Is My Rabbit Pregnant?

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Jun 23, 2015
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My American Sable rabbit Pepper escaped around 3 1/2 weeks ago and I notice about 2 weeks after she came badk, she made a nest full of fur and was picking up the hay and placing it in the box, other than that, she has been moody and does not like it when I touch her belly...she has gotten fat but I domt know if that's just me. I hope some of you will have answers because I need to know if and when I should be finding homes for the kits... thanks☺
usually if they nest at two weeks... they are NOT pregnant but are doing a false pregnancy. They can be a bear to deal with until their hormones chill. Keep the box in just in case she's a doe who likes to play around for a long time before she kindles.
I thought that if a wild rabbit made her pregnant, kits won't be born alive... right? I hope she just has false pregnancy
this is what they told me regarding american cottontails, but I don't know about Australian wild rabbits
Domestic rabbits, hares and cottontails have different numbers of chromosomes, so any mating between them would be unsuccessful. However she could have mated with a feral domestic rabbit. Hope you don't get a surprise next month.
Never knew that :) in Australian we don't have cotton tails well I don't think we do... Most of our wilds are domestic wild rabbits :(
I see typical wild rabbits all the time here in Aus. My friend has a lot of problems with them on her farm.

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