So after all that trial & error I finally have something I really like. Instead of having to remove & dispose of soggy litter I lift the poop off the screening daily. I've put diluted vinegar [a bit more diluted than for cleaning] the previous time I cleaned, so after removing the poop I tip the base of diluted urine into a container, put a lid on it, then add more water, pour that out too & rush it either outside or into a toilet & flush. Then add vinegar water. [The poop goes into my garden here in summer or into the condo's dumpster when I'm in there.] Better cleaning is needed from time to time of course.
When we were switching from litter, I put some on top of the screen for awhile, then slowly reduced the amount each day. Honey had no trouble with this transition.
It's easier to see the condition of the poop & urine that it would be with litter. And not having to get litter is great. It's not for everyone, but I'm glad I'm doing things this way.