Is Snuggles blowing his nose?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2005
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
Every now and then Snuggles will wipe his nose(like when they clean their faces) and make some kind of noise. Twicetoday I even heard him "honk" when he was doing it.

Eyesare clear, no discharge when I check his nose, eating drinking, playing,etc...

Do rabbits just blow their noses sometimes?
I don't know about blowing their noses, but mybunny does like to honk and clean his face and ears...although not atthe same time.


Honking's normal?? I never actually thought of itas honking lol but it's fits. My bunny Calvin does it too! I thought ithad something to do with some kind of respiratory issue and was goingto bring it up to the vet as soon as I could but it's normal?
He's doing it honking but like blowing his nose.

If he'sstill "blowing" in the morning, I'll take him to thevet. If he's got a cold or something, what should I expect the vet todo/give?

Jenniblu wrote:
Mine will loudly snort when he gets frustrated with me thenhop off flicking his feet.

Ooooh, the "flick", anyone who hasn't seen it would think we're nuts.....;)

Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Buck Jones wrote:
That'skicking the dust off his feet as he beats it out of there."Enuff of you!", he says. A bunny kiss-off, no less.

LOL, Buck! that's hilarious, Briar does that when he's being moody and is having a good time.

Oh, it irks me when Vash does that to me. Kiss off indeed.
Jenniblu wrote:
Is this similar to what your bunny is doing,Lynda? What is going on when he blows his nose?

Nothing's really "going on".....he could be eating, sitting in thelitter box (I use Carefresh in there), pretty much doing anythinganywhere....

The only wayI can think to describe it, is somethingirritates his nose or gets in his nose and he tries to blow it out.

The honking he did while blowing earlier is just like when apersonblows his/her nose too hard....or whatever causes aperson to honk when blowing their nose.LOL
Thanks, but I don't think it's a mood/behaviorthing. I really think his nose isbugging him.Hejust did it while drinking (bottle)!

Mycamera doesn't have any sound, but I'll try to video himdoing it. Anyone knowa site I can put the video and post alink to?

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