Is one the loneliest number?

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Jul 14, 2012
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Morgantown, West Virginia, USA
Okay, once again, I am no rabbit behavioralist.

My rabbit care taking partner and I both work long hours. We were realizing we don't know if male rabbits are solitary or social by nature, and we want our rabbit to have as pro-health rabbit psychology as possible.

So, to have a happy, healthy rabbit, would Puppy be more at rabbit peace with another rabbit friend in the home?

I'm asking this from the standpoint of rabbit behavior
(eg dogs are pack animals and need a pack to be at dog-zen), not "I don't want bunny to be lonely, because bunny is like a person with fur and ears, and I would be lonely"
Rabbits can be social, but not all of them want a partner. It is important that both rabbits are spayed or neutered as the hormones can lead to problems. Even when neutered, some rabbits just don't get along.
You can get another rabbit so they can see each other and have that sort of company, just as long as you know that bonding doesn't always work. Most rabbits are fine with another rabbit around though.
I have been told that most rabbits do better with a partner. However there are some that don't like other rabbits. My Fraggles dislikes other rabbits and has rejected every other bun we tried to match her with. Now honestly there is nothing cuter then two bunnies who are inlove. I think if your gone most of the day then getting a spayed female would be a good idea.
I would get a companion only after neutering & from somewhere that your rabbit can pick out a companion.

Rabbits can entertain themselves with a number of toys.

Honey especially loves tearing up brown packing paper. I put a piece [2-3' on each side] on top of her & she has fun working her way out. Over the coming days she tears it up by sitting on part of it & taking another part into her mouth & tearing. After awhile it's all in pieces in her pen & the pieces get put into her dig box. Digging in it is her other big hobby.
We use a gigantic litter box and fill it with hand shredded newspaper for hour of digging and fun. Commander Bun-Bun was a small bunny, but she would attack any and all--she was definitely a solo. If you spend enough time with your bunny and it has enough toys to play with and an exercise are, we don't see the need for another one.