Is it weird?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
I was just wondering, because I've had Flower for almost a year now, but is it weird not to have ever seen her sleep? None of my family have either. I just don't know if it's because she's not totally comfortable with me or not?

By the way, she's not spayed, if that contributes to anything.
I don't think it's weird at all. I have 5 bunnies and the only one I really saw sleep was my rescue Willard. He was totally sprawled out in his litter box with his eyes closed. I had never seen it before. Went over and saw he was completely sound asleep. Stood over him for a few minutes and saw he was actually sleeping.

Kreacher and Dobby will rest but will not have their eyes completely closed. Neville and Luna will take quick little naps but if they hear something they are right up to see. Nothing as sound as Willard was.

Maybe they truly sleep when we aren't there. Maybe that's what your bunny is doing. But I wouldn't worry or think it weird that you or your family has ever seen your bunny actually sleep.

I rarely see my bunnies sleep they rest a lot but not sleep but i haven't ever thought about it to be honest.

Although i do think they can sleep with their eyes open because they are prey animals. And when they do sleep it would be for short periods for the the same reason they are prey animals. And also now that i think of it while they are sleeping they would have almost a 6th scence to wake up intimidatingly if they hear someone coming so they would probably wake up if they heard you coming for the sameeee reason because they are prey animals.

So to answer your question no it is not weird:biggrin:
Thanks for the input! I just wasn't sure if it was normal because of the many pictures I've seen of people's rabbits sleeping. I felt kind of left out, ahaha C:
Hahaha when Harvey isn't being hyperactive he's a good sleeper. He'll watch TV with me and I look over to see his head drop to the side and he is out. Oooh and when he starts dreaming, cutest thing.