Is it possible to bond three buns? Debating rescuing...

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Active Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Baltimore, Mayrland, ,
My local humane society has a neutered male dwarf bun up for adoption, that I have been playing with the idea of adopting. But I wanted to find out if it was even possible to bond a trio of bunnies. I currently have a m/f spayed/neutered pair. I'm wondering if it is worth the hassle, or taking the chance of disrupting my current bunnies bond. Their bond went through a rocky point when a third (unspayed) female was introduced to them by my brother, where the male kept cornering his cage mate. It took them a good two weeks to get over it :?

Or is it possible to bond a neutered male with an unspayed female? My brother has a 6-8 year old female who is caged alone, but he will not foot the bill to get her spayed ($250 at our vet).
I currently have a m/f speutered bonded pair. I recently just got another male. My pair lives in the living room, and the new male is in a play pen in the living room. So far, his presence has not affected the bond between my m/f pair. I have not tried bonding the trio yet, as I plan to get the new bunny neutered first.

My vet told me that he personally finds the best bonded pairs to be neutered males and unspayed females. I would think that unspayed females might get territorial and aggressive towards the male, but his unspayed females have not fought with his neutered males. I personally have no experience with a neutered/unspayed pair. I don't think we're able to say for certain whether 2 bunnies may bond or not.. would it be possible for to bring your brother's female bunny for a bunny date with the dwarf? That would give an indication as to how receptive she will be towards the dwarf as a companion :)

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