Is my bunny happy?

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Mar 28, 2005
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, California, USA
Hi, I am new to this website and have a ? aboutbunnies. I just gota bunny on Saturday 3/26 and waswondering how you can tell if your bunny is happy? Also, how can youtell if you have a boy bunny or a girl bunny? I bought TommyHay, rabbit pellets, salt lick, litter box, toys, and a cage for Hoppyand give him/her LOTS of attention. One more question:) Is it good to have males neutered also? Just in case whatI have is a boy :) I need help with anything you can help me with. Itwill be most appreciated!! Thanks Joann
Welcome to the forum.

You can tell if they are boy or girl by:

Boy: two large testicles on either side of a large, more or less, "hump"(lol, can't exactly describe it)

Girl: Just a "hump" nothing more, nothing less.

If you're bun likes you, he will kiss you, run up to you, and let you pet him...etc. Depends on the bun.

Welcome, Joann.

Is Hoppy your first rabbit? Is it indoors or out? Do you have any pictures you could post?

If you haven't already done so, please read the Cheat Sheetthread on this forum. It has lots of valuable information.


jmc0164 wrote:
One more question :) Is it good to have males neutered also?

Hi Joann! It doesnt matter if you rabbit is a boy or girl you shouldhave them neutered/spayed. With boys it can cut down on the sprayingand territorial problems. If it is a girl you should get her spayed,the reason is because when they get older they can develop cancerbecause they are not being bred. So either sex should get fixed :D

Yes this is my very first bunny :)He/she looked very cute at the pet store and I couldn'tresist. Thanks to the ones that responded to myquestions...they are much appreciated to say the least! Isthere any "quick" way to teach a bunny about litter boxes or any tricksthat may help? I don't mind the poo poo but don't so muchlike it when he/she goes potty :( Thanks again :)
I think you should put a litter box in the cornershe uses the most. Everytime she goes to the washroom, justput all of it in the littler box, she should catch on.

Greetings and Welcome to the forum Joann!

You definitely want to check out the "Cheat Sheet" at the top of thetopics listed on this forum. There's lots of good info and links to befound there.

Is Tommy hay a brand or type of hay? Or did you mean "timothy" hay?

Salt licks are not mandatory, but some buns like them.

All bunnies can benefit from neutering especially if you don't intend on breeding them.

Bunnies have many different ways to show you that they are happy.Kisses (licking), chinning, nudging to be petted, toothpurring, binkies, etc.


Bunnies also do this thing called a binky whenthey're REALLY happy, it's where they randomly jump into the air withsort of a twitch of the head. It's hard to explain but so so adoreable.

What I did to litterbox train my first bunny was 1) put hay in thelitterbox to encourage him to get in a graze for long periods of time2) pick up his lil potties and put them in the litterbox so that thesmell's there so that hopefully he'll go there next time 3) when yousee him peeing pick him up and put him the litterbox, hold him theretill he's done.

Welcome to bunny parenthood jmc!! Rabbitsmake wonderful pets!
chiquita090 wrote:
Bunnies also do this thing called a binky when they'reREALLY happy, it's where they randomly jump into the air with sort of atwitch of the head. It's hard to explain but so so adoreable.

What I did to litterbox train my first bunny was 1) put hay in thelitterbox to encourage him to get in a graze for long periods of time2) pick up his lil potties and put them in the litterbox so that thesmell's there so that hopefully he'll go there next time 3) when yousee him peeing pick him up and put him the litterbox, hold him theretill he's done.

Welcome to bunny parenthood jmc!! Rabbitsmake wonderful pets!
With hay in the litter box make sure he does not eat hay he pees on, it can make him sick.
My bunnies binky! I thought they werehappy-now I know! They always do that outside in theirplaypens and inside on the carpet. It IS the cutestthing! And boy, sometimes they go HIGH!!:p(And occasionally look surprised when they jump really high)

I've had my bunnies for four weeks and they are very good about usingthe litter box. When I bring them in the house, I put them intheir litter box, set it in their favorite corner, and let them comeout on their own. It only took, maybe two weeks to get themused to it. Now, they know the drill. They alsoalways use their litter boxes in their cages as well. Goodbunnies :)

Cosmo is a bink, I swear he jumpedtwo feet in the air...and it's so shocks the both ofus!'s so funny cause it looks like something hecan't he's got a twitch..haha, it's my favorite!
VNess2010 wrote:
Cosmo is a bink, I swear he jumped two feetin the air...and it's so shocks the both of us!'s so funny cause it looks like something he can' he's got a twitch..haha, it's my favorite! SWEET! You described that the best. ItIS like a twitch...kinda like, "WHOA! Did I just dothat??!!"
Hi jmc0164......welcome to the forum,

Sounds like it's going to be a very spoiled bunny tome. You will know when Hoppy ishappy. It's when he runs at full speed to greetyou. It's when he licks you todeath. It's when he melts in your arms when youcuddle him. It's when he does hisblinkies. It's when he just flops on his side orback.....really relaxed. Just give him time and hewill reward you with so much love and pleasure.

Rainbows! :)
Bramble Briar86 wrote:
Welcome to the forum.

You can tell if they are boy or girl by:

Boy: two large testicles on either side of a large, more or less, "hump"(lol, can't exactly describe it)

Girl: Just a "hump" nothing more, nothing less.

If you're bun likes you, he will kiss you, run up to you, and let you pet him...etc. Depends on the bun.

In addition there are a couple of things I would add......

Males will not have testicles until they have matured which depends on each bunny and breed......

Males can also "tuck" their testicles especially the younger ones so they aren't as noticeable......
