is it to late to get lucy

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Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2005
Reaction score
NEWCASTLE, , United Kingdom
hi all

lucy is now over 8 months old

and i would love to get her a playmate

but do you's think its to late

and also would they fight as liucy has been a rabbit who gets all the attention

varna xxxx

Hi Doll!

It's never too late, the biggest hurdle is to make sure that Lucy likes the new rabbit and they can get along.

On occasion, when Buck Jones wanted a mate for his rabbit, he'd takethe rabbit to the shelter with him and introduce the bunnies up foradoption individually in a separate room. It gave him a chance to seewho his rabbit liked - or not.

You might consider doing something similar. Even if you go to abreeder, take Lucy with you and see how the potential boyfriend woulddo with Lucy.

From my experience, they don't seem to 'need' a mate to be happy. Aslong as they have someone to love - human or rabbit - they're fine. Ioften wonder if it was really fair to Tucker to take in the other two,but he's stuck with them now. He changed when I had gotten the others.I think he was quite content being the only Rabbit in the house.

I'd wait actually. She may still hit those dreaded "teen years" and the 2 rabbits may fight and then you have a problem.

I'd say that after about a year and 1 month or 2 then you'll be safe toassume she wont hit that stage. The I recommend adopting an olderrabbit (over a year) because you may run into fighting problems with amale at the "teen stage" too.

I don't really know how common it is for a male and female to fight when they get to that age but it's better safe than sorry.

Carolyn's right about then not needing a friend, it's a very common misconception actually.
I agree with Carolyn. It's not too lateto get another one. But like MBB said, they might fight, sobe careful when they are together. Good luck!!!

Hey Varna, check out my postPicturesfrom Mr. Wiggles home! it's possible to find her afriend, but it may take a little work. Mr. Wiggles was over a year oldwhen we got bunny foo foo. Also an adult rabbit might be better, a babymight be too active for Lucy.


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