Is it time to . .

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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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London,, , United Kingdom
This morning, I got my two young buns out of their hutch, and I noticed Milly seemed very sort of . . . lethargic in her ways. I put them down on the sofa, and as you all know from previous posts, Mai has a 'mounting' problem, and immediatly went to get on top of Milly. But instead of just sitting there or running away,Milly made this odd sort of squeaking throat noise, sounded like a gurgling stomach. I've heard her grind her teeth before, and it sounded very different to the noise she made a few minutes ago. I picked her up, taking her away from Mai, and she seemed okay, and started to perk up. When I put the two back together again, she made the same noise when Mai approached. There's no fighting going on, but I think the almost-constant mounting is stressing Milly out. What did this noise mean, and do you think it's time I put them in different hutches?:(


It does sound like Mai is stressing Milly out a lot. I know Fey hated it when Sprite still had her mounting obsession before they were spayed. It's probably best to separate them because of the stress.:(

You might be able to still let them play together, just watch out for any increased aggression. I know you hadn't wanted to spay them, but if you want them to live together then it might be necessary.
I'll look into spaying when they get a bit older. I'll start giving them some alone time from each other, so they don't get so annoyed. What did that little noise mean? Was she just angry?
The noise probably just means that she's disgruntling her and isn't too happy with all of the mounting. My rabbits make noises like that when they're not very happy with me.

Ellie and :bunnydance:Sweet Pea, Leo, Honey Bun, Houdini, Sprite, Evian, Lexi, Dakota, Dawson, Charlie, Byron, Samara, Tamaroa, Paris and Ivey

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