Is my bunny Flemish?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Stroud, Glos,, , United Kingdom
help! im trying to find out what breed my bunnyis, i think he might be flemish but im not sure. he weighs 6lb and is15" long when streched out, a foot when sat normalyand hisears and feet are 4" long. if anyone has any idea please let me know! here is a pic.
My guess is not Flemish, but someone maybe able to give you a more definitive answer. The ears on young Flemmysare huge, often looking disproportionate to the bodies.

I think Carolyn mentioned measuring the ears on her young Flemish--8 in.! And Cali isn't full grown yet either.

Your bun sounds big, though! It will be fun to watch him grow.


I'd say no so far, but then again,I'mno expert. Carolyn, Pam and Fergi will be able to tell youbetter than I though.

He looks like my Abby, who is a half Mini Rex and half Mini Lop, butthat doesn't mean anything. She's around 8 months now and is 4 pounds,I don't think she'll get much bigger.

Here's Abby (black) and Chompers chilling out.
Ok now I'm getting really curious on my ownaccount, what big breeds are there that are found in the UK and looklikeadorable Austin? If he is a cross what might he be across of?Surely someone has some ideas :p.

Kate :)
ive been looking like mad on the net but i stillcant find anything like him maybe hes a one off totaly unique wellthats what i like to think anyway
Maybe it's a flemish cross.... I just bought arabbit that is now about 3 1/2 months old, and she's a flemish-hollandcross. She is HUGE. She's over 10 lbs and still growing.... I swearshe's grown since I bought her, and that was only about 2 to 3 weeksago. I havent measured her ears yet, but they are pretty long!
ijust found this crazy bunny in my hun to find Austin its mad! its asiberian tri color ive never seen anything like it thetshould call it a tiger rabbit really mad totally mad! i hadto look at it twice i thought i was seeing things!
i dont think so this is what i found

[align=left] [/align]
This is the shy and very elusive Siberian Tri-colored rabbit.They are very rare and I am quite amazed at the clarity of this photo.This is the rabbit that was used in the Monty Python movie, "The HolyGrail". You probably didn't recognize it at first because during thefilming of the movie, the rabbit was in its winter plumage (a beautifulsilky, white coat).
The rare Siberian Tri-color is the only species of rabbit known to becarnivorous. Their front teeth are extremely sharp and deadly. Theyhave the ability to leap tremendous distances with extreme accuracy.Their favorite area to target is the throat. Some people believe thatthe front teeth are hollow and that they can actually inject a toxicvenom into their victims when bitten. Further research has proved thisto be a false rumor. The duck-billed platypus is still the only knownmammal to have any venomous capabilities.
The Siberian Tri-color has been known to supplement itsnormal diet of small mammals with an occasional snack of overlyinquisitive researchers. The photographer who took this picture wasnominated for the "Lago Award" but, unfortunately, he was killedshortly after taking the shot. Only his camera survived. There are noknown instances where the Siberian Tri-color Rabbit has survivedcaptivity due to their restive, wild spirit and nasty habit of killingtheir keepers

Bet you're glad Austin isn't one of those at least, even if he does grow up very big :D.

lol yeah now i know i dont have to worry abouthim trying to eat me i really want to know how big hes gonna get. afriend of mine is giving me her old run but at this rate itll be toosmall for him
6 lbs. at 3-4 months old would be the growth rateof a commercial type rabbit maturing at a weight of 10-12pounds. In the US, such breeds would be New Zealand,Palomino, Satin, Californian, etc. Its difficult from yourphoto to get an idea of body type, so its hard to make a more accurateguess at his breed. We have a similar blue breed in the UScalled an "American" and it has a semi-arch body type (long over theshoulders).

As others have suggested, I don't think he'll mature into one of the Giant breeds such as Flemish.

And no, the "tiger rabbit" is not real -- it is a computer generated graphic.

You may want tocheck out the BRC website under breed standards. Your rabbit does resemble theBlue Vienna that we once had in the US. I'm not sure howcommon they are in the UK.

the closest ive found is the siberian

pamnock wrote:
6lbs. at 3-4 months old would be the growth rate of a commercial typerabbit maturing at a weight of 10-12 pounds. In the US, suchbreeds would be New Zealand, Palomino, Satin, Californian,etc. Its difficult from your photo to get an idea of bodytype, so its hard to make a more accurate guess at his breed.We have a similar blue breed in the US called an "American" and it hasa semi-arch body type (long over the shoulders).

As others have suggested, I don't think he'll mature into one of the Giant breeds such as Flemish.

And no, the "tiger rabbit" is not real -- it is a computer generated graphic.

You may want tocheck out the BRC website under breed standards. Your rabbit does resemble theBlue Vienna that we once had in the US. I'm not sure howcommon they are in the UK.

Once again I am clueless. His face reminded me of Ben that's why I wondered if he was a flemish or flemish mix.

Pam, she has posted several photos of Austin in my thread to her ....

He's definitely cute, I don't think he's a rex but maybe a rex mix. His fur isn't rex.

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