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while i was petting my bunny i noticed this solid agglomerate of hair (there's also something black stuck in it, i think it's just poop though), it's growing pretty fast, it used to be way smaller. i'm kind of worried, i haven't cut it off cause i was scared i might hurt him. can someone tell me what it is and what to do about it?
Health & Wellness Mod
Staff member
It's hard to say from the picture what's going on there. If it's just some matted fur with a bit of dried poop in it, usually that can just be very carefully trimmed off(not too close to the skin), or possibly gently pulled off. But if there is an actual skin growth of some sort, that needs to be looked at by an experienced rabbit vet. If you aren't sure if it might be a skin growth of some sort, best to have it checked by a vet.