Is my rabbit pregnant?

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Jul 26, 2005
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Help! How can I tell if my rabbit is pregnant? Do they do anything or any specific behaviors?
Was she with an unneutered buck for any lengthof time? How old are your doe and the buck? How long ago do you thinkshe got pregnant? Were you planning on a litter?
Usually you can feel little marble-like things in her belly and ifshe's close to giving birth she'll start to rip hair from her chest tomake a nest.
There is a way to palpate the doe's belly(feeling it with your hands) to determine if there are fetuses; but Iwouldn't recommend it if you aren't used to this method, and if the doeis in early stages of pregnancy, as fetuses can be injured. As forspecific behavior, from what I can recall, if a doe has been bred andis then put back in the cage with the buck 10 days or so later (couldbe wrong on the length of time) she will most likely refuse him.

Have you bred your doe on purpose, or are you simply wondering if therabbit you have is pregnant (i.e., is she a newly-aquired rabbit, orwas she accidentally put with a buck)?

Was she with an unneutered buck for any length of time? Yes - about 4 weeks.

How old are your doe and the buck? The doe is 4 years and the buck is 2 years.

How long ago do you think she got pregnant? 24-26 days ago.

Were you planning on a litter? no - it was a mistake.

she should have them somewhere beetween the 28thand 31st day after you think it happened. And you need to seperate themother and father.
Keep a close eye on the doe as 4 is abit old for a first litter. If the buck is smaller she should be ok.Around 1 yr. is optimum for first breeding.


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