot pooping/peeing?
Actually I just went downstairs and checked onhim. He had a bit of hay and some water. Then he went to his littercorner and pooped =)

My sister is playing with him right now.
If he is still eating less, I would still takehim to the vet. Something similar happened to both Devon and Amber (atdifferent times). This happened to Devon yesterday. In both instancesone of the bunnies seemed "off" and weren't interested in food. Rightbefore taking them to the vet, they would eat something. We still tookthem to the vet. The vet said that we made a wise choicebecause they were a bit dehydrated. She said that there could have beenserious problems if she hadn't have been able to administer sub-qfluids. But like I said, the simple act of taking them to the vetaverted a potential disaster.
The vet sounds like a good idea rightnow. There are a lot of things that can make a rabbit eat anddrink less, and it needs to be taken care of.

I hope he feels better soon!
I just gave Spots a carrot, water, a little bitof hay, and we refilled his food bowl so he's eating from that rightnow. Unfortunately, we can't find a vet that's open right now =(

He's acting normal now, unlike our previous rabbit with GI that did nothing but sit there.

I'm checking his feces but he hasn't been dropping any since about 4 hours ago. I'll give you guys an update.
See if you can give Spots a tummy massage andkeep his bottom clean by wiping with a warm damp cloth. Keeppushing the hay also. Willow gave herself a bit of a blockageearlier this week because she keeps insisting on pulling at the carpetand will not let anyone brush her:XSilly rabbit......

This helped get her going again
How's his teeth look?

Are his gums a normal color?

Is he grinding his teeth in pain?

Have you looked for any fly bites, cuts, etc?

How's his breathing?

I know you're aware of rabbits being most active at dawn and dusk. Hasthe weather been especially warm/humid, or is it changing quickly?

Is there any poo at the bottom of his pan?

As you know, vegetables have a lot of water in them. If he's getting alot of them, or even some during the day, it wouldn't be surprising forhim to slow down on the water.

If you're worried about hydration, you should give him some Pedialyte.Go slowly when syringe feeding him so that you don't get it in hislungs.

A bit of NutriCal (the kind geared towards cats and dogs) couldn't hurtthe little guy at this point. It will boost his immune system andincrease his appetite. If it is a blockage, it's got laxatone in itthan can help push it through. It'll also revitalize the vitamins andnutrients he's missing if he's not eating much. Same thing withcanned pumpkin. May have to syringe it to him, but give him asmuch as he'll take. A little Simethicone if he's not pooping may behelpful as well. Either way, any of the above-named will not hurt yourlittle one even if he takes it in and nothing's wrong.

How do his eyes look? Clear? Alert?

How long has he been this way?

Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get an idea of what's going on with the little guy.


I hope your bunny is doing ok..Yesterday I noticed Luv didnt eat much and she normally eats good.. Ifigured it out.. She didnt like how i had her water bottle.Silly me was really making her work for her drinking and a thirstybunny wont eat.. After i fixed the bottle she drank and then went toher bowl to eat.. Not saying this is the case just when anyone's bunnyisnt eating, check the water bottle.


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