Is my bun too skinny?

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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Union, Missouri, USA
Hi all!

I know lops don't weigh that much in general, but I noticed tonightthat when I pet her I can feel the bumps of her spine through her fur,and I can really feel her hip bones. She looks fine, and I'venoticed her fur is shinier than it was when I got her. Shedoesn' t like pellets much, and I feed her at least 2 cups of veggies aday, usually closer to three cups, and she eats quite a bit of hay (themini bale I bought Sunday won't make it past Friday). Shouldshe be getting more food than this? Or is she probably normalweight? Any info would be appreciated!:)
well..when i feel peapoo you can feel her bonesa little..but i know she gets TONS to eat...i think your supposed to beable to feel them a little bit...sry i cant really help someone can tell us both!:D
Seems to me her nutrition is fine. She doesn'tlook scrawny/bony from a distance, right? If she doesn't, I'm sureshe's fine. I can feel my bunnies' bones when I pet them. BTW, what isher weight?
I'm not sure what she weighs, I don't own ascale. She has a vet appointment coming up soon, so theyshould be able to tell me. She looks fine from adistance.
How old is she? Is she eating alfalfaor timothy pellets and hay? If she's still growing, sheshould be eating lots of alfalfa pellets. If she's not eatingmuch pellets, then you should probably give her alfalfa hay too.

Some of my girls feel skinny too, but they eat like pigs and the vetsaid they were fine when they've been in last. Fey alwaysamazes me with how bony she can be because she looks chubby from adistance. It's just her build, I guess.
I've been told she's somewhere between five andsix years old, and I've been feeding her timothy hay. I'vetried several different kinds of pellets and she just doesn't eat themmuch. She ate them at my mom's, but when she was out thereshe didn't have much choice, it was that or nothing. :(Ithink now that she's getting fresh veggies and hay she'd rather not eatthe pellets, but I'd rather have her eating the veggies and hay overthe pellets, if she's going to choose. I'd like herto eat more pellets, but am at a loss as to how to get her to doit. I've tried putting small pieces of apple in with thepellets, but she managed to ferret out the apple, so that plan didn'twork. :?She acts fine, I'm mostly worried about how I canfeel her hip bones, I don't remember ever being able to feel them on myother buns.